Sunday, May 22, 2005

Mission Statement

Our goal in creating this here blog is simply to set the record straight. It seems to this blogger that the woodwork has been letting its moles out recently, and he is not happy. No, my friends, he is not.

He can understand a need to vent or rant about a current event in a person's life, and far be it from him to deny this need. The problem arises when decisions are made and opinions are formed about subjects, people, and events that they have no business opining about. In other words, people rewriting history in the name of "truth-seeking". Our goal is to challenge them. We have the know-how, and the tools to do this, and with G-d's help, the time will be found as well.


  1. May G-d bless you and give you time and strength to endure.

  2. (You know -- they say "imitation is the highest form of flattery"...) What statements of TA are you opening up for discussion?

  3. I remember meeting TA in a BP bookstore after many years - I realize he is mad at many people, but I miss his old self.

    The fact that every Chabad related factoid has to be interpreted negatively on his website (and others like his) IS bothersome, so I can relate to the cause you are fighting.
    I would be glad to lend you support towards reestablishing some kovod, and benefit of the doubt, towards the Tzaddkim often raked over the coals at

  4. I say live and let live. Create a positive blog of your own. Sometimes it takes too long to change things by trying to remove the bad, adding alot of good can have a much stronger effect.

  5. Now, now people, no need to resort to name calling. just the facts, ma'am, just the facts.

  6. Good for you on creating this site. I've seen too many sites run by Lubavichers that are anti-Lubavich. One of the reasons I set up my site is to give the world a real glimpse into the thought processes and life experiences of someone who is actually frum and who believes that being chossidish both in thought and in actual life is a good thing. I am also Lubavich, so that should be one more site to be counted on the plus side. Get enough of us together and we'll drown out the destructive influences.

    Zoe Strickman

  7. mazel tov on your ninth birthday! just sayin...


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