Thursday, June 9, 2005


Oy Vey! Oy Vey! Willi's on fire
From Rodney Street to Havermeyer
The public outrage truly does inspire
me to strangle my neighbor with chicken wire

My baby's carriage is flying down Division and Keap,
Ripped out of my hands by some anti-eruv creep,
It's enough to make the Malachim weep
I'm staying out of the streets, holing up in my shteep

Things are going crazy in our holy little town,
Eruvs going up- whoops, now it's going down
Name calling, mud flinging, Vaiseh Zucken going brown,
It's enough to make even Yankel Miller frown

Streimlach flying through the air,
It's just not right, it isn't fair
I had my teeth knocked out with a rotten pear
Give me my boots, I'm moving to New Square

(Anonymous, from


  1. And why do we care about poor poetry regarding our neighbors?

  2. Because you guys love very Jew, especially your neighbors. Besides, before you know it, they'll be at Eastern Parkway.

  3. I love them all. Why are we blogging about an eiruv in Williamsburg? Maybe if someone put up an eiruv here we'd have our own action...

  4. I have never been able to get a straight answer on what the Chabad shita on eiruvin is. Does anyone know?
    It also seems that there are bigger issues in Williamsburg than eiruvin. A few posts down this blog they're discussing curfews... not that there's anything wrong with that.

  5. Hey, maybe they could import some deposed Taliban gendarmes from Afghanistan to help control the locals!

  6. Hey CE, ever hear of the Shulchan Aruch, the AR version? check it out, you may find your life's quest answered therein!

  7. Anonymous,
    Why don't you enlighten us all?

  8. Since you mention it, I haven't check in the new one - maybe the footnotes talk about it - since the last time I checked into this was a good 7 years ago.
    I remember when I was growing up that they used to say bshem the Alter Rebbe, that an eiruv is for women & children. I don't remember seeing that in A"R Shulchan Aruch though.

  9. Eli
    the light is only for those who see it

  10. Am I the only one who notices that people who use the name Anonymous tend to bring a wise-guy attitude with them?
    Does Anonymous = Egomaniac?

  11. us anoners don't like such lame things as nmames, were way cooler than that.

  12. Thanks for making my point

  13. cool poem
    is that like, a Matisyahu piece?


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