Sunday, July 10, 2005

ג' תמוז תשס"ה


  1. and for daled tammuz nothing on R'Taam ZT"L?

  2. Hershel has a real job now.
    I think we are witnessing the end of his blog master days...

  3. oh my heshy dont do it. keep your day job. why no more 3am bloging for you. well are we seeing a new
    hirshel? maybe he will change to a minyan jew? will hirshel bloom into to a great flower of resposibility? or will the evil dark blog side take over?
    let us all say something extra to help our man is his time of need.
    be strong.

    and does any one know what blessing I make on my soy crisps?

  4. thank you amshinover.

  5. Why should soy crisps be any different from potato chips?

  6. well soy is turned into a paste and then to a form. potato has the name potato in it.

  7. did any of you fellow see the shmais thing on the Rebbe and the Rav? that was nice.

    I had garlic and onion soy crips today.

  8. The real relationship of the Rav and the Lubavitcher rebbe can not be ascertained from the comments of a retired rabbi from the Bronx.Certainly his comments are interesting but not conclusive. The rabbi Shmais interviewed is not the Rosh hakollel of RIETS with the same name.
    Why not have Shmais or another interview Dr. Hayym Soloveitchik the rav's only son or the rav's daughters.
    Working in YU for 25 years I have heard more than a bit about the rav's visit to the rebbe. Some of it very funny and Mithnagdic.. And I heard these things from people who today are in high ranking positions here.
    To any thinking person it is clear by now based on extant materials in the igros that the close relationship was enjoyed by the Rav with the 6th Lubavitcher rebbe, we still are lacking any conclusive information on any CLOSE relationship with the 7th rebbe except on the basis of "urban legends" dating from Berlin and NY (Of course they knew each other but were they friends ???)

  9. What about the story of the Nichum Aveilim that the Rav went to when the Rebbe was sitting Shiva after his mother?

  10. rabbi kowalsky, writes in his book 'in zaides house' (i think thats the title) of some of his first hand experiences with the Rav in connection with the Rebbe.

  11. hey that "Rabbi from the bronx" was the one who went to the camps after the war. if we had more leaders like that Rabbi from the Bronx there would be less problems in the world today. how many "jewish leaders" are there today who are willing to put their lives on the line?
    this "Rabbi from the Bronx" earned it!
    I am sick and tired of you history dudes. some of us lived what you think you know!!! Go do something and then maybe someone will blog about you!

  12. Sholom Ber Kowalski's book is titled "From My Zaydie's House."
    And in it he decribes that the Rav felt that he had a close relationship with the Rebbe while they were together in University at Berlin.

  13. From a history dude : the Bronx rabbi you praise did not go to Germany after the War. He was a US army chaplain attached to the army that liberated a number of camps in 1945. He did not remain in Germany after the war for any extended period of time. He was not alone in rabbis who served in the US army in World war 2 (many many rabbis served as front line chaplains)although he chose to highlight this event more than the others He is not included in the important American army chaplains who actually helped the Jews in the DP camps. Many of these chaplains were Reform rabbis like Joseph Klausner.
    If you lived this event (the Bronx rabbi coming to the DP camps )then your life is very strange indeed.
    By the way the son of this Bronx rabbi is a distinguished university profesor at Yeshiva University who is the ultimate history dude who has written several major articles and scholarly studies dispeling and debunking many myths in modern days by which Orthodox Jews live by.He almost certainly will one day head this wonderful institution.
    Finally no where in my original blog do I cast any negativity on the Bronx rabbi other than to remind our readers that this is not the Rosh hakollel and talmid muvhak of the rav by the same name speaking.As I said the words deserve consideration but are hardly conclusive in light of what I heard from other talmidim of the rav...

  14. oh my did I hit a raw nerve,I happen to know both Rabbi S's and they are both fine examples of what a Jewish leaders should be!Your info on the "Bronx Rabbi" is not all true. and he was the first ORTHODOX Rabbi to go to the camps after the war. Rabbi S also helped to make YU a better place!There are lots of people out there who like to forget what kind of place YU used to be. Yeshiva U. today is a fine orthodox Yeshiva thanks to people like this "Rabbi from the Bronx".

    you know that when Rabbi S. was in the bronx he had one of the most popular shuls and had an effect on the whole Bronx. That "Rabbi from the Bronx" was a gift from Hashem. I only wish that everyone here does half of what that man did in a dying place like the bronx he was a light in darkness, why the bronx was left out to die. even Chabad had very little going on in the bronx for all these years. now If you think my life is "strange" shall we go into your history? what do you do that has made YU a better place? why is is it not the great Yeshiva that it should be.DO you even know that YU was made to produce leaders for the jewish People. well...?there are some fine people but where are the Rabbi Belkins of today?People like Rabbi Belkin put there life into YU and where did it go?
    nice book sales?In the field of law all that you state is hearsay. what I said is fact. I only hope that YU grows in a positive way. It would be nice if I would see it!

  15. HT,
    If you are done with your blogging career, why not say so.
    That would save me from checking back every once in a while.

  16. To anonymous.
    What did i ever say against rabbi S. of the Bronx ? By the way since when am I the issue here and since when am I an executive or Rosh at YU ?Am I Dr. Belkin's successor ?
    What I do have ,are the numbers of several excellent Orthodox psychologists who may be able to assit you in daling with your issues.

  17. My dear K.
    I am sorry that you are just an observer. but you did state that Rabbi S. is just a retired Rabbi from the Bronx. I am happy that you have people who can help in time of need. One should never look down on other people. Mental illness is nothing to make light of. The only thing is those who put their head in the sand and act like there is no problem. Those of us who do take life, health and the jewish people as our work are not pleased with your putting down someone because he does not fit in with your "idea" of history. I do have a question for someone who is working at YU for 25 years how come you act like you have nothing to say? You like to point your finger at the whole world. you like to say what is wrong with people who could be your own father! but when it comes to something that you put 25 years into you state you are not the CEO! I do wish you well in your life. and am sorry if I hurt you. to finish this thing. I hope you will agree with me that both the Rebbe and the Rav were gifts to the Jewish people and we as they did should learn to live in peace and love. good bye K. and be well.

  18. Lets get this clear : Rabbi H Schachter from the Bronx is a well known rabbi who served his congregation his Borough and the US Jewish community in a sound and competent manner. He was rabbi, chaplain teacher and national communal leader.I believe he also taught rabbinics at RIETS . I wish him all the best AMUSH ! I wrote to emphasize the fact that one should not confuse him with the rabbi of the same name who is a the rosh kollel of RIETS and regarded as THE talmid muvhak of the rav in Learning.
    As Jews and as rational people we believe al pi shaim eydim yakum davar.
    There are and were plenty of executives at YU (presidents, deans, vice presidents, roshe yeshiva etc) who held high office and had decision making powers who should be blamed and /or praised for things at YU today. But I am just a "gornisht" with no decsion making powers. Why blame me ,(I can only be blamed for my own life and that of my family) its like blaming a low level state dept bureacrat for the US policy towards Israel ?
    I share your feelings about the rav and rebbe and I think you totally misunderstood my original comments. Zayt Gezunt und shtark !


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