Tuesday, November 22, 2005

כ' מרחשון תשס"ו

BeHemshech to what was said earlier about Avigdor, and the titles bestowed upon him, I feel it's appropriate to quote the Rebbe Rashab N"E,

משיחת י"ט כסלו תרס"ד תורת שלום עמוד 44

האב איך פריער געזאגט אז היינט איז נתגלה געווארען חסידות, היינט איז חסידות יצא זכאי בדין ...... און אזוי ווי ביי חנוכה איז געווען להשכיחם תורתך ולהעבירם מחקי רצוניך, אזוי איז דא אויך געווען ..... און דא איז דאס געווען דורך א אידען, דער ס"ם האט זיך מתלבש געווען אין א אידען.... טאקע אביגדור וואס אין אים האט זיך דער ס"ם מתלבש געווען אויף צו פירען דעם קיטרוג.....

It's worth a look.......


  1. Bei mir iz er noch als Rav Avigdor zt"l.

    You Chassidim can't concede that hisnagdus can be/could have been lishmo ? (Disclaimer - ich hob em nit gekent perzenlech - but the reflexive automatic assumption by certain Chassidim that all hisnagdus is automatically associated with impure motives, should be adjusted).

    And, lishitoscho, if the 'samech-mem hot zich mislabeish geven in a Idden' - sounds like sort of that he was overpowered by an external force. Ayb azay, he should be viewed more leniently, lichayre (lishitoscho) ?

  2. Ms,

    Ilmoley hakodosh boruch hu ozro, you would be correct

  3. He's not viewed as anything, he's ignored. I guess the vort is that in order that the Samech Mem zol zich mislabesh zein in em, he had to be "worthy" of it, hence the disdain.

  4. "He's not viewed as anything, he's ignored."

    So why was he mentioned at all ?

  5. All Chabadskers know to say is history from 200 years ago.Avigdor, blah ,blah.Then they claim he is ignored, what gives?.
    Using the same logic, one can understand, why the great nisoyon of meshichus sheker 'eez arays gekummen dorech a idden' veda'l

  6. 1) Rav Avigdor is not around today to defend himself against these charges from Lubavitchers.

    2) Accounts from just one side of a dispute cannot be relied upon.

    3) Therefore, until I hear a fair and balanced accounting of such history, he is still Rav Avigdor to me. A Rov in klal Yisroel bei mir hut a chezkas kashrus, biderech klal.

  7. Misnaged
    you're full of it. Chezkas Kashrus you say? and the Rebbe has none, because your Naarishe Rov told you so?

  8. Tzig, please stop 'hacking' about 'mesirah'.It seems that the chasidim were full of mesirahs too.'Misnaged in law' posted some info on it on your nemesis' site.There are letters about it from that 'tekufa'
    Just curious.....who do you think 'masered' Goldshmidt to the Russian goverment?The most probable ones are those 'good jews' who don't like competition aka 'chabadskers'.They are the ones who have an axe to grind.....


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