Sunday, January 1, 2006

Kelmer Chinuch

"The Alter (of Kelm, HT) knew exactly what he was looking for in Talmidim: (of the Kelmer Talmud Torah, HT)

Those who will bear the yoke together ith friends without any thought of personal benefit or Kovod, and will commit themselves to conduct themselves according to my words and advice. Every Talmid had to pass the rigorous scrutiny of the Alter to be admitted. Only those posessing a refined manner, some wordly knowledge, a thirst for spiritual elevation, and, in most cases, a recommendation from their Mashgiach could hope to gain entry. " (Katz, Tenuas HaMussar)

How many of today's Talmidim would've passed that test?


  1. I spent some of my Chanukah gelt and bought "Rav Dessler". "C", it's misleading. That's all I can say for now.

  2. Contrary to popular belief Kelm was not the bastion of Kedushah that Litvishe Yidden make of it. What I mean is not to say that it was Chas Vesholom the opposite, rather that it was more of a Tikkun HaMidos place. This is obvious from the above post and comment and from what others have written as well. Although they supposedly had mens' and womens' sides of the street, that may have been more for order than why they do so in Square. The Alter wore a modern suit and trimmed beard, that was part of his idea of "Kovod HaBriyeis". That's my opinion, what's yours?

  3. What you write is probably true about Kelm then . But thats the kicker there is NO KELM today. We are so megushemdik here in the USA that there is not hava amina of a Kelm.
    The yeshiva in Kelm known as the Talmud Tore was an instituion for tikkun hamIdos and many erliche men studied there amongst them the Mirer mashgiach Reb Yeruchem ZT"L.
    Although Navarodok exists in name in the US in spirit there is no attempt at reviving it , for the same reason.
    In France Reb Gershon Leibman did succeed in this goal.(thats the claim made)
    I wonder if todays Tmimim have the same level of Kedusha, avoda and "Haskole" that the talmidim of the Rashab had.
    Discussions I had with Reb Zalman Shimen and others lead me to think that its all a Cholom !
    Spirituality in the frum world is a lost art.
    Kelm and Mussar have disappeared . Novorhadok is lost. Chabad is no longer a Chassidus taking about Pnimius rather PR and a Tummul and Shturem are the new key.
    Toldos Aren has moved from an elite chavraya of Ovdim to a group of people who forge their rebbe's Will and are constantly fund raising and TL -ing the rich fat cats in Flatbush and the 5 towns.Ashlag has to a certain extent degenerated into the kabbolah Center thing. The founder Reb Yehuda Leib Ashlag was a kadosh , a rav and a mytic a nd a COMMUNIST. What a man !!!
    Kotzk is gone. Rav Kuk's mystisism has ben replaced by a rather mean fanaticism about the importance of independence of Israel for the Jewish RELIGION. The yeshiva world has substituted Lomdus for the Nefesh Hachaim and Mussar.Most other Chasidic groups have substituted Lomdus and Chumros for true spirtuality.
    For all the talk of Ichshar dara, in terms of ruchniuth we lack people like Reb Arele Roth, Hillel Zeitlin, Franz Rosenzweig, the Koshnitzer rebbe, the Nazir, Reb Itche Masmid and others.
    Alas !

  4. Kurenitzer

    you're saying that all is lost! what will the next generation have?

  5. Zayt zich nit meyayesh. The new genrationis (your geneation )far better than mine ! Tremendous renwal of interst in things spiritual.Time will heal the wounds.I look at Or Israel and Heichal HaBesht, Zandz, Beth Aron VeIsrael, Chassiduth Mevueres, etc. and I am nishtomem , mi bara ele ?
    I am impressed.


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