Monday, January 30, 2006

Of Bans, Earthquakes and Tsunamis

Rabbi N Kamenecki at YU

From an e-mail I received through Baalbatish


  1. you, Mr. Yeshivishe guy, doesn't know?

    איך נפלו הגבורים

  2. sammy kaminetzky from philly yeshiva?
    or his father R' yackov ZATZAL?

  3. Isn't he the auther of "MOAG"?

  4. Sammy?! oy vey!

    it does say "N" Kamenecki.

    he is the author, zezmir.

  5. this post is akin to coming into a restaurant to eat, and being told that the steak i ordered is still running around in the field outside with the understanding that i have to go catch, shecht, and cook it.

  6. Tzig I got no patience to hear the whole drosha, can you please give a "בקיצור"?

  7. friends;

    posts like these happen from time to tim either because of lack of time or lack of material to post.

  8. A YW editor refers to a choshuve RY like that ? What's going on here????

  9. Mr. Tzig,
    It would be nice if you would attribute the links that you have on your blog.
    On my blog the Kamenetzky Link went up on January 25 and the Yated editor link on January 29th at 2:53 AM
    You have a great blog keep up the good work.

  10. baalbatish

    I received it as an e-mail without a source. If you wish you can post the link here and I'll post it to the thread.

  11. Thanks. I hope I am doing this correctly.

  12. Yesh L'Hoer that RNK is the son-in-law of the Suvalker Rov, HaRav Dovid Lifshitz, who was the Rosh Yeshiva in RIETS for many years, so maybe RYK would not object.

  13. Synopsis to follow shortly, iy"h. Some pretty heady stuff said at the shiur.

  14. I just listened to the shiur.
    It was interesting to be sure. There were a number of things I agree with him on, but his logic in explaining why the Tzunami (for example) is not a message for Klal Yisroel is unbelievably poor.


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