Thursday, January 5, 2006

Who's the photographer here?

That's right, !אויך אן אונזערער

Samary Gurary

Crimea, Yalta.
The meeting of the heads of the three allied countries – Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill
February , 1945
Collection of Moscow House of Photography

א פרייליכען ה' טבת אלעמען


  1. is that

    !!!! אויך אן אונזערער

    אויך אן אונזערער

  2. I'm not sure, does being a war-photographer make you a "Nebach"?, maybe he was drafted and chose to be a photographer?

    Who was he anyway?

  3. Why does it have to be either '!!!' or 'nebach'? Why can't it just be? You, Hershel Tzig, think you're running the bais din shel maaleh. You can't make a single comment without immediately making a judgment call. Why? Where does this need to brandish everything either good or bad come from?

  4. being a war-photographer does not make one a nebach neither does it make me proud of him

    if he ever did any mitzva let us be proud of him wheter his name is Gurary ,snhuerson,titlebaum,or desleer
    if chas vasholem not it is a nebach on kalal yisreol one more jew lost

  5. ok, reader

    so we won't say nebach
    all I wanted to bring out was that some guy named Shmaryohu Gurary was there in Yalta to photograph the 3 gretest knackers in di velt for the Soviet Union! Ein Kleinikayt!

    It must be a Jewish bichlal and a Lubavitcher thing Bifrat, always looking for an Unzerer who's accomplishing something.

  6. FYI not all Gurary are Lubavitcher there are ruzanir Gurarys as well

  7. so then word it as an accomplishment as opposed to a possible flaw on their part. You present the most wonderful things (a lubavitch kid who witnessed history in the making, a beautiful story about the fridiker rebbe and the brisker rav...) with such a questioning tone, you always add in a few words, a question, something to make sure that we know your disdain for the very people you talk about!

    We should be proud of the Unzerers- ofcourse that's natural. But we shouldn't concern ourselves day and night (as you do on your blog) with making harsh lines between the unzeres and the others. I guess it makes you feel secure that your inner circle is so exclusive, so impenetrable, that almost nobody is good enough for it.

  8. is this the famous r dishon? the pontificating is very like him.

  9. Samary = Shmaryahu. He is clearly related to unzerer Gurarys - besides Jimmy AH, Nosson Gurary AH's father was named Shmaryahu.

  10. reader
    if you did this psychoanalyzing stuff for a living you'd be at the welafre office every week. Sorry.

  11. who are the Rizhiner Gurarys, are there any around now?

  12. Who are he Ruzhiner Gouarys ?
    In rav Rifkin's sefer one has a seder haYuchsin of the Gurary family. I recall my father telling me as a child that they were related to the schneersohns I guess he meant through the Maharal.
    Perhaps we are confused the Horensteins were mostly Ruzhiner (Boyan) and only Reb Moshe and his family became chabad,

  13. Roosevelt gave away the store.

  14. Samary Gurary was very famous photograf in Soviet Union. He was freelancer as well as photografer of "Iswestiya". He was very close to all the leaders.
    His line is:
    Samary- his father Michoel-leib, his father Berkha (Krementchug) - his father Shmerkha (Krementchug).

    I think, this Shmerkha is the same Shmaryahu, the great grandfather of Rashag:
    Shmaryahu - his son Zalman - his son M.-M. - his son Rashag.

    So, this Samary should be second cousin of Rashag.


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