Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Great Old Sound

What I'm listening to now

These old LP's sound great!

Can you guess who the soloist is on "Boruch Hu"?


  1. When did this event happen ?
    Is the man with the snap brim hat in the film Reb Shalom Ber Schneerson ?
    I just love his robe, did Mr. Hanz make it up ?
    Excellent !!!

  2. The event took place Hoshana Rabboh 5766, and no, Kurenitzer, it's not SB Schneersohn, he wears a Homburg hat. I'm quite surprised you don't know what he looks like!

  3. Hirshel, Ich bin nit kin Chasid of Reb Sholom Ber Schneersohn. But you are correct in the photos of him I have seen he does not wear the typical Chabad fedora.
    Question did the rebbe wear a tisch chalet in his home ?I recall reading that in the early years he once came to 770 in some chalat.

  4. thanks for the bobov video..that was fun....

  5. Who is the soloist?
    Sounds Israeli.

  6. Anonymous (of 1:45:43 pm)

    the soloist is the man in the white robe......


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