Friday, March 31, 2006


No, I'm not doing Tshuveh and becoming a Yeshivisher, I want to bring up a point.

According to Moreinu HaBaal Shem Tov, the Ma'amar "כל הנגעים אדם רואה חוץ מנגעי עצמו" That any shortcomings that a person sees on his friend, איז דאס מנגעי עצמו, it's a Negah that he has, and he sees it in his friend in order for him to rectify the situation.

If so, and using that logic, do we say that Chassidim suffer from a Gayveh problem, hence the accusations against non-Chassidim?

Do Misnagdim suffer from questions in Emunah that they question anybody and everybody who makes a statement about a Tzaddik, and do they have hidden affinities for X-tianity that they accusee others of adhering to its principles?

Do Kanoyim have issues with women and Shmiras Eynayim that they "see" everything that could be problematic and always focus on it, even before Kol Nidre?


  1. I guess I have to stop trying to read the comments - see posts above.

  2. no, you don't. You'll just have to wait a short while for your comment to appear. That was a failed experiment. I hope that you can realize that a jerk like that shouldn't be allowed to ruin a good thing like CIRCUS TENT.

  3. I can definitely, as long as you keep it on permanent moderation. Good luck! Don't let the Shmaryas and mentalblocks get you down.

  4. N

    let the proceedings begin, but remember this, if you vote to turn off comment moderation and win then you'll be forced to deal with some real vulgar and perverted comments. I won't mind if you don't mind. :-)

  5. depends how you view the fault in others, LS V10 P noach

  6. Whats yeshivish about this picture? Lubavitcher chassidim also wore the same yarmulka, see the picture of the RAZA, and the Rebbe's grandfather rabbi Yanovsky of Nikolaev. All other clothes match what a Lubavitcher or any other erliche White Russian-Lithuanian Jew wore.
    I will repeat myself for the millionith time until 1940 95% of all Chabad people were Lithuanian-White Russian Jews and except for Nusach , Hashkofa and minhogim were culturally and psychologically part of Lithuanian Jewry.

  7. Relax, Kurenitzer, it's just a picture. I need to post a picture so I posted that one. Don't learn too much into that.

  8. Too late I already had to take a Xanax (Nusach lita .5) . Thanks , I enjoyed the blog about the Zeide in America today. Excellent !!!


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