Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Boro Park celebrates

.......... Negative


  1. Nice to see that the B'nei Braker have returned to using the term KAT for Chassidim...

  2. well, it's like this:

    You have lots of people with no life, no work, and no money. What they do have is lots of time on their hands. So what's a bum like that to do? he throws Pashkevillen!

  3. Funny also how nobody is willing to sign their name to that scrawl. And no, the usefully generic "Truthful Hareidi Judaism" don't cut it.


  4. While you are picking through the garbage, keep a lookout for those empty soda bottles. They are worth 5 cents each, which is 5 cents more than that smelly document you posted.

  5. Its not worth going crazy about. "maale voz fara pashkvillin dreyen zekh arum in mist".
    I also think Lubavitch must face the fact that most other Charedi groups are much more insular than they are and are very worried that their youth leave the misgereth of their own sect or group. They see Lag BeOmer parades as threats to their control over their children.
    Hardly justifiable, but we can understand them.
    While Chabad ses these events as Klal Israel events others view them from their own sectarian viewpoint, with great suspicions.
    Halevai the daycomes soon when all Jewish gropups can work together

  6. what does that paper say? its basically why put it up against ginsberg's kiddush hashem?

  7. Yasher koyach for posting the poster from Bnei Brak. It gladdened me to see that people are standing guard in Eretz Hakoydesh.

    כדאי הוא מרן הרב שך זצוקללה"ה לסמוך עליו בשעת הדחק

  8. Vaboylnik
    the question is what are they actually guarding? I'd say a society that stinks from the head up.

  9. Kurenitzer

    קיינער ווערט ניט צוקראצט, it's just to show the public what we're dealing with.

  10. Hirshel-they don't all shtink and you guys don't all smell like roses.There are shticklech fun chelbinoh in various places.Even מרן הגה"ק הרב אלעזר מנחם מן זצוק"ל זי"ע didn't say all was perfect by his people.


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