Monday, June 12, 2006

ר' מאטל גורארי' לערנט זהר



Can't a fellow learn in peace without being hounded by 2 photographers?!


  1. What's the story with this guy?I see him in Williamsburg ,often.Does he have an office there? What does he do for parnuseh?

  2. Looks like a מתוק מדבש and not the סולם. Lucky for that.

  3. Faish

    Reb Mottel is the Rov of the Chevrah Shas shul in Crown Heights. He also has a real job, selling Insurance if my memory serves me correctly. I know that he's involved with organizations out of Williamsburg like Ozer Dalim Barditchev, he travels with them as somewhat of a guide on trips to the Ukraine. A Ziser Yidel.

  4. The מתוק מדבש is nice, and Reb Daniel Frisch was a nice man, but it's pretty shallow, the commentary that is.

  5. Where is R'Mottel from originally-Russia or Eretz Yisroel?
    Is he kin with R'Shmaryohu, eydim by the Lubavitcher?
    I see him eat lunch in Greens Restaurant in Willy

  6. Avremel

    I'm not quite sure what "shallow" means in this context, please explain.


    Can you maybe enlighten us on the Rebbe's opinion of the סולם?

  7. Faish

    איך געדענק נישט אויף דער מינוט, ער איז פון רוסלאנד, נאך די קריג איז ער געווען א שטיק צייט אין פראנקרייך דערנאך אפשר אין א"י און שוין יארען וואס ער וואוינט אין קראון הייטס

    ער איז פון די גורארי' משפחה, זיי זענען אלע איינס

    נעקסטע מאל דו זעהסט אים פרעג אים צו דו קענסט זיך צו-זעצן, ער איז א געשמאקער איד און וועט מסתמא האבען קיין פראבלעם

  8. Happy to see he learns in a frock and hat unlike others ...

  9. Kurenitzer

    come on! whom do you mean to שטעך with that comment?

  10. tzig, he is also a תלמיד חכם

  11. Berl

    the "Ziser Yidel" was למעליותא

    ניט ח"ו פארקערט

  12. Reb Mottel does have an insurance agency in Williamsburgh. Years ago he advertised in the Tzach list. I've met him albeit briefly and heard him speak - he is a real chossid who knows his stuff.

    He is related to the other Gurarys - no one is sure how as according to a story I heard from a relative of his, his father passed away before he was born and he never got the full information.

  13. Itzik

    just because he didn't know his father means he doesn't know his Yichus? C'mon! Reb Mendel Futerfas also didn't know his father and we all know where he came from. וכהנה רבות

  14. I know his son in law - I will ask him to clarify the story the next time I see him (my version comes from someone not as closely related). It does sound strange.

    I have, however, heard of plenty of stories of people named what they thought the name of their ancestor was, and then they found out the name was wrong.


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