Saturday, June 17, 2006

........מ'זאל ניט וויסען

End of Shivah and Asifah for R' Yosef Yitzchok Eidelman ע"ה

אחרי מיטתו של רי"י איידלמאן ע"ה

Fund for the family administered by the Vaad HoRabbonim

Donate to Keren Eidelman

The Eidelmans, Matusovs, Raskins, Pinsons, Lipskers and so on have always had a special place in my heart, although I never had a direct connection with them. Yidden who lived במסירות נפש in Russia for their whole childhood, who agreed at the request of the Rebbe to continue that "lifestyle" instead of making good in America, deserve that respect. To see a Yid who lives במסירות נפש for close to 50 years, suffer so much as to need to sit שבעה for his child is nothing short of heartbreaking.

Reb Yosef Yitzchok was a special Yid in his own right, a Talmid Chochom and ידען אין חסידות, his passing came as a shock to all of Chabad.


1 comment:

  1. The Eidelmans, Matusovs, Raskins, Pinsons, Lipskers and so on have always had a special place in my heart, although I never had a direct connection with them. Yidden who lived במסירות נפש in Russia for their whole childhood, who agreed at the request of the Rebbe to continue that "lifestyle" instead of making good in America, deserve that respect. To see a Yid who lives במסירות נפש for close to 50 years, suffer so much as to need to sit שבעה for his child is nothing short of heartbreaking.

    Yasher koiach, Herschel. I have been to Morocco and having met Reb Leibke Raskin AH, who I miss intensely, and Rav Sholom Edelman yblct"a I agree with what you are saying 1000%. In fact, Harav Matusof is now the eldest member of my present shul in CH - sadly we cannot communicate due to his age related deafness and my heavy accent when speaking French or Yiddish (or Russian), but it is not hard to see who he is even in his present timeworn condition (he is 89 ad chaim nitzchi'im).


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