Friday, June 23, 2006

Bryna Bercovitch, A Life.

The good old days, they werent so good...
I was cleaning up last night and came accross an article that I read long ago about The life of Bryna Bercovitch.

So, I wondered if any of you readers would be interested...


  1. Nobody found this interesting? Oh well...

  2. since i'm the only reader here i'll speak out for all of us. Why in the world would you think this is interesting to anyone? What angle is there? What is particular about this story that would peak anyones interest? its a typical sad story of that era of a girl because of circumstances, going off the derech and into a meaningless tragic life...there would be an angle if perhaps we all knew her brother or who father was or? she is just another anonymous story of her the post is like picking up an obituray section of say the new york times 50 years ago and posting that...

  3. Gee N,
    You sure are hard to please. I found it interesting - I'm sorry if you didn't...

  4. I don't think i need to be pleased. I'm rather looking to have a little fun here and help you with advice. We need to determine whats the point of the website. If its for the sake of posting whatever you find interesting, well it succeeds by definition. Just keep posting whatever and it'll be like a personal scrrapbook that other people can look at. If you wanna see blogger discourse and interaction and maybe new points of view eminate from posts then content selection and presentation/format is crucial and can't just be whats interesting to you. i don't mean to be a spoil sport. i don't see much posting by anyone lately, so i'm just trying to let the cook know whats goin on...

  5. I hear ya.
    Maybe when the real Tzig get's back it will be more stimulating. I guess I'm a bit on the boring side...

  6. Mrs. Bercovitch's writings are very depressing. But I LOVED her son's name - 'Sacvan' (after Sacco & Vanzetti) Bercovitch! LOL!


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