Thursday, July 6, 2006

ישיבה-לייט letting loose

See it here

For some reason when I tried to embed the video it wouldn't work, so click on the link.


  1. i can't stand this kind of 'jewish music'. It makes me sick. and the video presentation of which i could only stomach for a minute is not much different in style than MTV or whatever. I'm not opposed to jewish music, nor the use of a video, making a music video per se, but this is trash and periferally jewish at best.

  2. n, come on! boys (including jewish boys) need to have a saftey valve, stop being so up tight.

  3. It's summer now. Lighten up. Boruch Hashem that they don't have to spend their whole summer in a cubicle.

  4. Friend

    Is that supposed to be some kind of jab at me?

    Is sitting in a cubicle a bad thing?

  5. Ch"v. Es "chato'ai" ani mazkir.

  6. speaking of cubicles, eh never mind...

  7. Good show must have been produced by the Dalter phone Slobod Her

  8. You guys are all babies. Either that or you have never been in a good Camp in your lives.

    Who cares that they are moving their lips too quick or too slow. It was a good laugh for me, and I'm sure the campers must have too!

    YW Editor.

  9. check out gruntig, plenty of lubavitcher music videos, 'letting loose'

  10. to 'lighten up...jewish boys need safety valve...need to let loose'

    you would be right and I would laugh it up as well if this was a real life candid video of boys having a good time and jumping on kitchen equipment etc....

    how does watching this video (one that although more innocent mimics a goyish production provide a saftey valve/letting loose? it doesn't. it primarily entertains. the meduim for entertainment i would say, is not jewish even though it features jewish boys and marginally jewish music.

  11. why is jumping on kitchen utensils better than what they're doing? why in the world can't it be a bit more organized than jumping like apes on kitchen equipment??????

  12. I mean't above comment re saftey valve from the boy's perspective, not the viewers.


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