Wednesday, September 6, 2006

ניגון 459

[As suggested by Mottel to Snag]

(A group of Alexander Chassidim in a Novardhoker Yeshivah)

פרעגט דער מתנגד צו דער חסיד
?וואס איז ג-ט , וואס איז ג-ט
"ענטפערט דער חסיד דער מתנגד "חמור דו, חמור דו
לית מחשבה תפיסא ביה, לית מחשבה תפיסא ביה

פרעגט דער מתנגד צו דער חסיד
?וואו איז ג-ט , וואו איז ג-ט
"ענטפערט דער חסיד דער מתנגד "חמור דו, חמור דו
לית אתר פנוי מיני', לית אתר פנוי מיניה

לית מחשבה תפיסא ביה, לית אתר פנוי מיניה

Now, I'm not one to believe that "Snag" is a Misnaged, he knows too much, I think he's a Lubavitcher, either current or former, who's having a good time at my expense. איך פארגין אים מיט'ן גאנצען הארץ

I also don't believe that Chasidim get a free ride based on the Chasidim of yesteryear, nor should we judge Misnagdim based on what their forefathers did. (Although most of today's Misnagdim are descended from Chassidim.......)


  1. So much love emanates from this song. Not. Is this also in the name of Ahavas Yisroel?

  2. I guess we Lubavitcher can claim "Lubavitcher Rage". Being called the "כת" and worse rubbed us the wrong way and these are the results.

  3. 'We Lubavitcher'
    Lol, what shaychus do you have to Lubavitch??
    Go back to Pupa or wherever the hell you came from

  4. Tzig,why did you mess up this lovely song? In the original version, brought to the Zanser Ruv by a chossid of the Tzemach Tzedek it says Malochim,Srofim,Oifanim veChayois Hakoidesh instead of Misnagdim.Why drag it down from the heavenly domain of the melochim to Lithuania?

  5. Yoshe

    where do the Malochim fit in here? do they ask the Chossid?

    I just copied it word for word from a tape.

  6. anybody else see me say "we Lubavitcher" in the post? what's this hater screaming about?

  7. what and where is the Tape?

  8. Tzig,
    Anon is refering to your comment in which you write "we Lubavitcher can claim Lubavitcher rage".
    But what's the difference, If you're in, you're in, who cares where you're from. If you're not in, then he might have a point...

  9. Chasidim=violent thugs see:Kakmar fights, Bobov fights Klausent* etc..
    Lubavitch=Stam a bunch of mushugoim,Elvis sightings and new branch of Christianity known as Rebb-anity

  10. The niggun can be found on 770live as song by Horwitz -a ba'al minagin with a less then amazing voice, but an abnormal ability to remember a myriad of nuschaois for each nigun.
    I've heard fregt der misnagid sung with chayos etc. (I.e. that only a yid can farshtei elokus through mitzvos etc.)
    However, I know that Reb Mendel Futerfas would sing fregt der misnagis as found above.
    As a general note, chassidim often speak down at misnagidim with the intention of working on the misnagid sh'be'kirbo . . .

    As to most 'snags' these days coming from chassidisher blood:


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