Friday, September 15, 2006

!די אונטערשטע שבת פון יאר

א פרייליכן שבת


  1. Tzig-

    did you go to NYc to hear helfgot s'lichos?-- it was beautiful!

    I remember from an old post that you are a fan.

    He did some well known pieces- the end of ashrei, and aneinu. Didn't do misratzeh, probably b/c he had a time limit.

  2. I never had in me to go "listen" to Chazonim at times like this, i.e. Slichos, R"h Y"K. After all, am I going to hear a performance, or ask for forgiveness?

    Besides, I was working last night at 1am.


  3. It was at 10:30, and you could have done normal selchos after, but I get your point!

  4. does YM live in NY now? I've seen him here the last 2 Shabbosim.

    Also, what is it about Chazzonim that they compose Shtiklech Chazzonus on the parts that evetybody rushes up like עננו, מתרצה ברחמים etc?

  5. And where does the 10:30pm time for Slichos come from? it's נישט אהין און נישט אהער

  6. 10:30 is probably when they can get the most congregants of park east to come. Or maybe, the heimishers from NYC to come in to hear YM.

    I dont think he lives here, they gave out a schedule of the weeks he will be here (about half of the weeks of the year.)

  7. YM just moved to BP, 46th St and 17th Ave



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