Friday, November 24, 2006

Heichal HaNegina Link

Special Shalach Manos for the Rosh Yeshiva

You needn't bother with the whole long post, just scroll down halfway to the "Shalach Manos for the Rosh Yeshiva" part. Unless you really want to.


  1. Not read Yitz's whole posting?? That is heresy!

  2. well, then so be it, Mr. Prez. I'm going to he-- anyway, being that I'm not a believer and all....

  3. Tzig

    Sorry about the delay in reading your story, but I fail to see why you're sooo impressed with a man who made the FR's life a living hell. Besides, the story lacks any substance, so what if he cried when he heard Lulay Soyruschoh?

    Two thumds way down from this reader.


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