Sunday, November 19, 2006

Pics of the Day

Thanks, COL


  1. No pictures of the riot?

  2. BELEIVE ME, SNAG, my Internet was down till this very minute. I heard nothing save for my wife telling me she heard something this morn in Crown heights. I'll try and find out more.

  3. So who is learning from whom?The Lubab from Ponoviz or vice versa, or maybe both learned from Satmar?Or maybe all you frummies learned from the Taliban?
    Feh, all of you!!!!!
    unfortunately ich bin a frimmer but I'm starting to get nauseated by all this filth and machloikes

  4. Tzig, 'ch hob gemaynt az dee beest der groiseh chused, ober 'ch zei az dee beeest gebleeben shluffen in der heym oon gelost dee meshugoim chorev machen dayn chasides

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  7. "So who is learning from whom?The Lubab from Ponoviz or vice versa..." Well there was a substantial ChaBad community in Panevėžys before WW2. There could have been sufficient cross-pollenation between the Baryonim of both Kreizen in those days. Definitely not something to be proud of regardless.

  8. Runamok
    Thanks for the link, interesting.No mention of a 'substantial' Chabad community, though.Sounds more like they had a shtibel (with the rabbi running the very unlubavitch custom of sholosh seudos for thirty two years straight.Ok I'm being cynical about sholosh seudos, so have a sense of humor)
    Whatever the case I can't take the behavious of the so called 'chareidim' with all their different stripes and hats and silly chitsoiniyus.And I say this as one of them

  9. Lubavitcher Chasidim, We need to wake up and remove this impurity and wickedness from our midst. These vicious thugs who viciously attacked Chasidim and Shluchim at random had every intention of doing their dreadful work.

    Stink bombs, fire extinguishers, eggs and tomatoes were prepared earlier in the evening to be launched at those that were to come to 770 after the banquet. HUNDREDS of Chumashim, Siddurim and other holy sefarim were stacked up and then used as weapons to be thrown. This was no flare up. These animals knew way in advance that this is what they wanted to carry out and they would do their mission at any cost. And now a young Shliach has both his legs broken.

    Rabbosi, I was there. I saw the murderous fury in their eyes even before the Farbrengen started. If we have any care or sensitivity to what is right and just we must seriously come together to remove these beasts from our midst.

    To the esteemed members of Anash of Crown Heights: Stop your stupidity! We know your dislike and distrust for Rabbis Krinsky and Shemtov and you may or may not be right on that issue. But you are allowing a growing tumor to eat away at the very being of our Rebbe's community! When you go against something on their agenda they will pounce on you just as wrathfully. Remember what the Gemara tells us: "Hamisrachem al Haachzor basof yachzor al hamisrachem" which means One who has mercy on a cruel person will end up being cruel to one that needs mercy.

  10. Let's see if anything happens.My guess is it's going to be business as usual.Crown Heights is meshichist land, many shluchim are not, they have seen first hand what a terrible thing meshichism is for Lubavitch


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