Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Post Election Blues

Years ago an election defeat like Republicans suffered last night would've knocked me out for a couple of days. I'm a sore loser by nature. This time I see and realize that there's no point in mourning what the new leadership will do based on the predictions of pundits alone. So I'll wait it out and hope for the best. It's just a shame that good guys like Rick Santorum couldn't hold on. At least Joe did.


  1. Takeh sad, Santorum was a good guy.
    People need to realize that Penn shuld no longer be considered a swing state - it's really a part of the North Eastern leftist block

  2. There was a Repub in Maryland running in a Dem district, the name is Moshe Starkman, seems like he's a frum guy. He lost bad, but it was nice to see him on the ballot.

  3. Yea, There were 2 frum republican guys that lost bad out there.

  4. The news only gets worse for you, the Dems have now taken control of the Senate. G-d help us.

  5. I'm not shedding any tears for Santorum. The Senate is probably better off without him, and Casey isn't so bad.

    And boruch hashem we're rid of Chafee. There's an old old joke that the definition of mixed feelings is when your mother-in-law drives over a cliff in your brand new Rolls Royce; I had something of the same feeling about Chafee's loss giving the Ds the majority in the Senate. It hurts, but at least we no longer have him around.

    The most disgusting results of the stupid voters are the election of that Nation of Islam leader, and CAIR supporter, Ellison from Minnesota; and the re-election of Nifong in North Carolina. Nifong should be a defendant, not a prosecutor.

  6. Don't get bummed out, now that good ol' Charlie Rangel is chairman of the ways-n-means commitee there oughta be mucho dinero headed to NY! We just need some Villiamsburger contacts to figure out how we get a piece of the action.

  7. Levik

    can he still be bought by new contacts after all those years in the Congress? I don't see why not, eh?

    Anybody got the dude's phone number? I need to buy a house.


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