Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sign Here, Please.

Please sign petition titled Demanding Action from what Happened in 770 hosted with free Petitions hosting site.

I guess it's a start.

UPDATE: 5:36pm

Here's what Chavrei HaKvutzeh are demanding:



    Tzig, Can you believe these meturafim??? I want WAR! I want to see everyone of these sickos the hell out of USA.

  2. Well, You gotta hand it to them, they're good spin doctors. Stalin had nothing on these guys.

  3. My list is growing fast, already over 50 signatures. For so long we (Lubavitchers) have had to deal with the frum world accusing us of all being the same and just as bad as the nuts in 770. Finally I see people are standing up and taking a stand. It's a beautiful day. I hope this petition reaches into the thousands. I will personally hand deliver the print outs to 770 and make sure everyone in crown heights knows that people DO want change!

  4. raboisai, sign the petition, you do not have to be a crown heightser

  5. According to the pro-taliban petition referenced above,
    the sign over the paroches was put up "with the clear approval and agreement of the Rebbe"? When did this happen, and how was this supposedly expressed? Through the Igros?

    (BTW, people here do realise, don't they, that "taliban" means "talmidim"? Just checking.)

  6. Wikipedia thinks it means "seekers". There are strong parallels, though - the Taliban was based on and reinforced by students from radical Islamic madrasas. The word madrasa is, of course, related to the Hebrew word "drash" as in "beit midrash".

    And Hezbollah means "Tzivos Hashem," but you knew that already.

  7. well, Joe, Hezbollah was founded when?

    in 1982, a year or so after Tzivos hashem was founded, so who plagiarized whom?

    also according to Wikipedia it means party of, not army of G-d.

    so there.

  8. Tzivos Hashem, as a name used by Lubavitch for kids earning military-style ranks for learning and doing mitzvos, is much older than 1981.

  9. Milhouse

    I may be wrong, but I believe in 5741, at Hakofes with the Rebbe is when it was "founded" no?

  10. Did you not attend Gan Yisroel before 1981? Tzivos Hashem was part of Gan Yisroel for many years. What was founded in 1981 is the current organization that exists separately from CGI.

  11. milhouse, what is going on here? The Rebbe founded Tzivos Hashem as a children's group in 5741, the sichos are available! How did TH become mixed up with GI?

  12. It saddens me to say this, but the writing of the meturofim is soooo much better that of their detractors! The electronic protest against the tzefatim everybody is being urged to sign isn't even intelligible…

  13. Here is the other side of the story, the true side.

    Today I cry, as I read what some people want to do to us. They have names for us like “Meshichistim,” or “ Tzfasnicks”, is it not enough that we have to wear Yellow Flags on our garments to identify ourselves? Is it not enough that we have to sing together loudly and shout while others are davening just to get noticed? We have been persecuted by the right for many years. While they get to Daven upstairs we are kept downstairs in the basement cellar. While they have offices they were given, we have to squat just to get a place of business.

    While you have stores to go to for clothing and other stuff we have to shop in flee markets that are open on cold street corners and in courtyards of buildings. While you eat in fine establishments like mermelsteins, we get to eat whatever is handed to us, (cholent, cookies and milk in 770).

    While you are out working and bringing in your hard earned dollars we are stuck on Sunday giving out dollars. I find it hard to believe that you people who feel that we should be thrown out, or our visas should be taken away from us would have the audacity today to come out on a website to say something like this.

    Our people have been persecuted for so long its time for us to be heard. And unlike your way of violence our way is the right way.

    What some of you might say from looking at a picture of some of us throwing a bench as us trying to hurt someone, what really happened was, there were so many true mesiras nefesh shluchim in the room that we tried to make room, while taking out a bench it fell and it might have hurt someone or broke his leg. By the way we are very sad about this and would like to offer our help to this shliach, it is a thought that maybe we should send a delegation to Vietnam to live by him, and eat by him and sing with him.

    What some of you think was us hitting or punching others, really what happened, we were so happy to be around such true people that we were putting out our hands to dance with them, as we were singing loudly such a wonderful song. Which, leads me to the next issue, while some might think we were trying to make noise as some were trying to farbreng, really we were singing in-between speeches.

    So as you can tell, we are very hurt by what some of you are calling for us to be thrown out, as we are just peace loving Jews who go out of our way to just fit in.

    One last example of how we help out, the wood on the walls in 770 were getting old, so instead of spending money to fix it, we came up with a genius plan and wrote signs on hung them up all around the shul. So now instead of being afraid to bring in your supporters to show them an old building you can show them a room with great art hanging on the walls.

    Please remember, we are the ones who for so long have had it so hard, and we are the ones that just want to help in anyway we can. (By the way you can send in your donations to us, Make your check payable to Terrorist Squatters, 770 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY) For $300. you can help save one boy from the dirty streets of Tzvas and help bring him to the US&A where he can join us in our love for peace and quite).

  14. How did TH become mixed up with GI?

    It didn't "become mixed up" with CGI, it was an integral part of the CGI experience for decades before 1981. Anyone who attended CGI before 1981 can attest to this. (Just how many decades before, I don't know, but I suspect it goes back to the earliest years.) What it didn't have was a separate central organisation, existing all year round, and reaching out to kids who didn't go to CGI. That is what started in 1981.

  15. Flee markets? Is that a euphemism for street sellers of "hot" goods, who flee whenever a policeman appears?

    BTW, what is with people calling the place "Tzvas"? AFAIK, a tzvas is a pair of tongs. Af tzvas bitzvas asuyoh (courtesy of my Tzivos Hashem days :-) ).

  16. Any details about the Bochrim's walkout from Labkowsky's shiur?

  17. You mean when he condemned the violence? I know nothing about it.

  18. I mean when he condemned the bochrim for "mixing in to the afairs of the hanholo" when they submitted a petition against the violence

  19. I mean when he condemned the bochrim for "mixing in to the afairs of the hanholo" when they submitted a petition against the violence

    Are you kidding me? That's his problem? And what the Tsfusser did didn't warrant a condemnation?! Why, of all the low-down dirty................


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