Thursday, December 7, 2006

ווי קום איך צו חב"ד

ר' מענדל וועכטער דערציילט פאר "כפר חב"ד" ווי אזוי ער איז אוועק פון סאטמאר און אנגעקומען קיין חב"ד חסידות און צום רבי'ן. עס דארף צו זיין העכסט אינטערעסאנט
!קויפט און האט הנאה


  1. I wonder too. I wonder if he goes into detail how he felt while being left to die by members of the "Malchus Shel Chesed" that is Satmar.

    Probably not, he's too eidel a Neshome.

  2. Oiy veh, all the snags and reshoim will come out of the woodworks, Der yid, Der blatt,and you local bloggers that are obssesive chabad haters, to rehash the old pudding,

  3. Maybe, maybe not. We'll wait and see. I do believe that most never regretted what they did, to this very day. You would think that Jews have more Rachmones than that.

  4. the guy that was the big bully regrets it badly,he has alot of problems in his personal life.

  5. did he ever call R' Mendel and apologize? ask forgiveness?

  6. I wonder what RMV thinks about his einiklach being far more "modern" than himself?

  7. I wonder what your Zeide thinks about you using the internet.

  8. Wow we have some nevi'im here.
    '''the guy that was the big bully regrets it badly,he has alot of problems in his personal life. '''
    How do you know?

  9. Vechter should have known better than trying to infiltrate a chassidus and chapping young kids, if Satmar sent in a guy into Lubavitch to take them out similar stuff would have happened.In no way do I condone any violence,but for the record Vechter had been asking for trouble and was warned, he was not 'almost killed' that a Chabadsker bobbeh mayseh to make SatmAR loook even worse.Hey Chbadskers, did you like when the pictures of Rebbitzen Chana Gurarie were spread after being attacked by a Chbsker, who, as you Chbskers explain, could not 'contain his rage'?She looked awful, just as bad as Vechter.The truth:Both cases were somewhat exaggerated, both Chasidisen have 'chayes'.Lubavitch only lately with the riot in 770 was forced to admit that sometimes they 'love' their fellow Jews almost to death.Yechi

  10. The truth is that this should not be rehashed. Fights between Satmar and Lubavitch are ancient history, and everyone knows how R'Mendel Wechter came to be where he is now. Time to forget the incident - but Kfar Chabad has been a waste of ink and paper for years now (as opposed to its competitor which, except for a few pages, can probably be used as asher yotzor papier) and I guess they need to stir a very old cholent pot.

    We and Satmar have far more in common than we think - and soon CH and Williamsburgh will practically border each other as Satmar expands by leaps and bounds and we slowly expand.

  11. "The Big Bully" who instructed Mendel Wechter to deceive teenagers under his care to become Lubobs against the wishes of their parents has big personal problems now, in his Royal Residence and his huge family is fighting among themselves like cats and dogs, zei brechen di shpiglen fin zeier eigene Rebbe as I have prophcized publicly at my my weekly Tanya Class.

  12. yaacov shimon, di bist a lowlife pye tzaddik. git shabbos.

  13. How does sharing this story bring one closer to Hashem and His Torah?

  14. I haven't seen the article, but he probably shares how he came to Chabad, not what the gangsters did to him.

  15. I was told that the violence was mentioned only briefly. I'll pick it up today or tomorrow and read it for myself.

  16. I did read it today - only an oblique reference to the violence along the lines of "we all know what happened," as well as a paragraph about his move from Willy to BP to EY,


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