Monday, December 4, 2006

My Ramblings elsewhere

Here's what I wrote in Response to Schneur's comment on mentalblog:from Minsk to Pinsk about Stoliner activities in the Former Soviet Union

he wrote:

This shows that Chassidim can do Kiruv work, build communities etc without publicity associated with the Other group.
I can't even find a picture of the current Stoliner rebbe in the Karlin Gazette.
Schneur | 12.03.06 - 3:08 pm | #

Here's my response there:


If only it were that simple. With Karlin NOT taking pictures is their publicity. Meaning, that the whole shtick is for the Rebbe to stand there at all public appearances and cover his face so that Chas Vesholom nobody should take a picture.

There's even a video clip at a Siyum Hashas in Israel where the KR stands there while all others are dancing and holding hands with his hand over his face! A Very strange pose, indeed. He took it from his Zeide who was very against pictures. In Karliner shul if they catch you taking a picture G-d help us.

As far as Propagating their Rebbe, Lubavitch has nothing on Karlin. They're Farkeyft in him like no other. ,em>Mamesh a Kodeysh MeyRechem, based on a supposed blurb from his Zeide that he'll be born with a major birth defect. They threw Kvitlech into his crib! And all this without seeing Epes Gadlus in Teyreh or Aveydas Hashem like was seen in the Rebbe.

They even have a Moshiach twist, singing ויצא חוטר מגזע ישי about their Rebbe. All they're missing is a little Sefardi and BT influx.

I have a great love for Karlin. When in Eretz Yisroel I would go to the Tish every week. But don't judge a group you know very little about based on a visit to a website.


  1. Hirshel, you mock Karlin, make them sound like feeble-minded idiots throwing kvitlech into a baby's crib, in the next post you critique the rebbe severely for selling the shuls and yet you want us to believe this: ''I have a great love for Karlin. When in Eretz Yisroel I would go to the Tish every week. But don't judge a group you know very little about based on a visit to a website.'''
    C'mon don't lower your level to the crazy Russian ferd who made you open up your website

  2. to faish
    Please try to explain the stoliner phonemom of Yenuka's?

    At least the Yenuka was holy from Birth coming from 2 holy parents. But to the current rebbi this is not applicable, by today he probably matured into a oved hashem, but what was all that yenuka thing when he was in his early chidhood stages.

  3. I'm not Karlin and I'm not into yenuka business.My point was that Hirshel was speaking from both sides of his mouth, he mocks them, makes them sound like primitive idiots than says he loves them and used to go to the tish.
    Btw, Karlin was a tiny group in the United States when the current Rebbe was a yenuka etc.Most people joined Karlin through the years, so the stories of kvitlach when he was three are not very accurate

  4. They were a small, but very devoted group. They were Chassidim of Reb Yochanan who wanted to continue his lineage. To them Lelov was not an option. I know many of them.

  5. thanks Faish for clarifing the myth.
    since you profess to have some karlin knowledge, is there some truth in the story of the tea and the rebetzin?

  6. since it is a primetime blog I can not explain more

  7. You are totally wrong about BT influx.


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