Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Not Good Enough For The Yated

3 young Bochurim died in Israel yesterday, very tragically to say the least. They were traveling around the Holy Land bringing Simchas HaChag and Mitzvas HaChag to lonely soldiers in deserted outposts and army bases. Yeah, they were "Chabadskers" and therefore unworthy of living in the same country as some of the fine, fine, B'Nei Teyreh, but kids are kids, and a story like that would be tragic anywhere. They left grieving parents and friends. Yet, for some reason the Yated Ne'eman, the newspaper that prides itself on being the "only Newspaper under the direct jurisdiction (for lack of a better term) of "Moronon VeRabbonon Gedolei Yisroel" found it necessary to bury their deaths on page 18 or so, and report it as such:

שלשה צעירים נהרגו וחמשה נפצעו בתאונה קטלנית סמוך לאילת

Not very sympathetic, are they?

This topic is discussed at great length, and my point is not to cut and paste from HydePark's BeChadrei Charedim, but rather to awaken us all to the travesty that has befallen our people. The travesty I speak of is the rise of Snagdism as the dominant force in Israel. Snagdism was thought dead not long ago, especially 30-40 years ago, but we've let it lay dormant and grow. We allowed it to gather its strength and rearm, and now look where it's gotten us. To the point that others who disagree with them are "UmMentschen", and deserve as much mention as roadkill.


  1. Does the Yated usually put deaths of bochurim on its front page? (Just asking...)

  2. the point is not whether it got front-page coverage, although here it got coverage in the "Rachvei haAretz" section. The point is that it got almost nothing and failed to mention that these were three Charedi Yeshivah Bochurim, as they would've done for anyone else.

  3. Why are you putting the worst possible spin on it ?

    Sometimes a story comes in late, when the front page has already been made, so it ends up in the back for that reason. Maybe that was involved here.

    "To the point that others who disagree with them are "UmMentschen", and deserve as much mention as roadkill."

    You are going way overboard here. Why must you fan flames of sinoh ? If they felt so negative about it they wouldn't have put it in at all.

  4. Do Lubavitch publications put snag news on the front page (or anywhere) ?

    A Telshe Rosh Yeshiva (R. Barkan z"l) was just niftar. Is it in the Lubavitch news ? I don't think so and I don't have a taanah if it isn't. But you have a big taanah here ????

  5. You pointed right, that "snagdism" became dominant. It doesn't mean necessarily that harsh opponents of Chasidus are dominant. But non chasidic mentality became common even amongst chasidim! In Eretz Yisroel - yerushalmers were the ones who pushed it, in America - Hungarishers. Together, these to approaches melt pretty good, but they tend to push out Chasidus with their values. Many so called chasidim today think like misnagdim of old. Using chumroys as the only goal in life, being opposed to learning of Chasidus and Kabolo, scorning ones who work and don't learn all life 24-7 and etc. All these valuses are purely anti-chasidic, but are very dominant unfortunately.

  6. Snag,

    I don't think that is HT's point. It is, rather, that they found the space to report the accident completely devoid of the context. They may as well have been out joyriding, sipping beers and listening to loud music or somesuch. There is nothing here to mention that they were even Yeshiva/Mesivta students or the like which is an egregious omission in-and-of itself IMHO.

    I recall a "Family Corner" column in the American Yated some years back that quoted "A Rabbi" having a conversation with less-than-frum people about his wife not having a job. He replied that his wife ran a home for unwanted children - their own. "We asked around but nobody wanted them". I recognized this immediately as lifted lock-stock-and-two-smoking-barrels from a book by R. Manis Friedman! So much for B'sheim Omro! If it's a Lubie/Chabadsker/(insert other derisive name here) Talmid Chochom the rules of Bizayon do not apply.

  7. After previously commenting that you do not find this newsworthy to post on your blog...It took you more than 24 hrs. to post this & only after you found some insane way to politicize it. You're pathetic! Shame on you!!

  8. CR -

    1) Maybe they didn't report the context because they hold bochurim (esp.) shouldn't go on mivtzoim like that.

    2) While it's not impossible that there was an ideological angle in your bisheim omroi complaint, it's also possible that the person forgot where they saw it, or heard it from someone who said it shelo bishem omroi. These are maasim bichol yoim. After all, even in divrei Toyrah and Chassidishe maases, there is often confusion with people not properly attributing things. People forget and get confused. It's not always deliberate.

  9. Snag:
    1. "Is it in the Lubavitch news ?"
    What do you mean by Lubavitch news? If you mean by those sites and that like which focus solely on what's going on in Lubavitch, then I would not expect a mention. Yated, however, claims to be a newspaper that covers just that news . . . news around the world.

    2. What's wrong with bochurim going to be sameach other yidden that would make them undeserving of special mention? Had something happened, r"l, to a group of bochurim from another yeshivah going , say, to be sameach eltere yidden in an old age home, would they have scorned such an act as well?
    Me thinks not.

  10. Anonymous:

    Shame on me? maybe. But not for this. I did not report the accident because I saw no reason to do so, it was reported to death. (excuse the pun) But all other papers, the HaModia, Yediot, Maariv, Haaretz all had big "splashes" on a very tragic story. All except for the "rusty nail", of course. These boys were just not worthy.

  11. This is not just "another" Yungerman dying prematurely. This is a major accident in Israel, a "human-interest" story if you will, that shook up the whole country, being that they were out doing good on Chanukah.

  12. "Maybe they didn't report the context because they hold bochurim (esp.) shouldn't go on mivtzoim like that."

    Shtus DeL'umas Zeh!! Leave out the mivtzoyim if you like. They are still "b'nei teyrah" or whatever you might call them. That is, unless the Lubie/Chabadsker/(insert other derisive name here) cannot be considered such. Leaving out that details leaves the storyline open to the leitzanus impression I list above. The result is to mislead the reader. Geneivas HaDa'as by another name.

    "'s also possible that the person forgot where they saw it, or heard it from someone who said it shelo bishem omroi. These are maasim bichol yoim. After all, even in divrei Toyrah and Chassidishe maases, there is often confusion with people not properly attributing things. People forget and get confused. It's not always deliberate."

    Have you ever heard of a library? Google? The latter makes sourcing a snap today; within seconds you will have the original source of even the most esoteric quotations in hand. Besides, it is the responsibility of a publisher to get the facts right before going to press and. Claiming ignorance is not an excuse but makes you a Karov LeMeizid.

    Let's forget the halachic implications; this was a clear ripping of copyrighted material without attribution. When I went to college this was called plagiarism and could get you expelled, aside from the legal implications. Also, this was not a Yemei Kedem maaseh but an unsourced quote from a book published in our lifetimes. The plagiarizer KNEW who wrote it and tried to hide it, perhaps even giving the impression that HE came up with the story himself. Disgraceful, no matter how you slice it.

  13. This is sickening as well as deceitful. If they had been boys from any other circle they would be hailed as kedoshim and the Yated would be filled with quotes from their Rosheiy Yeshivos and rebbeim.

    Not for those wicked Lubabs!

    On a side note Hirshel, I despise the terms “Chabadskers”, “Chabadnikim” and “Chabadniks” They really irk me. I refer to us as either Lubavitchers or Lubavitcher Chassidim. Let the morons with greasy brisker peyos call us whatever they please but you should refer to us in the correct form.

  14. Camp Runamok

    IIRC The Rebbe SHL/ZL has a shtikel in his Pirush on Avos ,Perek Kinyan Torah(in case you grose chachomim were not aware that is the name of the last perek)
    saying basicaly that if you mamash
    derher a vort it is Nasah Dilei and you can say it over in your own name.
    I realize that there is a large chiluk in the issue at hand however I would love to see how you or others can respond with at least a modicum of respect for someone that is not Anash.
    will you take the bait?

  15. Oh by the way there is a site

    yeah they are only snags

    that put up the following as soon as it came out.

    Eretz Yisroel: Three killed in tragic car accident
    December 20th, 2006
    Earlier today, (Tuesday) three Chabad Yeshiva Bochrim were R”L killed and two others are in critical condition, when the van they were traveling in overturned. The accident occurred near Eilat (Southern Eretz Yisroel). Please say Tehillim for three Bochrim still hospitalized: אהרן בן מתילדה, אלכנסדר זוסמן בן חסיה, אברהם יהודה בן פייגא

    it included pics.

    I even found out before my Anash Menahelat school. He knows the Montreal family.

    Again you all will say that there is a chiluk-it was not in Yated- however your sinah is Bippumbi
    we all know how much you are into "Viahavta " before Teffilah

    BTW has anyone asked a shayle to the Igros if the Rebbe approves of using the term Snag?
    try it i am sure He will tell you what you want to hear

  16. look how awful thos snags comment on the news about the 3 boys.
    no rachmunis those litvaks

    Eretz Yisroel: Three killed in tragic car accident
    Earlier today, (Tuesday) three Chabad Yeshiva Bochrim were R”L killed and two others are in critical condition, when the van they were traveling in overturned. The accident occurred near Eilat (Southern Eretz Yisroel). Please say Tehillim for three Bochrim still hospitalized: אהרן בן מתילדה, אלכנסדר זוסמן בן חסיה, אברהם יהודה בן פייגא

    This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 20th, 2006 at 10:01 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

    10 Responses to “Eretz Yisroel: Three killed in tragic car accident”
    fester Says:

    December 19th, 2006 at 7:49 pm
    baruch dayan emes-may we only hear simchos

    susshow Says:

    December 19th, 2006 at 10:07 pm

    hirsheltzig Says:

    December 19th, 2006 at 10:42 pm
    נאר שמחות

    TMIMUS Says:

    December 19th, 2006 at 10:55 pm
    The age old question- WHY?

    How will the parents and family of these young Tzadikim be able to live on?

    Itzik_s Says:

    December 19th, 2006 at 11:26 pm
    Boruch Dayan Emes. The brother of one of these bochurim AH is a friend of mine who is the Chabad shaliach in Athens, Greece.

    nnuts Says:

    December 20th, 2006 at 2:02 am
    Baruch Dayan Emes. A parent’s worst nightmare. My heart goes out to their parents and other family members. May Hashem comfort them in coming days ahead.

    dina dmalchusa dina Says:

    December 20th, 2006 at 10:14 am
    boruch dayan haemes

    it is a terrible shame
    please post the names of those hurt as i hear one is in critical condition and i am sure can use our teffilos

    PD87 Says:

    December 20th, 2006 at 10:19 am

    YY Says:

    December 20th, 2006 at 11:05 am
    The saddest part about it is that they were en route to bring Sufganiyot and Chanukah joy to IDF soldiers. In fact, the emergency help came from the very soldiers they were going to visit…

    yiddeshemama Says:

    December 20th, 2006 at 11:09 am
    Boruch Dayan Emes. Do you have the names of the two bochurim in critical condition so that we can daven for them?

  17. Figured it was time to speak up myself.

    Tzig, you are a self-hating Jew.

    I hope your rot in hell.


    My website had the story before your lousy blog, crownheightsnews, Shmais and others.


    May the Rebbe strike you down.

  18. That's because you're a news freak, but that's totally beside the point.

    I said NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE YATED. Last time I checked your website was not the YATED.


    bite me.

  19. y.w. editor?!! now! now! "hope a jew rot's in helll"???!!!!!
    who's your Rebbe/rosh etc.?
    he's turning in his grave.

  20. Why are these poor bochurim fodder for Tzigs maniacal hate?Doesn't this jerk realize that you don't use things like this to cause sinas between Yidden?
    Reading the hebrew version of Bechadrei Chareidim, even Dovid Rottenberg, editor in chief and founder of that site and a Lubavitcher from Kfar Chabad begged that this tragedy not be used to cause strife.This while the tragedy is so fresh.Shame on you.Ever heard of 'Iskafya'?

  21. How often do you read the Yated anyway?

  22. I bought it this morning, but have yet to read it yet. Maybe after Shabbos we can discuss this week's issue?

  23. YW

    I don't hate myself, only some other Jews, althought I'm disappointed with myself, I feel I lack shleymus. That would make me a "Other-Hating Jew", right?

  24. Uh, yeah, right. "not like we'll ever embrace the concept of resurrection", because that's really far out, like some other religion, right? Some strange bizarre sect that has added a 13th ikkar to traditional Judaism. Um, I mean a 12th and a 13th; yeah, forgot we only have 11.

  25. It's Mamesh ah Mechaye to see such Brillyanten of Teyreh come out of the Torah'dige Moyl of Yeshiva World. Shteig Avek!

  26. drop dead.

    why must you always attack people?

    Yeshivaworld is a super talented person, unlike hershel tzig who just bashes people all day.

  27. yw is a forger and a fraud who set up a phony link to his cruddy siyte for people looking for a competitor who was mysteriously hacked.


    it must take lots of talent to copy from newsfeeds and take crummy pictures.

  29. Sounds like The Tzig is jealous.
    Hey, Lubab, how much 'talent' does it take to use The Talmudical encyclopedia and The Sdeh Chemed, for your sources.Than everyone says what a boki you are.

  30. Yes, I'm very jealous of the Yeshiva World. Sure. I'd love to write about which Rosh Yeshivah was in Detroit for Shabbos. It's my lifelong dream.


  31. Chassidim are guilty of the very same evil you decry misnagdim for. And you know that.


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