Friday, January 26, 2007

Agudah's looking out for you

Even at the Airport!

The Agudath Israel of America has raised concerns with U.S. authorities about X-ray security machines. In a release Wednesday, the Orthodox organization said it was not satisfied with Department of Homeland Security assurances that “cloaking” software made the images less explicit.

“For many passengers, however, the religiously observant among them, ‘less explicit’ may fall far short of an acceptable standard of modesty,” Agudah said.

It said the department was demonstrating a willingness to cooperate, noting that the Transportation Security Administration several years ago agreed to provide separate rooms for searches involving the removal of wigs or hats out of respect for the modesty of religious travelers.



  1. Who is interested in this?Anything wrong (or right)in what they are claiming?
    I wish you'd stop your freaky fetish with all things Agudah.Are things so good in your Lubab la-la-'chai -vekayom'-land that you can criticize others?
    If only you had a little more seichel, but then again,the only reason you are Lubab is because you have no seichel.

    *poster child to what the parroting of Chassidus can do to you*

  2. I understand tznius to be the opposite of pritzus. I can't see how the use of these machines can amount to pritzus. Surely nobody thinks that people will travel with the expectation or knowledge that they will arouse the lustful TSA employees staffing the checkpoints.

    Furthermore, surely safety is the overriding imperative here. If these machines make travellers safer then it is a clear and direct positive that ought to displace a vague and nebulous negative.


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