Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Aish ambiguity

Israeli Aish has a different tone

It seems like Chabad-bashing doesn't go over very well in Israel, so Aish ran this beautiful article, singing the praises of Chabad in Nepal, and the great public Seder they organize for the masses of Israeli backpackers that travel there.

I guess I should be happy about this.


  1. Aish is slowly being civilized. The savages will one day lay down the spears and embrace the beauty of Judaism.

  2. Moshiach is in the air!!!!!!
    Nissan is the month of redemption!!!

  3. the better question is, why do you care so much. Why dont you focus on what you could do for yidishkeit.

  4. I care because Chabad is very dear to me, very close to my heart, and I don't like those that put down Chabad.

  5. They are entitled to an opinion, and you to yours. Must the world agree with you?

  6. it's realy very nice what they do with this lost souls to be them mekarev

    therefore it's so painfull that the lubavs also try to recreate the
    אמונה of jews and also spread this
    אפיקורסות to all Other jews AROUND the world that the rebbe either was resurected kind of like ישי הנוצרי שר"י

    or as meny in lubav believe like משפיע איציק שפרינגער ותלמדיו who has a yeshiva ממש in 770 that spreads עבודה זרה ממש that the rebbe somehow tunneled out from his grave and is now god ר"ל

    רבינו הקדוש בעל התניא זי"ע!!!

    מי יגלה עפר מעינך!!!!!

  7. Tzig
    You don't like when others put down Lubavitch, but you put others down ,all the time, with Square as the last example.Nice.
    Btw, when was the last time your boys in Lubab put up anything positive about others??
    Can't wait to see Chabad.org put a positive article on Ohr Someach or Aish or any of your competition

  8. Competition? puh-leez. Is a Yugo competition to a Mercedes?

  9. What would you think of a Mercedes owner who went around putting down Yugos? Who is "better" at kiruv is immaterial. There is unfortunately far more than enough work in that area to be done. Add up all that Chabad, Aish, NCSY, et al have done, and it is still not much more than a drop in the bucket. Bickering among yourselves just distracts you from the holy and immense task you have undertaken.

  10. I don't "go around" putting down. I saw an article and wrote a 2 minute post, that's all. What can I say, they rile me up. Maybe I'm insecure.

  11. Sorry everyone, including CAPS LOCK, Tzig happens to be spot on in this one. Aish originally had a designated Chabad bashing seminar as part of the Aish program in Yerushalayim, and took it out when it proved counter-productive. Not because of truth or anything like that, mind you.


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