Sunday, March 18, 2007

Satmarer BT frei again!

(NYT, via mentalblog. pictured here with the genius Sholom Keller.)

The guy was back to his old tricks

Was it the same night that he did Tshuveh?! Did he go there for one last hurrah?

I recognize some other faces there, I would have never guessed, not in a million years. I guess you never can tell about some people. I feel their pain, I really do, I just think there are better, more Kosher ways to vent.


  1. why is there always this voice of false pity, of insincere concern, voiced by frummies as some kind of defense.

    it stinks because it is so cliche, and the same exact words are always heard.

    stam, the rebbe didn't have this tone. perhaps if his chasidim used some of his attitude, there wouldn't be as many problems.

    another point: chulent is not anti-religious, and neither is sevenfatcow. we are just trying to talk about the things most of you just think and lie about.

  2. 1) I never said Chulent was anti-religious, Tzemach did.

    2) Lubavitch today is the last place where you're judged, so I don't see this great desperate need to get away.

    3) 7 fat cows needs to change its tone, and the language it uses. Especially some of the screennames that write there, you know which I mean.

  3. many of the writers happen to be religious.

    as for the language and names, it is an open house. perhaps the first of its kind. and many of the wounded folk there are ignored elsewhere.

    should we shut them all up? if we did not have this completely open policy we would be failing at the very mission.

    i personally object to much of what is being said there, but it still remains a beautiful place for the reason that the very bottom is speaking.

    and sorry, no, many of them at the bottom you cannot hear on kingston avenue...

  4. radlo,

    sorry to use tzigs forum to voice this ....but...dont get me wrong I love the 7fc site and read it often, I know you dont care if I do or dont. I understand what is being written and why people need to say what they say. I think the message will come across a little better if the writers use a little respect....not with regard to their topics or feelings and not with regard to their content but with regard to the way third parties are being mentioned or even with the screen names they choose to post under.

    I think it will add far more credibility to their message and to the message of 7fc on a whole if they stop using language that's sounds like they are a bunch of rebellious teens.

    just my 2 cents.


  5. Havemeyer

    no need to be sorry :-)

    I totally agree, but Radloh is stubborn.

  6. Radloh, some of your posters need to watch the South Park episode It Hits the Fan (the one in which a certain vulgarity is used 162 times). The episode makes a serious point about the appropriate use of strong language. Or take a lesson from the Berrymans (see the last verse in particular).

    7fc often reads like the random ranting of a 10-year-old who's just discovered the F-word, and thinks it's wonderful. For me, that makes the blog unreadable, or at least not worth the bother of reading.

  7. why always negative, Tzemach rome wasent built in one day the haircut was the beggining he is trying to be a good jew and it will take time. give him a chance to become something. Better at Chulent then a Strip Club and that he kept the haircut and "levush" is huge why bash embrace each jew for who he is and what he will become!!

  8. historically these people were never heard. they were always referred to with the adjectives i saw here. and if you would like judaism to cease the ignoring of these people than 7fc is the only solution.

    u cannot tell a patient lying on a couch, to be nice and mutter refined words.

    that said, there are certain beauties and truths being expressed there.

    in the rough, there are diamonds.

    diamonds are more prevalent in the african mud than in the the white pastures.

    these are people who are very isolated, and have never expressed themselves before.

    and if the frum world has a problem with that, well, as malcolm x expressed when jfk was shot, "the chicken has come home to roost"

    the frum world created these people. they did not rise out of nothing.

    one more point. i am the only editor who is ex-chabad. the other editors are from litvish and other chassidc backgrounds.

    i did have an editorial dispute with 7fc and left for awhile. they claimed my posts were too pro chabad.

    i laughed to myself. i guess i was proud. getting in trouble for being a chabadnik, now?!

    one policy i do try and institute is that foul language isn't used in reference to the rebbe. i have deleted many comments to uphold this....he is the only rabbi on 7fc with this policy...

  9. Is that because radloh popped up here - that makes Tzig=Tzemach?

    Radloh makes a true Kiddush Lubavitch :-)))).

    I'm still not sure what is wrong with Purim shaves, chulent Thursday night (not that I would, not that there is anything wrong with that), or fat cows cursing and confusing the taavos of the seventeenth century for modern rebellion. Why make such a big deal? Is that Minhag Novardok, or Minhag Mir?

    Shmarya/Scottie is the only one damned to hell.

  10. Hmmm ,
    You overdosed over shabbos, I can't make any sense of ur comment

  11. this satmarer kid is just a little jerk who needs attention.

    i was in his class in cheyder for years.


  12. We all need attention.Preferably positive, but if not negative.Nothing wrong with that.If parents/rebbeyim realized that, our frummy communities would be in much better shape.

  13. Zalmy, let me know what you can make sense of in this world and I will help you diagnose yourself.

  14. >>Lubavitch today is the last place where you're judged, so I don't see this great desperate need to get away.

    I was judged.

  15. And many are judged. The man said, the last place.

  16. 770 court pappers

  17. Do we need to start a Thorazine fund for Berel Keller?

  18. Shygetz
    Know your place.Stf up!

  19. how many times have i heard frum people say those words about an arupgefurine: "he needs medicine", "er darf a dukter", "an emese mishugener".

    over and over.
    like a fucking tape-recorder.

  20. INFO.

    this picure was taken before purim.

  21. Radloh

    easy on the expletives, please.

    Anonymous (12:50pm)

    before Purim? oh really? didn't they shave his head on Purim? wouldn't it be difficult to grow all that hair in a week?

  22. I know Keller. He is either ADD or borderline mentally ill, but his so called rebellion, much as it may have to do with the circumstances of his upbringing, is easily treated by modern medicine. He admits to self medication with a product that I believe should be legal but is not at present.

    I also happen to know Radloh from the days when he tried to come back after his first departure. He needs his mouth washed out with the strongest cleaner available on the market, but in no way is he mentally ill. Just a little offbeat and majorly grub.

  23. I recognize some other faces there, I would have never guessed,

    Hmm. Recognizing faces.

    There was a woman in our old shul, who davened now & again, until she was written up in the Forward as a "frum lesbian". With a picture or two. After that article appeared, I never saw her again.

    I don't think anyone would have had a problem, really, if she had come back. But the picture made her into a "known quantity".

  24. Thanbo

    was she "outed" in the Forward interview, or did she volunteer? It would make a big difference if she volunteered that information.

    Here, the guys didn't ask for the NYT reporter to snap pictures of them.

  25. shygetz:
    even my critics give me more credit than just being grub.
    it seems like your knowledge of me comes from secondary sources.
    i usually do not reply to personal attacks since they are so frequent.
    it was your tone, which i found offensive. and more about sholom than me.
    it never ceases to amaze me how religious jews talk about their brethren in the most grotesque manner. i guess chassidus and the rebeei'im did not affect anything.
    the cycle continues.

  26. Radloh

    It's hard to be sympathetic towards a guy who spews venom like SK does. If he's looking for sympathy let him tone down the hate a bit, no?

  27. i disagree vehemently with sholom on a number of matters.
    but i will say this. he is passionate sincere and honest. not three qualities most people have.
    as for his views and language. he is young and angry. he just went through a war. he feels very strongly about certain things since he saw what me and you never did and hopefully never will see, or do, or forced to do.

    one on one, he remains a chosid.

    i am not defending his stances, but the intent behind it.

    i once told sholom that he didn't understand that the rebbe wanted everything he screams about. peace, v'chulu.

    it's youth. give it time.

  28. It's also PTSS, if that helps Tzig unnerstand him better.

  29. post traumatic stress syndrome

  30. oh, maybe. Thanks Radloh.

    Although I remember him before Iraq and he wasn't much different as far as his personality goes. Unless you're referring to his whole childhood and the death of his father as the stress, not the war.

  31. Radloh, I stand by what I said. I did meet you many years ago and actually I am surprised that you are where you are today. I was shocked when I figured out who you are!

    You are a grube ying who cannot control his taives. Disguising your style as you did in the last few posts won't change a thing. All it does is prove that a certain weed has some relaxing properties (or the opposite - that you were high, perhaps on a bad bunch of said weed, when posting with all the nivul peh).

  32. shygetz:
    perhaps send in all your comments about your perceptions of me, in one comment, and i will publish them as a post.
    i thrive off negative energy. i don't know why. it's some sort of drug.
    and, as for disguising, that is what thing for which i am not known.

  33. and please, just please, don;t get me going on the real grubkait that goes on in the frum world. across the board. under the bales. behind the closed doors. trust me. don't even dtart.

  34. With you gone, there's a little less real grubkayt. I don't consider good natured kugel throwing, which I experienced very recently and don't much care for myself, to be anything but men letting off some steam in the company of friends.

    In one comment: You're a lowlife pothead who could have been something but you chose the easy path.

  35. shygetz,
    reading you confirms for myself the choice that i made.
    you remind me of the characters in "my name is asher lev" or the infamous grotesque painting by hendel lieberman, , called "der shvitz" depicting in full ugliness those lubavitchers, many of them dead and famous chassidim, who tortured him when he took a different path.

    shygetz, it is obvious that you do not know me. but it is something else that bothers me. the vituperative evil which people like you have caused in religion and most importantly judaism, since its inception.

    the rebbe knew about the likes of you. trust me, i was not the only one writing to the rebbe about the likes of you.

    the rebbe cried and cries about the likes of you.

    talking with this judgmental satanism.

    just one simple line from pirkai ovois should shut you up.

  36. Radloh

    With all due respect: Hendel came back, full circle, and was Fun di Greyse Chassidim later on. I guess you have that plan too?

  37. Reb Hendel took a path of expressing himself through art which was intended for the community. You take the easy route, pretend to be a defender of the voiceless, and hide behind a holier than thou facade when you are nothing but an undisciplined gruber ying who left your wife and children for pot and a phoney alternative lifestyle. If you think that the menuval who wrote Howl has anything to say to we who have the Torah and bifrat Toras Hachassidus, all I have to say is that I hope I don't inhale your fumes by mistake, because I want nothing of whatever it is that you are smoking.

    I think we in Chabad need to learn a bit from Satmar and institute a mishmeres hatznius to get rid of the likes of you before the cancer spreads to young people who think a lack of discipline is cool.

    My ahavas yisroel stops at Jewish shkootzim; that includes the crowd who gives out dollars and kos shel brocho as well as you and Keller. (It also stops at a handful of real frauds in Chabad, but BH I only know one of them and I always have him in mind three times a day during velamalshenim etc..).

    You are not rebels, you are not idealists, you have simply set up a phony idealism and a community that in its own way is far more conformist than CH, in order to mask your lack of discipline. Otherwise, you'd have found a home in an alternative HALACHIC community like Breslov or Bat Ayin - not in some marijuana flavored pot of chulent.

    The Rebbe cried and cries about you. I'm not the Rebbe and the best I can ever do is to chase the likes of you far past S John's Place on one end and Maple Street on the other so you can set up shop among the schvartz yohr where you belong.

    As for me, he wishes I could set up a mishmeres hatznius to clean up CH, starting first with the yellow flags and then moving on to the lowlives. You're the equivalent of the French girl who beat up the Israeli guests and was thrown out of CH, no questions asked, by the Rebbe himself.

    To you I say with a loud strong voice: SHAYGETZ AROYS!

  38. shygetz:

    you have officially become a cow

  39. Shygetz

    a bit harsh wouldn't you say? I understand that we needn't give a carte blanche to those who leave the community, all in the name of Ahavas Yisroel, but didn't you take it a bit too far?

  40. lol.
    trust me i am as arois as ever.
    but tiis time, there are hundreds of us that left but we are not leaving.
    we wil create something now. but this time from the inside, with yiddish, samach vov and pitcha.
    i just found out who you are.
    you don't know me.
    why did you lie?

  41. in fact i never heard of you before. what are you some idiot ba'al teshuvoh? ex-litvak? bp?

    epes di kashi fun toimchai tmimim ligt nisht in di blut.

    not at all, my friend, not at all.

  42. Radloh

    I'm impressed that you maintained your cool while being lambasted by the Sheigetz. I guess that chassidus hut ye gepeyelt af dir.

    I liked the video piece you just posted.

  43. These people want to be embraced by the community as they spurn the halacha according to which we live. They want to be part of something which operates according to rules which they disdain, while they are a subtle or not so subtle influence on those who may be temporarily confused due to the pressures of adolescence or a passing crisis.

    What's more, when they end up physically ill from their sick lifestyle, they'll be the first ones to run to frum chessed organizations.

    Now I know why Lipa Schmeltzer, who I usually don't take very seriously, actually lists "mishmeres hatznius" among chessed organizations in one of his songs. It is a supreme chessed to discipline or get rid of the trash before it drags the rest of us down. If that means riding a few dozen freaks out of the shchuna on a rail, so be it.

  44. If you know who I am, then you may remember that we met somewhere in Europe, where you have a relative who is a very well known shaliach. You were on your way back, and I was shocked to find out that you are Radloh. It could be that I completely misidentified you or confused you with another cow - I'm not perfect.

  45. a gute nacht.
    i'm off to chulent mit a bande fargrebte apikorism.
    but they got soul.

  46. Hey

    let me know how it goes, with all the added publicity. Maybe you'll have some new recruits. Say hello to anybody I know.

  47. Enjoy your chulent, and don't put out your jointele in the chulent pot.

  48. Oh, and by the way, I resemble a bear or a lion far more than I do a cow, so I don't exactly fit in with your bovine set.

    Still, it was fun to spend a little time wading in the kiddie pool of the trailer park of the Jewish internet. I'll be back to visit your sewer sometime in the summer when I'm bored again and all my friends will be in the mountains where I'd get even more bored.

  49. Oh, and I am an ex-litvak and an idiot baal tshuva, but not BP. I buy the gasoline I use to make kiddush Shabbos morning at Exxon, not BP, because the kashrus is better.

    Oh, and what you're doing is nothing new. Carlebach and Schachter-Schlemiel did it years ago.

  50. i didn't enjoy your company at all. and i don't need your chesed.
    maybe become a real lubavitcher.
    finally i understand, after all these years, the meanaing of "unzere ziburis iz besser vi zaiere idis".

  51. You may not have enjoyed my company (I think you did), but it was Simchas Torah and you sure enjoyed my liquor, which was why I brought it to the shul in the first place.

    To tell you the truth, if Lubavitch goes the way the yellow flag wavers and the alternative lifestyle crowd (to say nothing of the modern Lubavitchers) want it to go, and if standards fall any lower, there won't be any room for me or many of the people I know in CH anymore, and we'll be the ones forming a new community.

    Fortunately there is a core of us, either a strong minority or a silent majority, that puts limits on what we can accept in the name of misguided ahavas Yisroel and achdus.

    Remember that the Rebbe himself threw the French girl out of Crown Heights. He also understood why yeshivas occasionally had to expel certain kids.

    And you and your type won't get my chessed. I won't notice you if you're quiet, and you'll get gevura from people a lot meaner than I am if you hang around here corrupting others into abandoning Torah for your weird, aimless lifestyle.

    Go read Howl in the men's room in your chulent shuk, I mean shul.

    Gut shabbos, a freilichen purim sheini, and a heartfelt shaygetz aroys. My wade in your chulent pot is over, and I, too, stink.

  52. unzere ziburis iz besser vi zaiere idis".

    translation, please?

  53. loosely translated it means our worst is better than their best. Our meaning Chabad, Their being Misnagdim.

    Radloh, I guess you're still stuck in Crown Heights, no matter how many acid trips you may have made.

  54. Radloh
    Good! You figured out who you were talking with:Loz dir op, kain seichel hot err nisht, oon dee host gut tzugetroffen, err hot alleh mayles, bt, shoiteh, vechulu

  55. >finally i understand, after all these years, the meaning of "unzere ziburis iz besser vi zaiere idis".<

    I think you mean that you enjoy your friend's company better than your enemies'.

    As a statement of the relative worth of different individuals within society, it's obviously false.

  56. I think I have been mistaken to be somebody else. Images of previous characters, tell my story, libelous evil crown heights housewives, describe, what is my tale, my soul.

    I believe in the god of avrohom yizchock and ya'akov as transmitted through the ages.

    there is not one part of the torah that i question.

    not even the scientific- religious conundrums present any difficulties.

    my secret desire, not so secret to those who know me, is to be a regular shachris-mincha-mariv yid

    and this is what i did 7 years ago, sickened as i was by secular culture, realizing the innate sickness and lie of wester liberalism. i had broken off a friendship with a world-famous poet, a friendship which would gave then catapulted me to fame and wealth.

    at 25 i had written a manuscript which allen ginsberg wanted me to to publish, and had a publisher. i refrained. it was an ugly book about growing up in chabad. looking back, i thank god i didn't publish it. the reason? i had begun learning chassidus, seriously, and combined with the slow developing truth about ginsberg and goyishkait, i had secretly become fascinated by chassidus. somebody mentioned acid. well, i never ever did anything but marijuanna. maybe i'm chicken. but i don't think i need it. with toiras chaim for six hours, i think one can experience something more grand than short-lived acid trips which are not rooted in hard physical reality as chassidus is.

    so how is is that i am not, outwardly frum and how do i reconcile that with yiddishkait, which i continue to study every day?

    well. i will point you to sefer hagilgulim from chaim vital, the mitteler rebbe, reb nachman, and all of jewish mysticism, which is holistic in its approach realizing that the torah does not just cover the life-desires and goals of your run of the mll shachris-mincha--mariv yid

    The torah also covers those, who, because of "noiro alila al b'nai odom", cannot for some reason, practice judaism. yes the torah is there as well for somebody with muscular dystrophy or dementia.

    the difficulties which arise from this, as far as wanton sex, drugs v'chulu, being justified in the name of chassidus, i understand.

    but there is a difference here. i am not saying chassidus justifies it. i am saying chassidus deals with it and explains it.

    the mitteler rebbe has a beautiful passage in parhsas toldos where he compares free will to hashem holding the puppet strings to a wrestling lion and tiger, with hashem pulling these strings of either animal, at will, to suit his pleasure. hakol lihatzoirech shel habirurim d'rapach nitzutzim, all is for need of the purification of the 288 sparks. (i don't have the sefer with me, but i belive that's an exact quote. it's parshas toldos. i can't find it now.)

    meaning, that eventually all yiden end up in the same place, but that there is a system at hand, where certain jews are forced into not performing creation mitzvahs, or being oiver on certain avairos.

    a mainstay of chassidus is the inherent getlichkait of every jew. no matter what. the mitteler rebbe said that you should view another jew from the aspect of attik. attik! that's the level of moshiach. the level where we are all one, together, it's hashem's plan, and realizing it, with love, and perhaps, even now, that is the little secret, to love, anyways, and through the unconditional love, as the tzemach tzedek says, hashem doesn't see the sins of his people, which is covered up with love, and this brings the ultimate union. v'nizkeh, zehn zich mit'n rebbin do limatoh...

    there is a lot more to be said.

  57. Tzig you were warned not to let this idiot asshole shygetz/schier pollute your blog with his crap.You let him kak here abi he defends Chabad and attacks snags.What you don't realize is that Chabad is losing it if they need idiots like this to 'defend' them.
    I'd rather be in Gehinom with Radloh and his cows, than GanEden with this kakker shygetz/schier

  58. warned? by whom?

    stop with the profanity, please. This is a family show.

    Der Shygetz and Radloh went at it, so what? He left now. I hope Radloh wasn't somehow offended by me allowing the statements that he made to pass the "censor." Maybe I should've stopped their sparring a little earlier. But believe me; hell isn't any more fun just because you get to spend the time there with friends.

    Radloh: I apologize if you were hurt by anything I allowed to pass. I appreciate your last comments and your openness regarding yourself.

  59. For all of you with such important questions, try asking the kid himself on his personal myspace page

  60. Dear Radloh

    I cried when I read your account of your father telling you to write to the Rebbe. I cried for your father, for the Rebbe for you and for all of us.

    But you are making a big mistake in your approach.

    The sad story is that the Rebbe told you it is your Yetzer Hara and you should control it! Instead of accepting your eternal struggle you engage in mental contortions and try to justify your actions by saying that G-d is running your yetzer hara! Wonderful that is a moshiachdike attitude. And as the rebbe explains G-d is ultimately responsible and he will fix everyone!! You are Reb levik only difference you are justifying yourself!

    To use chasidus to justify and to elevate your self absorbed pleasure seeking is I am sorry to say obscene. To be choteh umachtih harabim to justify to others their behavior that somehow Odom byahudoson and not just that they are the emmeseh Chassidim is sick. To know that you are sinning and to be ashamed. “If you are sins are as red as scarlet (and you can BLUSH) I will whiten them like snow”.

    There are some in this group that do not justify their behavior they know it is wrong. Others feel a need to say there is a beam in your eye and you are all %$#@!!* hypocrites. But to say this is HOLY is unique!. To degrade oneself and embrace a place of defecation and excrement is one thing but to insert the Torah into that place is something else entirely.

    Since I see in your first video you are already keeping the Rambam’s fashion advice to someone in your position, it is time to follow the Rambam travel advice like others in the 888 crowd did go to a place where no one recognizes you and do what your HEART DESIRES and DO NOT DESECRATE THE NAME OF HEAVEN.

    I feel for you…I know you don’t need no f&^%^$%$ giving you pity but you get mine. For someone to leave his family in the pursuit of temporal pleasure is sad. I understand that everyone has to feel like someone (I am Ginsberg here me howl) but not at the expense of hurting others. Does you really think your daughter will not know who YOU are if you keeps on exposing yourself. There is a limit to exhibitionism. Hub rachmonis!!!!!!

    One thing you have taught people is that they can get 2nd and 3rd chances …one can start over today that is the miracle. if someone comes back today sincerely they will be welcomed just don’t flaunt it in peoples faces don’t rub it into them and you would be surprised in today’s day and age how many people will accept those coming back.

  61. Why do you assume that he excuses himself? Why do you assume that he feels good about himself? Why do you assume that he isn't tortured about his decisions every day?

    Most importantly, why do you assume that he has made a decision to never come back?

  62. Never mind this, who was the French girl and what did she do that caused her to be thrown out?

  63. according to his my space page he seems to be back to his old tricks. Why then did he go through the emabarrassment of having his shaved in public?

  64. The French girls wasn't actually thrown out, she had knocked someone unconscious in 770 over a place, the Rebbe initially said she needs to leave the US and go back to France, then after she begged for Mechilah she was allowed to stay.

  65. So you are saying the Rebbe made a mistake? Isn't that Kfira?

  66. "So you are saying the Rebbe made a mistake? Isn't that Kfira?"



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