Friday, May 4, 2007

Greenies feeling good about themselves

Have you wondered why Gas Prices are up like a dollar since the beginning of the year when oil prices have been pretty steady all this time? Why every day there seems to be a rise of 5+ cents to a gallon of gas? Well, my friends, it seems like it's more regulations for cleaner gasoline that's the culprit, so that stupid rich people, and other Liberals out of touch with the real world who think the world's coming to an end in 2012 will feel good about themselves knowing they didn't contribute to it. That's why we don't Chuck Schumer out there every weekend like he'd been for a while when prices weren't half as bad. Then he could blame Pres. Bush because of his connection to "Big Oil," and get away with it, because the American People are too stupid to realize that oil is a commodity that has its price determined on the open market. I guess now that it's regulation that he passed it's tough to blame others for it, even reality-TV obsessed masses like in America. So Chuckie's very quiet these days, he's on to the next item on his agenda.

So the next time they tell you that they care about the "Little Guy" show him what you pay for gas these days, and how much that eats out of your very limited budget. Show him how your utility, food, and every other conceivable bill has skyrocketed due to new regulations that do zero to help a supposed problem we have. Show him how regulations aimed at not disrupting natural habitats have disrupted human lives to no end, but don't expect results. Not if his campaign millions are coming from Millionaires and Billionaires who for some reason support this kind of regulation.

Even Reuters has no other answer for it.


  1. And what does your socialist-pinko-commie friend, Dov-Bear, tayneh?

  2. You just don't care about the environement, which really is sad, since you have put political convictions ahead of Adam and Chava's only job: To work and take care of the world.

  3. I care very much, I clean my curb and like the fresh air. This is just eco-terrorism, not "caring."

  4. Yeah, Hirshel, that really comes through in your post. Very concerned you are.

  5. david

    what does he say? I don't know. maybe send him the question.


    typical lib answer = you don't care about the environment. Address the points made here, please.

  6. I care about the environment too here are some great ideas you know those filters you put on the fish tanks lets build a huge one two or three for the Atlantic Ocean and then room air filters Times 10000 for the air outside we can save the world oh and of course don't forget to sign the pension to illegalize Dihydroxide its killing our ecosystem

  7. Odom and Chavo's job was to "fill the world and conquer it". Any resource that is not being used for human benefit is being wasted. Wilderness is an anathema. Environmentalism, which is based on the aveidoh zoroh of nature-worship and the pagan/Xian notion that man and all his works are fundamentally evil, is the opposite of Torah. We do not belong to the Earth, the Earth belongs to us – veho'oretz nosan livnei odom.

  8. I hate that misquote about Adam and Eve. Look at the possuk! The possuk is about the garden, not the whole world! That is even the medrash's point: Tend to Gan Eden and you will save the world. Bereishis Ch.1 is about the world.


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