Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Jewish Commies still Believe

Fighting for the rights of the working man, Jew or Arab, battling injustice wherever it may be. In the spirit of Marx and Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, they fight the good fight, no matter how unpopular it may be. Carry on Comrades/Khaverim, We're all with you!

Israeli youths wave national and Labour Union flags during a May Day celebration in Tel Aviv May 1, 2007. REUTERS/Gil Cohen Magen (ISRAEL)

Israeli people participate in a May Day demonstration in Tel Aviv, Israel

Israeli youth participates in a May Day demonstration in Tel Aviv, Israel

Israeli youths wave Labour Union flags during a May Day celebration in Tel Aviv May 1, 2007. REUTERS/Gil Cohen Magen (ISRAEL)


  1. On a serious note hypothetically if Communism dropped its opposition to Organized religion and adopted a more democratic government system, do you believe that their economic program is wrong?Is economic equality among men a negative thing ? There were a number of rabbonim who supported the communsit system among them Reb Itchele Rabinowitz the rav of Ponoviesz and Rosh yeshiva in Telz.It is also reported that the ach hamelech was a supporter of the genleman whose picture you printed here.

  2. You can add the Ba'al HaSulam to that list; He was supposedly a staunch Commie. But I would say that according to the Teyreh no Government has the right to confiscate property and money just to give to others. Tax, yes, but not equality. Give 'em National Health and Free Education, but don't steal from the rich.

  3. Yes , excellent point !!! I am impressed. The Sulam was a real Communist. After the creation of the Medina , he wrote a letter to BG asking (demanding ?) when the new state would adopt the Communist economic system). Give credit to the authors of the bio of the Sulam for reporting all of this in detail. Its a great bio with a measure of honesty. I agree lets not steal from the rich, but you musta admitt that in many countries the rich have spent hundreds of years stealing from the poor , that was the case in Cuba prior to Fidel shlit"a.
    Could we convince Ashlag's "yorshim" in the Kabbalah Center to give back some of their money .
    As an aside your place is becoming more interesting every week. Yeyasher !!

  4. And if Nazism dropped its racial mishugass, which had nothing to do with its core philosophy, its ranks would have been full of Jews. But it would have been the same evil.

    There is no moral distinction between national socialism and communism. None. Nor, for that matter, is there any other significant distinction between them. The conflict between Hitler and Stalin was no more ideological than the conflict between the Sicilian and Calabrian mafias. They agreed on all important matters except mi barosh.

  5. correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the first ever communist ever recorded - Yosef HaTzdik.
    I distinctly remember is economic policy in Eygpt as being a Totalitarian 'collective' state. Everybody had to pool all the resources, managed by himself. Communism, a Jewish concept as clearly define din the Torah

  6. Every system, no matter how false must has some emes - Torah - in it, or it cannot get off the ground.

  7. Schneur you surprise me. Communism clearly does not work, neither in it's despotic form (Stalinism) nor in it's voluntary form (the kibbutz). The very idea of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" simply runs contrary to human nature. I suggest you read The "Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith to understand why so much of human welfare is actually dependent on self interest and not altruism.

  8. Communism has no emes at all. And I'm not surprised that Schneur finds something to admire in it. Bear that in mind next time you read one of his comments: this is a person who admires communism, and who calls Fidel, may he soon die a misa meshuneh, "shlita".

    As for the Sulam, it is true that he was indeed a Commie, and for that reason I cannot treat him with respect. Maybe that's why he was "zeiche" that the Bergs hobn zich tzugeklept tzu im. Motzo min es minei, tartei mashma.

  9. It bothered me that Madonna and the media circus went to the kever of "Rabbi" Ashlag. Why did an "ehrliche yid" deserve such a bizoyon?
    Then I read in Ha'aretz the story of Ashlag and it all made sense. Ashlag wanted kabaalah to be spread to the masses and the Bergs are talmidim of the talmidim of Ashlag. So his wishes were fulfilled.
    Does anyone have a link to info on tha Baal Hasulam? What is the name of the biography on him?

  10. I have heard on a number of occasions that the Previous Rebbe was asked which system is more appropriate al-pi-Torah - communism or capitalism?
    To which he replied (paraphrasing):
    Neither this one nor that one is emes, but both contain elements of truth. However, for Yiddishkeit, while in Galus we fare better under a freer and more capitalistic system…

  11. Milhouse. Where is your sense of irony ? not to speak of sense of humor (Fidel shlita).
    I think I am in good company in terms of offering "food for thought" in regards to the general blanker condemnation of Communism. In addition Judaism itself with Yoval, etc has certain elements of economic equality.
    Finally as far as some good elements of Stalin and Communism, let me quote the Zaddik Reb Shloimke Goldman of Zhvil a victim of stalin, yet he said in Israel (Palestine)that Stalin will be the winner against Germany because he had the zechusim to close tens of thousands of mekome Tumah (Orthodox Churches) in Russia. Go smoke that.

  12. At least with Trotsky we know that he wasn't interested in becoming a dictator, and that wasn't his approach to Communism. That's why he split with Lenin.


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