Monday, May 28, 2007

Vote here, please.

Should I reveal my true Identity?

Never! that would miss the point.
Yes! Most people know you already.
Stop blogging altogether.
It's your call, Tzig.
Who cares?

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  1. Slow news day today, eh Tzvi?

  2. news flads: Hmmm is an ass.

  3. Thanks again for the compliment.

  4. well, it's like this:

    Most people who I daven with and are web savvy know me, although I never planned it that way, they just have a hard time keeping a secret. My family knows me, and certain friends do too. Other than that I guess most people don't know me. I hope you don't feel left out. If it's any consolation I don't know you either, or Hmmmm for that matter. Or Camp Runamok. (where is he?!) Or Snag 1-12, or most others.

  5. Tzig
    If you reveal who you are you won't be able to viciously attack all those rabbonim who did not kiss up to Lubavitch and warned of some of the dangers.You will thereby missing out on your shlichus 'auf derr velt'-'Bashmutzing and basheygetsing anybody who is not mekabel malchus'
    Shliach of the Rebbe linyonei loshon hora oon rechilus.

    N.B.As if you don't know who Hmmm is.You have many times censored and deleted comments against this troublemaker.

  6. BP

    leave your paranoid little mind out of this. Don't blame me when you have difficulty following the simple steps of commenting on blogger. I have deleted nothing, and I DO NOT know who Hmmmm is.

  7. Paranoid is the right word. The snags would love to censor us all, Kotler Uber Alles.

  8. For once I''ll be nice, Heshy.
    This blog goes against your natural character.In real life you are a decent guy, but when the Lubavitch bug gets to you, you become............
    Forget it.It's too late, they did a good job on you.....planted some nasty bug in your brain and the worst part is you really think you are doing a mitzva.

  9. Hmmm
    You are a nasty little troublemaker.
    Who spoke about 'Kotler' here?
    Do you deny that Lubavitch is struggling through major problems, including, but not only:Meshichisten running amok, ruling 770, Tzfas as the biggest yeshiva, with it's crazy Taliban,the major freying out of Lubab youth,especially in Crown Heights(just yesterday I had to be in C.H, as I was passing through the egdes I noticed a couple of kids who looked like white trash and wondered how they got into a black and Lubavitch neigborhood, than I realized that they were freyed out Lubavitchers)\
    I guess that's not a problem for you.
    Lubavitch ubber alles and keep your head deep in the dudu it's in, you may not be mature enough to face reality

  10. boropark, if I thought for a moment you were here for sane discussion I would have a normal conversation with you. Not one of the snags who have come here have been looking for decent conversation. Your insults are music to my ears.

  11. Who cares?

    If people who know you already are aware of this blog, then what's the point of throwing your name out there to people who don't have the slightest idea (or care) as to what your name is?

  12. There is now plenty of "white trash" at the edges of CH as people who are priced out of Park Slope are beginning to move in here. Unless you saw the kids at a hangout, at the center which tries to help kids who have trouble or with clearly Lubavitcher relatives, you have no idea who you really saw.

  13. "Not one of the snags who have come here have been looking for decent conversation."

    I am a snag, and I don't think what you said is true. I am reminded of the famous teaching of the BESH'T about what it reflects on oneself when on sees a failing in a fellow Jew...

    HT, if you reveal your name, this blog will degenerate into a personal 'all about you' blog, with your enemies writing personal attacks on you, your family, etc, and the Lubavitchers writing how great you are etc. Lets stick to the issues as much as possible

  14. I don't mean any disrespect, but even if I knew who you are I still wouldn't know who you are. So I really don't care about one way or the other.

  15. >>Paranoid is the right word. The snags would love to censor us all, Kotler Uber Alles.

    Like I said Ladies and Gentlemen, Hmmm is an ass.

  16. Shygetz
    Yo! Look man, no disrespect here, but you are a Johny-come-lately to Lubavitch and Orthodoxy.Do you think I don't know the difference between 'white trash' and 'freyed out youth'?
    For the record your logic is lacking (unfortunately, as usual)there is no 'white trash' in Crown Heights, it's way to expensive for that.
    Take care and do me a favour-Go back to Columbia and polish up on your Yiddish,I 've gotten a headache from reading Creemoor Chronicles.

  17. You're right, the "not one" was an exxageration. "Almost none".

    Ah, the zchiyos that I'm getting here. My mikveh in Genehenom vet zain farfroren.

  18. after a while it gets too cold....

    and just imagine my Gehenom!

  19. I don't know what you call white trash, but we call the trickle of wannabe artists and other unemployed nonconformists who are becoming more and more prevalent on East New York Ave and further down just that. When I lived in that part of CH my neighbors were beginning to complain about "white trash" and in fact the formerly haimish supermarket that serves that part of CH has brought dubious goods in to service the white trash.

  20.'s great how a simple question turns into a Lubab/Snag/Other bitch slapping session on this blog.

    On topic...Hershke, your call. I don't know your situation or what kind of heat you'd have to deal with (although if many people already know who you are, you're likely already used to high temperatures). I know that as (and of course if) IY"H Teihu grows I'll face more opposition/pressure from the "system" and I don't care. But I also live in a lower profile/less "control" area than you might live in. Either way is mistama no less honorable than the's a personal decision really.

    That's my bull and I'm riding it till I fall off.


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