Thursday, May 10, 2007

Working Together for a Jewish Tomorrow

Hillel and Chabad team up for the ‘Sabbath of Sabbaths’

Is this is an anomally like some would put it? Maybe, and maybe not, I don't know much about campus Jewish politics. But it looks good, and it puts a sock in the mouths of those who claim otherwise. And if it is an anomally then let this be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, with Chabad in the lead, of course.

Sorry about the cliche'-like title to this post.


  1. Working Together for a Jewish Tomorrow did not happen while the rebbe was ailve,or is he alive and changed his mode

  2. Hey genius:

    Is there a question mark missing from your pearls of wisdom?

    One thing's for sure, you're braindead.

  3. Again, this is a wonderful example of the bias for a glorious Chabad... why append the final statment presenting the Chabad Shliah as the 'bigger' man. This stinks of insecurity on your part....shame on you for denegrating this beautiful thing even a little. The Hillel group were also the 'biiger' man.

    btw, I know of a city where the Aish group refuse to set up any official campus program and are always mindful of the chabad shliach and his programs....simply because the Chabad shliach has been there longer....and the Aish group is now a bigger force in their campus activities....only because people have a choice and not everyone fits the one mould of Yidishkite

  4. disgusted, are you the "college student" who was up here before posting shtusim about a particular campus?


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