Monday, June 25, 2007

מתמם עם תמימים

HaRav Reb Moshe Feinstein ZaTZaL with Lubavitcher Bochurim on Chol HaMoed Pesach 5738. They were the second group of bochurim heading to the Yeshiva Gedola in Seattle. Their Rosh Yeshiva was Reb Leibel Kaplan, currently in Montreal, Canada. They brought with them a kovetz of chidushei torah published by the bochurim.



  1. WHo is the fellow talking to R' Moshe?

  2. An obvious photoshop forgery!

  3. The fellow is Reb Leibel Kaplan, ZGZ, Rosh Yeshivas Lubavitch in Montreal.

  4. Zol Gezunt Zein!

    c'mon people, ya gotta know these things.....

  5. V'lei hakapdan melamed

  6. Reb Leibel Kaplan is a real lamden with chassidishe yiras shomayam

  7. Did R'Moshe sudy 'chassides'?
    Not that I heard of.
    Therefore,he is jealous of any Chbdsker yingel that does.
    Doesn't the above statement sound silly?
    Sorry, but Chbskers really believe so.

  8. i think one of the bochurim might be katznellebogen from london. he spent a number of years in siberia and knew to learn gantz fein. i know the Rebbe sent him to R'Moshe

  9. Forkosh

    there are lots of things you haven't heard of.

    anonymous 3:28am

    Katzenellenbogen is much older than the Bochurim there, maybe 30 years older! He's not one of them.

  10. Reb Moshe learned Chasidus as well as all other parts of Torah, he was no Misnaged to Chasidus.

  11. I read a story in the YUdaica series online that every year the Rebbe, R' Moshe and Rav Soloveitchik (of YU) ZTVK"L, used to call each other and send greetings, I think around Rosh hashonoh.

    Their unique friendship was so tight that when R' Moshe died and Rav Soloveitchik's students tried to hide that fact to protect their Rebbe's health, he spontaneously said on a car journey that Rav Moshe had moved on into the higher spheres. When the flabergasted Talmidim asked him how he knew, he simply said "R' Moshe didn't call me to wish me a Gut Yom Tov this year". Zehu. Such was the friendship of these 3 towering giants - and certainly even deeper.

  12. Guravitzer:
    You are after all a bit smarter than the average Lubavitcher.
    Do you know that R'Moshe learned 'chassides'? I would be pretty sure he did not.
    Btw, this may be above an avearge Lubavitchers head:R'Moshe, in a way was a big Misnaged:How so?Well he actually came from chasidic stock, Koidenov if I'm not mistaken, also he was a self made talmid chochom, (studied a bit by R'Peysach Pruskin in Kobrin)Despite all this, he was very much a talmid Hagro!So there is no argument that the early rabbonim were afraid that chasidim would turn into an aberrant cult, but R'Moshe already knew that Chasidim had not left the path AND despite all this:He davened nusach Ashkenaz, paskened that one may changed to nusach Ashkenaz (and even wonders how the early Chasidic masters changed the original nusach)and followed minhag Hago'on.
    R'Moshe was a ohev Yisroel and got along with everybody, but was a Misnaged and not appreciative of any study of 'chassides' (in fact in a teshuva defending his psak about in vitro insemination against some chasidic fanatica he alludes to his psak coming from pure Torah study without any non toradikkeh frumkait torahlech, alluding to Chasidishe seforim that many times are full of phony non taras emmes 'hergeishim' and the like)

  13. Reb Moshe had ZERO Chassidishe upbringing. His father was a Chassidisher who became a Misnaged due to a sweet Nadden. It was al tnay that he stops with the Chassidishe Mayses.So please don't change the facts.

  14. Tzig
    It's difficult to argue with you because you are a ferd, and typical Hungarian shoiteh.
    I did not say R'Moshe had a chasidic upbringing and your story with the nadden is a story fed to you bt the same people who told you the Rebbe is moshiach and kol yochol.
    Enjoy the kool aid

  15. The point of the post was to show that despite R'Moshes' non Misnaged backround and self made talmid chochom he still reached the conclusion that chassides is naarishkait

  16. btw ditto for RShlomo Zalman, chasidic backround who had zero inclination to chassides

  17. Forkosh

    it must feel good to have such an ignorant, blissful existence. You think I was fed that story, you moron?!

    Now get off my blog!

  18. I just told you that I know he learned Chasidus. What part of that post did you not understand? I'm sorry if that ruined your fantasy.

  19. The bochurim (in 6th picture)l-r are R' Shea Hecht (New Haven, CT, Chaim Tzvi Groner (Melbourne, Australia), R'? Shuchat (?), and R' Aharon Leib (br'SD"B) Raskin (Crown Heights).

    They were learning in the Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Seattle, WA. Rabbi Kaplan was the Rosh Yeshiva there.


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