Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tzigene Links

Via Shturem 12 Tammuz postman rings twice

Something for the skeptics

Slifkin moves to monsters

His fourth Rebbe


  1. I've heard of Tzigene Bobkes, but what are Tzigene links?!

  2. Actually some elder Gerer chassidm could have had 5 rebbesin their lifetime.

  3. And some "chassidim" are not connected to even one Rebbe...
    BTW, many thanks for the very moving video. Unfortunately there aren't anymore many people like this around.

  4. Tzemach just posed an interesting question: Why couldn't Chabad keep Zalman Shechter (and others of that type)?

    The truth is, the bitter enemy of Chasidim is Taavos Olam Hazeh, not Misnagdim. There is nothing in Toras HaChasidus that prevents one from davening in a Litvishe shul, with a litvishe nusach, with litvishe minhogim etc. You may not be able to point to such a person and say an echte chasid, but the contradiction is social, not religious.

    Taavos Olam Hazeh are the worst enemy of a Chossid. They drag him down, dry him out and prevent him from Avodas Hashem, and in our generation from our Shlichus and Hiskashrus. (As the well known story with the Rebbe, asked by a Chossid for a brocha for Hiskashrus, the Rebbe replied, "One selects the finest portion of food, adds salt to taste, and then asks for a brocha for hiskashrus?!")

    Zalman Shechter would truly have been one of our finest lights - if not for Taavos Olam Hazeh, in his case getting high on LSD. Shlomo Carlebach would as well, if not for women. Shlomo managed to maintain certain standards, Zalman lost them altogether, but they each fell to our enemy. Other Chasidim, less well publicized, have fallen to this as well.

    In essence, a Chossid who fabrengs overmuch about Misnagdim is in denial. A Chossid who fabrengs overmuch about avoiding Taavos Olam Hazeh is fighting the good fight.

    This has many modern day implications. My enemy is not the Misnaged, but the taavoh for kovod, sinah and money that accompany the fight. My enemy is not Avrohom Shemtov, but the taavos that brought him down. My enemy is not the pitiful child I meet on the streets of Yerushalayim, Crown Heights, Bnei Brak or Boro Park, but the taavos they have fallen to.


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