Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mit'n Grobben Finger

Prof. Menachem Friedman on Israeli TV pontificating about the Rebbe and what he did, didn't, and should've done during WWII. That look - or more accurately that scowl on his face - tells me alot.


  1. I though the wearsa Kippah??

  2. maybe it's a sporadic wearing of the Kippah....

    or it's very, very small

  3. where is the rest of the clip?

  4. You can see the kippa clearly. Not too big, but it's there.

  5. The caption and the look are very cute. Unfortunately for him, he looks like a caricature in this interview. Only one issue of fact in the small portion online, that the FR wasn't well known - he was relatively well known for his efforts for Soviet Jewry, as they immediately emphasize. But the original statement remains unclear.

    This is seemed to be a warm up section - what's in the rest?

  6. the guy is nuts and obssesed

  7. he is wearing one and by the way do you like him or not?

  8. Why are you stooping low and remarking about the 'scowl' on his face?
    You said it 'tells you a lot'.Well what does it tell you? To me your defensiveness tells me you Lubab have a lot to to hide.
    Whoever paid you for your .p.r campaign for Lubab inc should be fired, you make your bunch sound like a cult of paranoid, fanatical followers who's biggest enemy is sunlight and truth.Chabad can justifiably be proud of many things, you and your ilk are not one of them

  9. "Mit'n Grubben Finger"--in yiddish, what's this expression commonly translated as- what's the context this is usually used. Once i heard someone say to another," what, you want me to explain this mit a grubbe finger?" Can anyone explain?

  10. ""Mit'n Grubben Finger"--in yiddish, what's this expression commonly translated as"

    As in "gerfingerpoken and Mitten grabben". See here for more. ;-)

  11. sam, interesting comment. Presuming that the point that you are making is that a scowl says nothing about a person and that it is for some reason undiginified to speak of scowls.

    A scowl is not a medical condition. It is usually a sign of unhappiness, either at a particular moment, or for someone who always wears a scowl, a the world at large. I am not sure if we can extrapolate from this scowl to other, but if he does not have a medical condition that froze a scowl on his face, to show this disposition on television is usually a sign that this is your personality. Then again, it may just be that the air was off in the studio, that they kept him waiting for 3 hours, that he isn't feeling well, etc. Tzig didn't specify what it told him.

  12. to issac balbin
    For decades he is screaming from all the rooftop that the Rebbe was not in Sorbone as chabad claims, as if Chasdie Chabad are only learning Likuttie Sichos because the Rebbes Sorbone background, And he will kill that myth as if someone cares, and finally some documents petaining to the Rebbes being in Sorborne he started meddling with the facts.He is a Daal Gieha emplty suit,

  13. Mitten groben finger means to explain something with a pilpul. That gesture was common in European yeshivas as a way of indicating that if so is so then so and so is so.
    So what it means is sort of stretching the point.


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