Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Chicken or the egg

Here's the issue:

Lately the will to write hasn't been there for me, I guess you noticed. There were times when I had what to write about but couldn't find the time. At other times I couldn't compose myself and write. Now it seems like I'm just burned out. Maybe it's because the only time there's any "action" around here is when it's Snag vs. Lubavitch, or Satmar vs. Lubavitch etc. Otherwise it's dead city around these parts, at least as far as commenting is concerned. Now, if I was only after comments and such I'd do it all the time, and regurgitate the same old silly stories for you to chew on, but I have a conscience, believe it or not, and I won't stand for that. 100+ comments on a thread may make me feel good, but at what price?


  1. maybe because tzemach is out you've lost your gedult

  2. I was thinking of that, and thanks for bringing it up. It may very well be the answer. Maybe I thrive off mentalblog. I guess since he's been inactive I lose the drive.

  3. Its not Snag vs. Lubacitch, its Jew vs. Lubavitch. Their arguments have nothing to do with being a misnagid, but everything to do with the ethnocentric and egocentric cult that is Lubavitch. Lubavitch has alienated the entire frum world. Rather than takind responsibility, it has decided to bring up old bitter machlokesen (which were entirely lshem shomayim) which have no real mamoshos in today's times. Stop being so dishones.t

  4. HT,
    While the snag vs. Lubob posts got the most comments, I personaly enjoyed the history tidbits the most.

  5. Alow me to add that in general in was 'All Frum Jews vs. Lubavitch'. But stick to the history stuff, it is facinating.

  6. I agree with twistie - the history was what interested me because it gives a insight into real avodas hashem, and how different (and similar) peoples' lives were compared to now.

    I wonder why you never really spelled out your historical allusions. You would hint about the characteristics of Kremenchug or Nevil, but it went over the heads of almost all of your readers. And those who already knew the stuff (like guravitzer) might not need to hear it anyway.

    Your blog is valuable because it exposes historical chabad chassidus to people who would never come into contact with it otherwise. The majority of your readers probably don't even know a Lubavicher who could explain Nevil. What you provide is a window into real chassidus for people who are shayich to it.

    Mentalblog does something similar, but he mixes in his own foolish crap and screws everything up . What you have is an incredible opportunity - to show the beauty and chayus of chassidus to a rapt audience.

    My suggestion: write a post about Arich Anpin, and how you could see it expressed in the lives of certain himmeldiker chasidim. I was once by a farbrengen where Rabbi Zeligson did so, and it was very special.
    Gut Shabbos!

  7. I read your blog for the fascinating old-world, heimishe historical posts, of the shtetlach, rebbes, rabbonim, kehillos and maaseh's of that bygone age.

    Not only that, but I believe that having at least some of this knowledge enables one to better understand how the Jewish frum world 'evolved' and turned out the way it is today. Thank you for the Hano'oh I get from your blog.

  8. Lita

    thank you for your kind words re: the blog.

    BeNogeah what you say about the way things evolved: I think that today's world has ZERO connection to the old. Yes, some of us may wear the same Levush, but it's a Chomer BeLi Tzureh, the souls is gone.

  9. Rabbi Seligson is very special. Most of us aren't capable of doing what he does. But the Tzig tries.

  10. Tigele, people come for the snag rants, but stay for the history.

  11. Don't you mean Tzureh Bli Chomer?

  12. nemo

    I thought of that, but then again: That would imply that there's a Tzureh to it, something spiritual, and there sure isn't. On the Belzer Rov they said that he was a Tzureh BeLi Chomer, to say that on the HaMon Am, and just because the look is the same - would be quite an injustice.


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