Monday, October 29, 2007

Abish Brodt rides a high horse

We realize - Reb Abish - that you think you're the only Heimishe music out there today, and that you're the second coming of Ben-Zion Shenker. But what's with all the PR for your Son-In-Law's real estate company? Or was the Mishpachah cover a paid cover story? Shouldn't we be told that it is? Besides, that squeaky voice of yours gets to a guy after a while, and plenty of people sang Machnisei Rachamim before you recorded it. What makes you better than MBD or Fried, the fact that you're a sufferer of stage fright, and can't perform?

We can't wait to hear at the convention Melava Malka, AGAIN!!!!


  1. I think Brodt is better than MBD or Fried. you really feel it when he sings...

  2. ein hachi nami, he hasnt got the best voice, but he is still a bulwark of ehrlichkeit in a world of promiscouity and vice. he is a nice, regular yid, no drugs, divorce or hot mekubalim...worth an article. mishpacha doesnt do the paid article thing, they are too profesional.

  3. Tzig-
    I am disappointed to see that you have sunk to the same low as your associates in the blogosphere.
    "Squeaky voice"?? Not in place.
    At least you're still reading "Mishpacha" and not only "Kfar Chabad"...

  4. thanks for the voice is not squeaky its unique and full of hergesh.

  5. tzig, i'm with you on the PR for son in law's RE businees.
    uber vus vilsti fin abish, he seems like a sirious guy (he has chushiveh kids).
    ok, i get it, he's an agudist. so what?

  6. I know all Regesh songs by heart.

    I'm sure he's very serious, but he needs to pick a side. Oder a Chassidisher, Oder a Litvak. M'Ken nisht tantzen af bayde Chasines.

  7. Mean spirited. Ahl ta'am v'Raeyakh ain l'hisvakayakh

    IMO the "Day the Music Died" Jewish Version was when Shlomo Carlebach was nifter. Shoot me. I like vanilla you prefer Chocolate. Nothing to get so overheated about.

  8. >M'Ken nisht tantzen af bayde Chasines

    Un der voss tantst yuh is ah mekhuten bah kaynim

  9. > Oder a Chassidisher, Oder a Litvak.
    > M'Ken nisht tantzen af bayde Chasines.

    Huh? That's exactly what Lubavitch is.

    As my Litvisher uncle puts it: These Lubavitchers are crazy. On Pesach, when I'm enjoying my kneidlach and I offer them some, they say "oh no, we can't eat that, we're Chassidim". But on Shmini Atzeres, when I'm freezing in my sukkah, and my Chassidishe neighbours are sitting nice and warm in their homes, here come the Lubavitchers to join me. "Today we're Litvaks", they say.

  10. millhouse
    what a corny uncle

  11. Tzig,

    What's driving this post, your Lubavitcher anti-paileshe bias or your Hungarian anti-galitzianer sinah?

  12. it's only fair. nothing comes close to the Polish/Galicianer hate of the Hungarians.

  13. Everyone hates Hungarians. We're the Jew of the Jews. We have too much money, are too ambitious and we control the world, etc. But even they don't have the chutzpa to call as cheap Hunks. You know what the old machzorim say (to be read in a Hungarian accent)

    בקראקא אין אומרים תתננו.

    (Has anyone anyone ever seen that in an old machzor?)

  14. And the chandeliers. What is it with Hungarians and chandeliers?

  15. hey talk about me some, my voice, my eidem, anything

  16. Hungarians were lucky enough to live a nice normal baalebatish midddle class life in the country or origin. OTOH, most of Polish and even more so Litvish and Russian Jews lived far far below the poverty line. Thus Hungarians eat well, dress well and like to have nice homes. Bekitzur, baalebatishkeit. Those who shatm from poor backgrounds - where if they had even half one decent meal a day - or a waterproof pair of shoes, don't understand this baalebatishkeit, and it's not their fault at all.

    But you should also remember that by far the greatest baalei tzedoko in the Orth world are the Hungarian Jews. There are a few Peylish and Litvish givers - but they are rare.

  17. Tzig
    You are mean spirited.
    Abish is a very decent guy and I love his singing.
    Furthermore, why can't you be chasidish and learn in a Litvishe yeshiva like hundreds of others in Lakewood? If you are smart you get the best of both worlds.

  18. There's a thing with Hungarians and chandeliers? I just thought that all nicely decorated houses had them.

  19. >>Oder a Chassidisher, Oder a Litvak. M'Ken nisht tantzen af bayde Chasines.

    Your whole post is disgusting. And you, too, are a vile, disgusting person. Abish sings beautifully. And because Regesh is still around, Jewish music did not yet die. Its because of vermin like Hirsch who try to put down his beautiful music and soulful singing that we don't have the geulah.

    There is no question that Abish sings with more heart than Avrohom Fried in certain tunes--its more herluch. And MBD is a poser--we all know that.

    As far his son in law's business is concerned? I don't really know why its discuseed. It may be because Abish is so associated with it that his menchlichkeit has some kind of effect on the amazing success of the company (they have several companies, and insure tens of billions of dollars worth in transactions a year). I know someone who is an attorney there--a younger guy--who is not just an incredible genius but also a mentch adir. His behavior, their success, flows from the ehrlichkeit of people like Abish--someone who learns in the best yeshivos and maintains his traditions from the heim--someone who loves all yiddin--even evil self-hating filth like Herschel (he probably gives you tzedaka, you loser), and does his best to make sure his children and grandchildren are ehrlich.

    As someone who knows Abish well, I say to you, Hirschel, Shame on You. Shame on you for being so disgusting, for talking so badly about such a fine human being. Its because of you that so many question the Rebbe and his teachings. After all, with chassidim like you, what could your Rebbe be, really?

  20. wow, somebody had too much coffee this morning, right Joey?

    when was the last Regesh tape released? and Jewish music still survives till today based on 15-20 year old tapes? so all other Jewish music doesn't count?

    so the Geulah is waiting for me to like Abish's music? is THAT all it takes?

    am I really vile, disgusting vermin just because I said his voice is squeaky?

    tough crowd here.

  21. tell you what it is,tzigele, -your blog used to be a thought provoking forum for inteligent people- the weissmandel obssession wasboring, and now you have fallen to the point of mocking someones voice? it doesnt pass for you.

    it is more in place to discuss the hashkafa of listening to music sung by womanizers like yiddel w. and appreciating that reb abish is still sroung to give us music with real taam.

  22. Mr. "Lubabnomore"

    Meileh if you were a Lubavitcher and became a frum Misnaged, then maybe we'd wanna hear what you've got to say. But just because you "Freid out" means we should listen to you? There are plenty more where you came from.

  23. >>so the Geulah is waiting for me to like Abish's music? is THAT all it takes?

    Clearly you cannot read. That is not what I wrote. And it takes much more than your . . . "Rebbe."

    >>am I really vile, disgusting vermin just because I said his voice is squeaky?

    Its because of the whole tone of your post.

    The fact is that Regesh is true Jewish music. Rabbi Carlebach's melodic brilliance can be found in Rabbi Brazil's works. And Abish sings it beautifully.

    And you are disgusting menuval.

  24. >>There are plenty more where you came from.

    . . .And there will be many more. Because the concept of a "Frum" Lubavitcher is embodied by you. And who wants to be an am hooretz and sheigitz?

  25. I had no idea Reb Abish was so popular among Litvak thugs. I guess I need to watch my back and look over my shoulder from now on....

  26. Litvishe "thugs"? I understand Chassidisher Thugs, I understand Chabad Thugs (who doesn't?), but Litvishe thugs?

    You live in a make believe world, pal--wake up!!!

  27. Where is my comment, you evil menuval?

  28. what's fascinating to me is the response by some of you here. I could understand if I had something bad, or exposed a Rosh Yeshivah of yours, but this?! I'm called an evil menuval for joking about his music and questioning the motives of a magazine that wants ad dollars?!

  29. No idea who this Abish gentleman is, but takeh why can't his voice be objectively squeaky ? Better a frimmer squeaker than a min like Meisissyukhi.

  30. Hirshel, aderaba. You've finally discovered the one topic which has nothing to do with Misnagdim/Chasidim/Lubavitch that gets people worked up.

    It's amazing how it works that way throughout the world - a singer or a sports player will attract millions of fans, but a scientist or businessman? Forget it.

  31. Umyvalnikoff

    a comment like this: No idea who this Abish gentleman is

    reinforces my previous notions about you.

  32. Let's start with the basics: every mean spirited choice of words used by hirschel is incorrect. Abish is a great singer, and is in some respects more pure than MBD and R' Avrohom. He is authentic. And no, his voice is not squeaky.

  33. I'm not sure where I said anything that even remotely resembles "mean spirited," but I see that you CAN make a comment without referring to my Rebbe or using vulgar pronouns.

  34. JOEY

    HERSHEL IS A TZADIK AND YOU ARE THE MENUVAL! if you think he is a menuval, why to you keeo coming back to this site-didnt they warn you against nevala? elah mai, you are the menuval!!!

  35. I'm getting turned off of this site big time.
    For starters, the post about R'Abish was mean spirited and low.Did you open this blog to 'defend' Lubavitch or get personal about private individuals?
    Probably the biggest thing you have against Abish is that he sang at the siyum hashas of Aguda.Yes ,you hate Aguda.We know.And when it comes to Aguda you cannot be objective.
    But I thought you were taught Ahavas Yisroel in the new place you joined.
    I was wrong and not for the first time.

  36. Chabad only teaches sinas yisroel v'ahavas hashotim shel Chabad.

    Joey is one of the great tzadikim of our times. He is giving herschel the appropriate censure he deserves. He is greater than the Rebbe, and is b'chezkas Moshiach--at the least.

  37. There appear to be two faces of Lubavitch.One is the outreach, fine tuned p.r and the other is the inner circle.
    I was familiar with the public persona which, obviously depending on the individual skills of the local rabbi, was on the whole positive.A little to suave, a little to watered down but maybe that is the way to reach out.Lately surfing the web I'm seeing the other face:Jealous,childish and downright nasty!These are the internal discussions where other Jews are blasted, whole groups get stamped with nasty streotypes and for me,reading the letter from the Previous rebbi where even he allows himself this liberty is disconcerting.It makes me think that this shlicus and outreach may be a way to set up pulpits and jobs for the flock.Whatever it is it makes me feel sad and let down.

  38. I see comments like David's all the time, people who are supposedly very neutral, yet they apparently see only side of the story, the Misnagdic side. They're quick to condemn Lubavitch, and see the helpless Misnagdic side as the vicitims. Nothing could be further from the truth, and this goes back to the infancy of Chassidus. I question their objectivity, and hope that it's simple naivete' that makes them this way.

  39. I LOVE how those with messianic mush for brains see all those who disagree with Chabad as "Misnagdim." Its extremely convenient; Chabadniks are perfect and impervious to the otherwise human need for improvement because those who urge improvement are "Misnagdim."

    Tzig, you loser, you don't even know what a real misnagid is, what their positions are, and the fact that there is not one misnagid out there in the world today. Your idea of a misnagid is straight out of a comic book--any comic book--where there is a good guy and a bad guy who likes to prosecute the good guy for no reason. And you look at things this way becasue you were brainwashed. Get real, get normal, get a life.

  40. again we see how total strangers, who know nothing about me, come to conclusions about what I do and do not know.

    That's moronic. But to be expected.

    You're right, O' anonymous sage, there are no Misnagdim anymore. There's just a group of leeches and usurpers who live off those Hungarian fatcats they so despise. They have no beliefs, so they can't oppose the Chassidim, opposing alone does not a Misnaged make, it needs to be a accompanied by a counter belief.

  41. Here's my take on it..I'm the biggest Menuval I know, followed closely by the lot of you bickering bastards. But as far as the Litvak, Chabad, Chassidish thing my personal opinion is Eilu Vo'eilu Divrei Eleikim all I have left is my personal perspective and my thoughts on the particular case limited by the facts I know...

    I don't read Mishpocho (or Kfar Chabad or any of the other Jewish propaganda) and this month's Guitar World didn't weigh in on the Abish controversy, so I won't comment on that. I can only offer my personal taste...I like Regesh/Abish. He has a high voice but i don't find him squeeky (as I do fried) and to me it feels like he's feeling what he's singing. I also find it nice that like Carlebach, Banet, or Nicheyach (niggunei chassidei chabad)he's just singing Jewish music as he feels it and as he grew up with it etc. And I like people who do that as opposed to the multitude of vocal retards out there who are trying to make pop and rock albums but are too lazy to spend the time learning the skills to do it properly. Whether or not you agree with my reasoning the key fact remains that for whatever reason I find Abish pleasing to my ears.

    However, with that said, I hardly think he is the saviour of true Jewish music. I think he is as much a relic of the past as Rosenblatt or Shenker. (is there such a thing as a musical Neveiloh Mechayim? heh heh)He's barely the present and certainly not the future of Jewish music. I'm not saying this out of any kind of spite because I have none for him. That's just the way I see it. I know I'm not up to date in Jewish music so correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't Carlebach released more albums post-mortem than Regesh has in the same period? Abish is great (IMO), but he's a long shot from being the Messiah of Jewish music. From what I can tell the next 20 years of the "Jewish music scene" will be as crappy as the last 20..which is just as well because that's probably what most frummies want anyway (or are they just buying those CDs because it looks stupid when you have a CD holder on both sun-visors in the car and only 3 CDs to put in them).

  42. nice to hear from you , sheichet. I guess you're limited to music-related topics, eh? otherwise you're AWOL, like many others.

  43. heh heh, I know it looks bad Reb Hirshel, but "honey, this isn't what it looks like"...just haven't had time to check in lately between work, new baby KN"H, band, solo project, etc. The music thing was just a happy coincidence - I tuned in and was reading the Areivem post where you mentioned the Abish post, which sparked my interest because I saw him on the cover of Mishpocho (but couldn't read because I'm not spending $4 for that crap)...the rest is history...

  44. >>You're right, O' anonymous sage, there are no Misnagdim anymore. There's just a group of leeches and usurpers who live off those Hungarian fatcats they so despise. They have no beliefs, so they can't oppose the Chassidim, opposing alone does not a Misnaged make, it needs to be a accompanied by a counter belief.

    . . .And with a little more insight and intelligence you will realize that this is an EXACT, description of Chassidus as it is today.

    PS Let's not forget your background.

    PPS I know not of one "Misnagid" living off an "Hungarian fatcatt."
    Your innane charicatures say a lot about you, btw.

  45. Tzig : a comment like this: "No idea who this Abish gentleman is" reinforces my previous notions about you
    What on earth you're talking about ? You had about a dozen contradicting "notions", which one is mochrach from me not knowing who is this Abish fellow ? BP Baczi or BT Ruski or a Lakewood Snag?


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