Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mayer Schiller intrigues me

Wiki Stub

Became a BT at 12 years old, a Skverrer a few years later, yet very much continued on the path of acquiring more and more secular knowledge. I always thought that you couldn't do that in Neu Skver. He continues to spend much time in MO circles and even coaches MO Hockey! Yes, appearances can be deceiving, and the fact that he squooshes his Peyos and wears old-fashioned glasses like a Skverrer Chossid doesn't say all that much, but it does show that he wants to look like one of them, which is something after all, considering how much time he spends away from Skver. The video presented here really doesn't do justice to Reb Mayer, being that the host of this (public access?) TV program is a total dufus and doesn't let the man get a word in edgewise, and goes off on long tangents every time he pleases. Yet, we can still get a good glimpse into what makes him tick. I just can't get over the fact that he lives in and speaks for Skver.....


  1. Does he still speak for New Square ? When was the last time you know that he did ? Was he doing so when the Clinton-New Squaregate affair broke (I'm sure he must have loved that. Must have made him feel very comfortable in the conservative political circles he travels in) ?

    A reliable source told me a while ago that he isn't so close to them anymore.

  2. He is the ghost writer for the Neturie Karta,the question is how far off the wall he is?
    Is he for meeting with the Iranian Hitler?
    Is he denying the holocaust?

  3. which NK does he ghostwrite for? I find that hard to believe. The NK here is not much into writing. They use the same old signs and work mostly through YouTube and TV. He says in this interview that the Skverrer approach to Zionism is not well thought out, so he chooses not to take a strong stand. Admittedly this interview was in '99, but why should we believe that he changed since? Is it evident in his writings?

  4. Is is another example of your doing zero research before posting.
    Schiller moved out of Square to Monsey long ago.You have to know Skverr to understand that no longer living in New Square is a powerful statement.It is a big privilege to be 'allowed' to live there, so somebody who leaves on their own volition means they have cooled off.
    He is indeed a fascinating person.Brilliant, very well rounded both in Torah and secular studies and even as you write an excellent sports coach.

  5. but one thing is clear, when he talks re: americas war in 20th century, he's a bit harsh.
    he seems to have frogotton that there wouldn't be much of a "shayris haplaytoh" if not for the fact that america entered the war.

  6. What is your chidush?
    This is all alte meises....

  7. Jack

    I'm not a stalker, I don't follow his every move. I apologize if I misstated his place of residence. The fact that he's their spokesman says much more than the fact that he moved outta there, no?

  8. Do you have an issue with him helping out NK ?

  9. I would have an issue if it was the NK that meets with Ahmadenejad, yes. They have no basis in Judaism, especially no since Rabbi Leitner passed away. Also, i'm quite certain that the Skverrer Rebbe would not approve of it either.

  10. I find him very odd. He grew up secualr. He maintains friendly relations and openly supports white supremacist movements. He would often spoke at American Rennaisance meetings. He teaches at MTA (The YU highschool) where he is prohibited from disseminating his views. He also wrote a book about his 'chazara betshuva' I do not recall its name.

    BTW, check out my new post on Sephardim, Ashkenazim and skin color.


  11. וירץ עשו לקראתו ויחבקהו ויפל על צוארו וישקהו ויבכו

    Why does kissing Ahmadinejad have any less basis in Judaism then declaring a person who isn't alive Moshiach ? How do you know that Reb Moishe Ber Bek shlit"a is not the Nosi haDor, the King of this Generation and a Neshomo Klolis. These people certainly have no less mesiras nefesh about their ideas then the shliach to Zimbabwe, and all that right here in Monsey.

    And I have strong doubts that you have a slightest clue about R' Ch"A Leitner z'l and his stand on things.

    זה היום עשה ה' נגילה ונשמחה בו

    On a separate note, as I don't feel (yet) as contributing to your other post and comments to it. Whether you like it or not, you've become the most coherent bloggo-speaker representing your corner of society. I'm not going say how that whole fact reflects on that corner of society. But that you, on your "rosh hashono", can wish a speedily misa meshuna upon another yid because he doesn't subscribe to some of your idiocies - and you do it from the name of your corner of society - speaks quite a lot about the true fabric that powers all this. It's _mamash that האכילוני כזנב הלטעה moment.


    I'm glad you now decided how what I say reflects upon my corner. Very benevolent of you.

    Mitzad ViYisem NeKi'im I would say that only after we decided that this guy is a Malach Mechabel and a shliach of the samech mem did I "bentsh" him. Take it or leave it.

    btw, the Rosh Hashonoh is yours too, Tzi du vilst tzi du vilst nisht. If not for 19 Kislev is Chas Vesholom Vechulu. VeHamayvin Yovin.

  13. I'm not sure what to do with your comment about this blog being the coherent blog that represents my corner, is that a good thing?

  14. That 19th of Kislev is a yom tov and a Rosh haShonoh for me is takeh true, but מטעם הכמוס עמדי
    and not for your silly reasons, as I have none of that. If not for 21 Kislev is also c'v vechulu. And if not for 18 Elul. And if not for 6 Sivan. vehamayvin yovin oid. But nobody has the chutspah to call their pet days "rosh hashonos". but w/e.

    Are you saying that we're all free to declare those we don't like "malachei mechablim" and thus curse, rob and probably kill them ? What if someone declares your kid a son of a malach mechabel, would that be fine "leshitosom" ? Can I call any rebbele i don't like a malach mechabel and start mixing him with dirt ? you seem to license that.

    Whether it's a good thing that your blog is de facto representative of chabad - it's a two edged sword. With very dull edges.

    Yechi haMelech.

  15. right, I forgot he was an oofgeklerteh who caused Stalin to hate Jews.

    It must very blissful to live in your world.

  16. Tzig,
    Your statement that it's 'our rosh hashono whether we wan't it or not' is quite powerful.It is also nonsensical and reminds me of Lubavitchs' corronating their rebbes as 'nesiei hador'.
    One sec Lubavitchers,please.Did you ask me if I'm maskim or did you self appoint the Rebbe as 'nosi hador'?I'm a Jew to and I feel that I won't accept a dead man as a Nosi

  17. I'm a Jew too and I don't like certain Rosh Yeshivos or Poskim being called Posek HaDor, or Rabbon shel kol bnei hagola. I'm a Jew too, and nobody asked me either....


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