Wednesday, January 2, 2008

זמן חשבון הנפש

Ironic that commemorating a time for Cheshbon HaNefesh like a Yom Holedes is considered by some to be מעשה פרעה, no? I guess if you look at the day and you see yourself celebrating like פרעה then maybe you should discourage it, but only then. However, if you look at that day and see it as a time for Hachlotos Tovos and a sincere Cheshbon HaNefesh, a time for Hosofoh BeLimud HaTorah VeNesinas Tzedokoh, what could be more commendable than that?

And on a simple weekday yet!


  1. Beautiful thoughts. I'll have to remember to post a link to this one when my birthday comes around.

  2. is that a fact, Berl?

    even in Hebrew they write today יומולדת
    as in Holedes

    but I'll take your word for it.

  3. שנת הצלחה בגו"ר. און זען געבן דעם רבי'ן נחת.

  4. Happy birthday
    Gut genench Yor a year of simcha and good health and parnussa

  5. old friend from s. said...
    maskilim had there sucsess stories in evrey camp,those leaders of shtiblech yeshivas or lahvdil collegea attendees that did not convince their constituents not to read ONLY seforim from yirei hashem, became weak in their yiddishkeit if it did not show on the outside on them it surfaced on their childern ,moshe mendelsohn was a frummer yid ,the chasam soifer forbade touching his writings, one can hardly find things wrong in his writings (so the say)but the encouragement to his surroundings were to expose themselvs to the books of those who mock or criticize
    the rabbis of various generations the rsults from this influence was disatoures from a yiddishkeit point of view,we (me Included)think we are smarter than those ehrliche yiden (regardles of how the were dressed or the nusech they davened)and expose our brain to negate ehriche yiden who in their whole life did not consume 1 percent of the Chitzonies that we Digest in one hour,and you Tzieg make a Chesbon Hanefesh you provide a platform for such a Pasloones ,one day you will any way stop (bloggers burn out)why not close it down today with a bang ,announce that you are going tomake a Sium your next birthday and be M'svaddei B'robim on being a vehicle for propagating Ma Ahanei LON Rabonon and you are doing tesuva and closing the blog, l'chaim

  6. A shnas hotzlocha b'gashmius, ub'ruchnius

  7. It would be an avla of the greatest caliber if Tzig closed his blog. A sin. D'Oraisa.

  8. It gives me great pleasure to see the profound expressions of which you are very capable, b"h. May Hashem grant you and your family many, many berachos for many years and may He grant us the years and health to derive nachas from you all!


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