Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Reb Yochonon Twersky of Horibisov HY"D with his Brother In Law Rav Aron Belzer zt"l. Here one can clearly see that the Tchernobler necktie was done away with in Belz, and the "Poroches'el" took its place. The Peyos were also more prominently displayed. It reminds of one of the late Modzitzer Rebbe's sons in law, who wore a Shtreimel every Shabbos. Once my father took me to the Modzitzer Rebbe's Tish in the Agudah of 14th Avenue when he came to America. (We're big Modzitzer Niggunim/BZ Shenker fans) To my surprise I see the Eydem sitting there wearing a Spodik! I guess that must've been some sort of condition they agreed on before the wedding; the Chosson will wear the Modzitzer choice of Shabbos headgear when in his Father-in-Law's presence. Today those two are no longer married....

Photo Two appeared here a while back. The Yid in the middle is Reb Yossel Yarotschever, a prominent Belzer who is seen in other pictures as well.


  1. The important point of these photos is that the Ruv ZT"L is smiling. In Belz of yore no one smiled especially not the rav. But the rav was ufgeleigt that his shvoger was made a rav in a chashuve kehillo.
    As far as I can recollect there are few if any other ohotos of the rav smiling. Todays rav is also very serious.

  2. what you are calling a spodik, by the ukrainishe rebishe kinder was called a kolpik ( it looks similar to a spodik but its different )

  3. no, I'm speaking about the regular Polishe Spodik, not the Kolpik. I know the difference.

  4. >>We're big Modzitzer Niggunim/BZ Shenker fans<<

    My mother loves BZS. Any idea where I can buy some of his music? Thanx!

  5. The man in the middle is not Reb Yossele Yartchover HY"D, rather Reb Ahron Yehoshea Gabbe.


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