Sunday, February 3, 2008

Revisiting Volozhin's End

It may not have been for the reasons we were told.

According to Michtovim Blog it may have had more to do with infighting, Mesirah, and no-good students than just the refusal to learn any Limudei Chol. It never did make sense to me; after all, if Telshe in Lithuania LeKatchilleh had Limudei Chol why would Volozhin close down just because they were FORCED by the Czar to implement it?! Today many in Eretz Yisroel use Volozhin as proof that any and all Chol in Yeshivos is Treyf. That it's better not to learn than to learn Chol as well as Kodesh.

Via Gruntig

Rav Steinman discusses the 2 different approaches to the learning of Mussar.


  1. As far as I understand, there were several preconditions.

    1. Situation with maskilim was much worse than today.

    2. The inent in these studies was obviously to destroy Yiddishkayt, not to improve it.

  2. "Telshe LeKatchilleh had Limudei Chol"

    Vu shteit ?

  3. if mussar is when you're sick - #1,
    a little medication many times can do more harm than no medication at all,

    and the idea that we're not sick is preposterous,

    so if you can't have it all - the Torah - you shouldn't take any at all becuase it is a segulah?

    flies against everything the Torah itself talls us we should do.

    and if Torah is like bread so at least a little will do -- now we're talking.

    what did the Rabbi mean that both peshatlech were valid. to mee it seems only one quarter of the whole story made any sense at all.

  4. what did the Rabbi mean that both peshatlech were valid.

    your question is valid too.....


  5. Loi habayshon lomed.

    Yilmideinu Rabbeinu. You left that out in your Telz history. Let's have mareh mekoimois and details.

  6. Just curious.
    Why broyt not brayt?
    Toyrah not Teyreh?
    Not a real litvak?

  7. Q

    I didn't think it needed to be mentioned. The fact is that they had, and they have today in the Yeshivos in America too. But that's different.

  8. According to Wikipedia, Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman was born in Chentshin (Chęciny), Poland.

    See the Wikipedia Chęciny article: "Chęciny is a town in Kielce County, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Poland, with 4,252 inhabitants (2006)...The town had a Jewish community and it had been the center of the Hasidic Chentshin dynasty, (Chęciny being pronounced as "Chentshin" in Yiddish.) The notable Haredi leader and scholar in Israel, Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman's family originated in Chentshin."

    Wikipedia on Chentshin (Hasidic dynasty): "Chentshin is the name of a Hasidic dynasty founded by the Rebbe Chayim Shmuel Szternfeld. Chentshin is the Yiddish name of Chęciny, a town in present-day Poland. Rebbe Szternfeld was a descendant of the Chozeh of Lublin. He was known for his great love for the Land of Israel and he kept a clock in his house which told local time in the Land of Israel."

  9. Yom Tov Erlich also spoke like that, saying Broyt, not Breyt.

  10. Tzig
    I'm trying to figure out your blog\f.What is your theme?Keiner toygt nisht, nor Lubavitch zennen di gutteh?
    Chaver meineh,I had the 'pleasure' of davening mincha in 770 last week:I think you could blog about it for a long time.Guess that's the reason you are looking for faults by everyone else.

  11. my theme is Alle Toygen, some more than others.

    So what did you see in 770 last week?

  12. 'what did the Rabbi mean that both peshatlech were valid.

    your question is valid too.....


    So now you mock R'Shteinman, but demand respect for Lubavitch??
    Because of people like you, Lubavitch gets very little respect in my book.

  13. I'm sorry people, really I am, for attracting such fools to your midst. He sees me mocking Rav Steinman, am I mocking him? That's news to me.


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