Sunday, March 16, 2008

9 Adar II 5700

Is the day the FR arrived in America, escaping Nazi Europe through Latvia, and sailing across the dangerous Atlantic. The following are a few newspaper clips announcing his arrival.


  1. "Says Polish Jews are facing death" is a pretty fascinating headline.

  2. I thought that was pretty prophetic. Most Jews didn't think they faced death, at least not in Winter '39-'40.

  3. So why don't all Lubavitchers wear spodiks?

    Why did the last Rebbe not put on the same levush on his head as der nossi der shver?

  4. Why are these from such random low-level papers. Any articles from bigger pubs? On second thought, would not all media be collecting their info from the same few sources ie AP or the equivalent, as is evidenced by the similar reports presented here and the same pic appearing at least twice.

  5. Just curious. Is there a listing of Gedolei Yisroel who came to greet the Rebbe upon his arrival?

  6. There were Rabbonim.I don't know who is considered a Godol in your book.

  7. The question was if there is a list.
    I guess you don't know of such a list.

  8. There is a list, it has no names on it.

  9. Rav Leizer Silver who was the only official chief rabbi of USA and canada was at the head of a large delegation ( there were many Rabonim as you can see from the video ) to greet the FR. even though he was a through and through litvak he remained and admirer of the FR. at the melave malke in cincinatti celebrationg 80th birthdayof the FR ( 10 yrs after his passing ) he was the keynote speaker ( at the request of the Rebbe - and he said something interesting ( those that know of him know that he never gave compliments and was genearlly very sharp and critical ) he said that the FR was the eliohu hanovi of our dor. he explained that E"H had 3 names - novi, tishbi and gilodi. novi- said that he is an eid that every word of the FR was niskayem. tishbi miloshon toshiv bidvar halocho. he said that even though the FR didnt publicise his earning and R Leizer never discussed with him yinyoney yore deo, choishen mishpot and even hoezer but in orach chaim he can testify there was no equal to the FR in the US ( coming from him it was most unusual. ) gilodi from galeid - tkifus and no pshoros. he said that in the previous dor the 2 gedolim who were gal eid were r chaim brisker and the rashab and the next generation it was the FR. there was one of those old fashioned real tape recordings made of that speech.

  10. OIF
    Was these speech ever printed?
    There is another speech on Reb Yoshe Ber of Boston on the FR and he made a analogy between reb Chanina ben Dosa and the FR

  11. The FR carried no weight by the american gedolim, these stories with reb lazer silber are a joke.

  12. Does Tzig mean Thorn in yiddish?

  13. anonymopus: i detect some inner farbisnkeit - anyone can make such a comment desrves no answer. according to halocho one can meid on metzius but one cannot be meid on heder hametzius. that has no credibility whatsover.
    who were the gedolim in america? rav aron kotler? he was just against the FR. R moshe feinstein respected him but they were in different worlds and did their own thing.
    to say that a story that had many witnesses and a recording is a joke - is only making a joke of oneself.

  14. oyf

    If you heard the recording then I definitely believe you, But in our day and age it should be printed in some magazine etc..

  15. WHo made Rabbi Silver an "official " chief rabbi. Did the Sate of Ohio recognize him as such ?
    Rabbi Teitz in Elizabeth and rabbi Eichenstein in S. Louis were also so called chief rabbis
    By the way the Bostoner rebbe rabbi levi Yitzchok Horowitz was there to greet him s as a bachur .

  16. schneur
    For some reason he was the spokesman of the orthodox Jewry

  17. "The FR carried no weight by the american gedolim, these stories with reb lazer silber are a joke."
    He certainly "carried no wait on the "Gedolim", but on true Gedolim, he did.


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