Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jews Making Trouble

Mr. Daily Yid got on my case this morning: Hayetochen I didn't write about the ex-Lubavitcher fashion designer who wrapped his models in Sefer Torah Mentlech??? And his "inspiration" was supposedly a Baal Shem Tov vort he heard as a kid; that every yid is a like farmachte sefer torah etc. What can I say? Lubavitchers, when they fall they fall to the lowest levels, as do Jews in general. I've repeated this a hundred times, and I think I stay true to my word: I'm not a news blog, and I don't report scandal for the most part. The prrof would be in the following two stories that I didn't cover: the Lakewood kid with the Brisker Peyos (at least he USED to have them) who robbed a jewelry store with a shotgun, and then delivered some of the goods to his father's house, presumably because he felt guilty or something. Very smart, kiddo, implicate your parents at the same time. Then there was the Satmarer kid who went and OD'd last week.

So, in case you have kids take them and lock them up, because nobody's safe anymore.


  1. it wasnt his father house. get your facts streight hirshel

  2. in lakewood everything is opposite the frum ones act like goyim and the goyim act like frum jews from forest park

  3. You deserve getting yelled at anyways.....since you are a Lubavitcher Chosid.

    Keep the yelling rolling!

  4. Same last name, no relation. In fact, I don't think they are spelled the same (yes, I know in the papers they are spelled the same). BTW, the family is chassidish.

  5. Nice article in Kfar CHabad a few weeks ago on Brian Riggs book that just appeared in Hebrew. They reviewed the relevant new facts he brought to light, and took him down for his bias. They are growing a spine.

  6. Lubavitchers are the best at whatever they do. Kiruv, Chassidus, Yiras shomayim, Going Frei R"L, being nasty R"l etc. in other words whatever they choose to do they excell. So is true for our zeebooris dezeebooris, fashion designers and all.....

    Yom Tov Sheini

  7. I hope the crowd that is being attracted to this blog is not considered the cream of the yeshivishe crop.

  8. It looks likes shaulsohn hand in that site he loves zenus stories and he hates aron tietelbaum

  9. My late father used to quote the Zionist leader Shmaryahu Levin Die Yiden zaynen a kleine volk, ober a paskudne !

  10. Tzig
    You have your facts totally screwed up:The package was left in front of Mickys' is chasidish and has a very busy shul.
    The kid has the same last name, that's all.
    And I don't know that he had Brisker peyos, actually he was probably a chasishe kid, but that has nothing to do with it

  11. Guravitzer
    Can you tell me what Bryan Rigg has to do with anything?
    I thought you had your own blog for posting questionable stuff.
    Btw as long as Rigg was pro-Lubavitch he was reliable, eh? Cuz I remember the very positive coverage in Bais Moshiach

  12. I get the point about it not being his father. The Peyos looks Brisker style; the hat and tie and clean-shaven face make the look complete.

  13. Tzig,
    I just checked the pic magnified.He is not shaven he has teenage stubble.It does not make a difference, it';s a very strange story, cuz he looks like a sweet kid

  14. The Daily Yid is starting to sound like a marriage bet Shoulson and Failed Messiah.
    Yid, if you read this we have gotten your point that you hate Aron Teitelbaum.You don't need to reiterate it every two lines

  15. i see u r getting slack for linking to me that i am a shoulson that hates the aronis

    let me clarify so u understand where i am coming from:

    i do indeed hate the zalis more than the aroinis why? because i feel the kingdom belongs to the aroinis and it was stolen from them, it hurts me and pains me how g-d can be so unjust.

    that said i still believe that as humans the zalis are more decent and they don't do such hurtful thinks as the aroinis, this is my opinion after witnessing intimately both peoples and the only drive for my blog is those personal opinions.

    i am willing to clarify if u have any questions why i feel it important to knock those aroins every second line, its because those links are hurtful stuff and it's a way how to ease the pain for the victims of those brutal terrorists called aroinis.

    take for instance todays headline: the guy is a sweet man who wanted to do the right thing, but because that actor is an aroiny and he is a zaly they besmirched his face all over the net, if i am silent i cannot live on the face of such injustice. so when i say "yemach shmom vezichrum" i feel better and i may be mistaken but i feel more stinged emotionally on this publicizing his face more that the pain of hitler

    i dont know any close man who can relate to me the suffering of hitler as much as i see the pain of what the aroinim do to me and my brothers and sisters. all for what? that their party should win! this is like fighting and killing innocents that hillary clinton should have glory. it does not make any sense and the pain is real

    so i thank shoulson for his work and yes i am trying to be like him

  16. Daily Yid
    Can you do me a favour and write your post in Yiddish.Your post as it stands is difficult to understand.
    Than you.

  17. His Yiddish is also not the best, that"s why it smells like Shaulson his Yiddish in his paper was also very bad

  18. Pick and choose.
    That should be the name of your so called 'blog'
    You pick what can portray other Jews badly with the thought that that somehow raises your cult.Wrong.
    'Kol ma sheosu lichvoid moshiach sheker shelohem osu'
    Noisen hatioro??Der Rebbe shlita iz doch 'naysen hateyreh'!
    Almost 14 years since his passing and he is still 'alive forever and ever and ever...' or 'just' Nosi Hadeyr.
    Just curious, how can you have a dead Nosi Hadeyr??
    Another sign of Lubavitch insanity.
    I pity your dad who has to suffer your Lubabism and crazy rantings

  19. so far the only " crazy rantings" come from " kool and internatsyonal. any good psychiatrists?

  20. Brisker Payes? The boy hails from the most heimishe family in Lakewood--his father has a huge nussach sefard shul!!! If anything, the boy is a Chabasker, as his family is deeply Chabad.

  21. Nusach means very little in these places. I know a Chabad hater in Flatbush who changed his nusach to sefard because it was better for business. There were too many ashkenaz ones, and not enough sefard. big deal.

  22. Nusach means very little.Hashem understands all nuscho'os and a nusach such as Ashkenaz that Rashi, Baaley Hatosfos and The Ramo used is good enough for me.

  23. kool aid internazinal,
    even a "dead" Nosi is too good for a brain-dead moron like you.

  24. "So, in case you have kids take them and lock them up, because nobody's safe anymore."
    This statement is more true than it sounds - NO ONE WAS EVER SAFE. Look at what happened to Korach, to Esav, to Yishmael, they all had the best education. On a more recent note, there have been wholesale educational screwups in every generation, or people that slip through the cracks under the best of systems, or an adversary to potent for the best educational system.

    Guess what? Somehow, the Jewish nation made it here today.

    It comes from Above, boys. Say a kapitel Tehillim at the end of the day and do your best.

    IMHO, this renders most of the Jewish blogosphere obsolete or useless, as there are very few that do more than kvetch. Those few that do have my respect.


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