Thursday, March 6, 2008

YeshivaWorld Breaks From "Daas Torah!"

Mr. YW, by hosting Rabbi Yehudah Levin of "GayWatch," who openly criticizes the Agudas Yisroel and Degel HaTorah, amongst others, has shown that he too is part of the crowd that knows better than Rabbonim and Gedolei HaTorah. Levin proudly boasts of his experiences in pressuring Rabbonim to follow his agenda, and shows that he too is like those "Askonim" who tell Rabbonim what they need to do. A 55-minute almost uninterrupted rant against Rabbonim and their Shluchei Mitzvah is hosted on that site, and the silence is deafening.

This is despite YeshivaWorld's claim to speak for the Yeshivishe and Heimishe Community. Let the record show that Hirshel Tzig, a "Chabadsker anti-Semite" who's been told he's not part of "Klal Yisroel" is the only one that was Moche against this travesty. Let all those who belittled and derided me come and beg forgiveness.


  1. "YeshivaWorld's claim to speak for the Yeshivishe and Heimishe Community"

    When did YW ever make that claim?

    You are nothing more than a rabid-Jew-Hating Lubab

  2. Life-of-Rubin picked up earlier in the week.
    I love how he questions if the internet is b'chlal apropraite -but if it is (though it may not be) then YW is by far the best part of it -Why? Because it allows people to find out about all the great thing he, Levine, does . . .
    אוף דעם קען מען זאגין ברוך שלא עשני מתנגד בשם ובמלכות

  3. I was moche when the moderater allowed all the comments with a backlash against the rabbonim be posted. way to go tzig!

    גם אני מצתרף לכל המחאה הנ"ל
    הק' חניק

  4. Anonymous: For shame! How dare you call ol' Hirshel a "rabid-Jew-hating Lubab"! That's libel.

    I for one am a fan of this lovable goat.

    Keep up the good work Tzigmeister!

  5. Anonymous said...
    "YeshivaWorld's claim to speak for the Yeshivishe and Heimishe Community"

    When did YW ever make that claim?

    You are nothing more than a rabid-Jew-Hating Lubab

    Thursday, March 06, 2008 10:59:00 AM

    Must be related to YW Editor.

  6. I don't understand how a simple, ignorant man can be consumed with so much self importance and allow himself to make such a mockery of his life. What an utter imbecile.

  7. Hirshel, doesnt exist in the real yeshiva world. ask any real kolel guy what it is, they wont know what your talking about. thats because most of them actualy listen to theyre gedolim who have banned internet years ago.

  8. אוף דעם קען מען זאגין ברוך שלא עשני מתנגד בשם ובמלכות

    Calling this miserable joke a misnagid is like calling Haman a Chabadsker. Please don't let hate get the better of you.

  9. What then is a Misnagid? The Rebbe once said that today misnagid is someone who reads the paper before devvening . . .

  10. Even though some of the causes he espouses are ligitimite but what an egocentric bal gaive.Whats this obsession with bubble gum chewers ? Perhaps he has a suppresed craving for bubble gum. I suggest we have a fund raising concert to purchase a couple of tons for him. Maybe Lipa?

  11. Its unbelievable to see the inner workings of our "Gedolim" today. All it takes is one Meshugena / fanatic to manipulate, threaten, blackmail and convince them sign whatever he wants.
    (I'm sure the samething happend during Lipagate)

  12. and today, mr yeshiva world is back at it again... reporting about spitzer...
    i think that since he reports on such stuff he should call himself "Yeshivah Underworld." (people may recall a store in BP called Underworld Plaza....)

  13. Is this the same Rabbi Yehudah Levin who campaigned for Patrick Buchanan HaRasha when the latter ran for President? If so, he has nothing to say to Jews.

  14. Charlie

    we can debate Buchanan at another time, but even Levin would agree that he supported Buchanan solely for social issues. He would also agree that PJB is no friend of Israel.

  15. >>What then is a Misnagid? The Rebbe once said that today misnagid is someone who reads the paper before devvening . . .

    Then I can show you plenty of "Chassidim" who are misnagdim.


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