Thursday, May 29, 2008


It was three years ago last week that we embarked on this very important venture, and we're still here, stronger than ever, b"H. We started Circus Tent. At that time we saw our site as one that counters the unchecked Chabad-bashing that was going on at the time, from 2 well-known sources. Then we realized that there was much more we could do; we could go on the offensive and show some of the bashers the chinks in their so-called armor. I will say this; there are times when I look back with discomfort at what I wrote or allowed to pass from commenters, but that's what happens when we allow the free and open exchange of ideas and of opinions. Most of what we write is not meant to embarrass and expose, but, rather, to level the playing field, do to speak, and to take the attention off of what's holy and dear to me.


  1. It should be with hatzlacha.

    I've only been watching for a while. From what I've seen, you've been defending Chabad with maybe a bare minimum of attacking others.

    Scharchem harbei meod.

  2. He will be nidoin betsoieh rotachas.
    Feh on this mushches

  3. it's interesting,not one person was able to reply,whay in a mokem kodesh,the shull of 770 we see long lines of so called chasidim
    passing by the wooden table of he rebbe with a cup of wine to say lechayim to the rebee,who in theire sick mind is seeted live in front of them exactly at the place were these nebech"s put the table....

    while all normal people know that the rebee was ��� in queens

    it's very appropriate in this case the words in ���� ���� � � �"�

    ��� �� ��� ����� �� ��� ��� � ��� ���

  4. corection;

    ���� � � �"�

    ��� �� ��� ����� �� ��� ��� � ��� ���....

  5. I liked the first version....

    ????? ????? ??????? sounds better than ???????????????????????????

  6. who is we? i thought this was a one man band

  7. it is, it's just a more refined way of saying it. That's all.

  8. This blog doesn't seem to be meshichist. Why is the oilum hocking about the yellow flag wavers?????

  9. To Tzig'I posted this on the wrong part of your blog.I am reposting it here.
    Take a look at the UOJ blog.I tried my best but apparently I didn't succeed.This UOJ guy is to good of a word spinner, which I am not.Maybe you or someone else out their who has the ability, can do better.This whole issue has made me somewhat despondent to the point where I promised my wife to lay of the blogs.The hatred out there not only for us as Chassidim but for the Rebbe is just overwhelming.I've thrown my hat into the ring.Ad Mosai?

  10. Rubashkin,Lubavitch and most important of all the Rebbe.

  11. I just want to ask that when you write posts you make it abundantly clear exactly what you are saying. The mayvin already knows your right, if you write with the non-mayvin in mind the blogs goals are better achieved.

  12. R' Hirshel SHLIT"A

    This blog would be alot cleaner without quotes from UOJ. In the Satmar "kreiz" there is a fellow named Alter Moishe Goldberger. He is Bnei Yoel and NK. He has a hotline of his own, with the goal of destroying the world. 2129906143. UOJ is the equivelant.

  13. long lines of so called chasidim
    LOL. I am as opposed to this nonsense as can be, but the long lines consist of a couple of dozen marginal stragglers.


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