Sunday, July 20, 2008

או שכן או שלא

What can be wrong with a story like this? after all, the man supposedly went from being totally frei to a Shomer Torah U'Mitzvos, complete with a beard and peyos! And we all know that the Torah way is the only way, so why does it matter if the "Samech-Mem" is as high as he says or not? But if all this is made up, then there could be trouble. Why would I suspect him in the first place? Maybe it's the silly special effects that turn me off, The looking around that he does during the filming; He seems to be trying to remember what his story is. I don't really know. Or it could be the proselytizing that goes on towards the end, the request for donations, and the plugs for his Tzaddikim. It brings back memories of the so-called Dybbuk extraction in 2000.


Some of you may wonder why "G-d sets up for failure,"c"v, like was asked in the comments here. You believe the whole story here because it's so similar to what the Reishis Chochmah says, but you wonder why the person is judged so harshly for what seem to be natural acts. Especially in the case of this young man, who knew nothing about Yiddishkeit when he died. I wish I had the answers. But if this whole thing is a fraud then why worry?


  1. What's there to say, he is keeping Torah and mitzvos, Tefillin, Kashrus , Shabbos. That's all that matters, who cares how he got there.

  2. Hirshel, Did you have your coffee today )prior to the fast)? I don't think so.....

    Y. T. Sheini

  3. I did not. Then again there are days that I don't have coffee...

    I did stuff myself late last night, so maybe it was the heartburn.

    But I thank you for your concern


  4. where your "ahavas yisroel"?
    ahavas CHINAM!

  5. i have this thing inside of me telling me look what happens to you after a person dies if you think about this every day a person will not do aveiros that i can promis

    one thing bothers me dont they know everything before hand why did they not know about him washing the kevorim or the grave stones or the seforim that he gave out

    the bottom line is one most never forget the powerful mesage this brings if you think about what he said there is forsure some true if not all true to his story we will have meshiach come very soon and are world will be very different people will do things for the mitzvah not for the kovod or any other motive

  6. Other than the fact that this tuff is terrifying, I don’t see any reason to suspect him if dishonesty… after all, if you learn Reishis Chochma (and I’m not saying that you should), it’s just as frightening but not yet on YouTube.

    My problem here is that this stuff (Reishis Chochman included) raises so many questions that I can’t answer. What does G-d do it for? What does He get out of it? Why set people up to fail? Why put them in positions where they are virtually guaranteed to make huge mistakes? To use Chazal’s example, I would be chastised for tying a purse of money around the neck of a young fellow and placing him before a house of Ill-Repute, but HKBH does this daily and then the Neshoma goes through stuff like that later…it troubles me…

  7. I learned two valuable lessons from this clip:
    1. On a treadmill I will watch for an entire hour something to which I would normally not devote a single minute.
    2. "Third World" is actually a very good place.

    The only thing that really bothered me was the 'twice a year tombstone washing'. Really, why not spread the dates more evenly? Why would you wash the same grave on Erev Yiem Kippur, a mere 10 days after it has just been washed on Erev Rosh Hashono? Why not wait till, say, Erev Pesah? I know, you will tell me he was washing different graves on those two holy days. ולא היא . One of the eidim that testified on his behalf said, "This man washed my grave twice a year". תיקו

  8. hirshel,which site is this video from?
    this story has fake, phony, and fraud
    written all over it,this guy is not even a good actor

  9. why would "zera l'vatoloh" be the first "issue" up there?
    don't beleive it's authentic.

  10. "tinuk she'nishboh" defense didn't work????

  11. so "shir hashirim" is out, "shtifat matzayvot" is in.

  12. it's very interesting, that there is no mention of the scores of "malachei chaboloh" created from all his "shkorim".

  13. "why would "zera l'vatoloh" be the first "issue" up there?
    don't beleive it's authentic."

    Because he is a Breslover? C'mon, if you listen to him, you'll end up with the "tzadik of Yavniel" (aka Mohorosh Breslover) of r. Kook from Tiveria... Good luck. Hope you know what Im talking about.

  14. Why is this mayseh any different than all the Lubavitcher blof stories?
    People are so blinded by their partisan little prejudices. This blogmeister himself sells us a fairy tale about a woman in Australia told by an 'objective' source, but here he does not 'know'
    Something about the frimmeh is so infantile

  15. right, sure. a story about a vayter kook of a tzaddik is the same as a guy telling a story about a OBE he had??? complete with monsters and boogie mans?

  16. Shimon

    Schick I can understand, but how does Rav Kook come into this racket?

  17. Same nonsense, different fantasy.
    Oh, did you hear, for real now, how some Lubavitchers have actually seen and talked to the Rebbe after his passing?
    Lubavitch has gone from being the 'thinking' Chasides to one spreading irrational fairy tales.It's your prerogative to believe the tales, but when you start mocking others for believing the same type of nonsense, you prove once again why you are not a 'bar da'as'

  18. R. Dov Kook from Tiveria, the Mekubal? He's a usual suspect, isn't he? After all, the video is coming from his web...

  19. I was amazed to hear how ashamed he said he was. Listen, when he "died", the guy wasn't frum. What made him so ashamed of what he did? I imagine that as a chiloni, he would've just flip them all the bird!"


    This guy that died wasn't yet frum, so it couldn't be that after his clinical death, he would wake up and tell all the details as actually they match the Torah sources about afterlife. You may or may not believe the authenticity of this video. But, I must say that it's very well may be Hashem's signs/signals for us to do teshuva, and it's our Yetzer Hara's job to confuse us. And if we are confused, then Yetzer Hara succeded. And the opposite is true if we do teshuva, we succeded. After all, it says in Pirkei Avot that "THE EYE SEES, THE EAR HEARS, THE HAND IS WRITING EVERITHING"(we learn this today from today's modern technology:the eye sees-television or video-phones, the person on one end can see the person on the other end thru mere wiring; the ear hears-telephone, Chofetz Chaim used to say"you say it here, they hear it there {and at that time they didn't invent telephones yet}"; "and everything is recorded"-tape recorder, videocameras. If mortal humanbeing can do it, you think Hashem cann't? So, let's not blame this guy that he was hallucinating or experiencing some episode of delusion, even if he has some mental problem, it says that some big rav (I don't remember if it was Steipler Gaon?) as soon as mentally retarded person would enter the room, he would get up from his place to greet him, or his parents, his students asked him once "Rabbi, why you are such an important person would get up in the presence of mentally retarded person?", to which he would reply :"Who knows whose neshama is on greater level- his or mine? Sometimes, a person does tikkun in 99% of the areas in life and mere 1% left which still needs to have a tikkun for. So, then Hashem puts his neshama in the body of a mentally retarded person, because He doesn't expect him to use his intellect because He didn't give him one. He only asks to the extent of persons gifts/talents that was given by H'B'. So, the neshama of the mentally retarded person could very well be on a very high madreiga. Now, how many of us look at this situation the way that big Rav did?


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