Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Don't be afraid of your shadows

What we learned last week from all the Lubavitcher coverage in Charedi publications - both Hebrew and English - is that magazines and newspapers are basically afraid of their shadows. They sit there and worry about the lone loser who's gonna be upset that they covered Lubavitch on 3 Tammuz or any other time, and will cancel his subscription, or - gasp! - call and complain. Most people have the intellectual capacity to understand that his or her point of view is not the only one, and he/she can understand that for the sake of unity it makes sense that this group of people and what goes on in their community needs to be covered as well. Once they understand that they can deal with the fact that group A, who they so despise, needs to have a bone thrown to him every once in a while. Otherwise, what you get is people sick and tired of the same group - with questionable achievements - being covered over and again, and you end up losing.


  1. "Otherwise, what you get is people sick and tired of the same group - with questionable achievements - being covered over and again, and you end up losing" - and why are lubavitch publications not guilty of doing the same thing?

  2. I've already got used to the fact that there is little or no coverage in Chareidi publications every year on Gimmel Tammuz. It's pretty pathetic.

  3. Typical chabadsker. Chabad is off the map and has been off the map for over 10 years already. Noone really cares about what they do on gimmel tamus or daled tamuz or any date for that matter. (Everyone knows that every other day in chabad is another twisted excuse of a "yom tov" so they can all get stoned drunk).

    Keep on thinking that everyones watching, but too afraid to report about it. You wish. Noones watching, and noone cares.

    Yes, there are there are people that are lonely loosers and noones. Even in in the corner of a dark basement they have enough of a complex to convince themselves that everyone is looking at them. Noone even knows they are there. vidomeh lazeh Chabad 2008.

    Boy, that felt good.

  4. Ah, yes, 'anonymous'....
    You mean down in that lonely corner of the basement where 'gedolim' like Yidi Kolko are molesting nebach's like you.... Or upstairs where other 'gedolim' like Lipa Margulies or Elye Svei are pretending not to know - is that what you mean ? And you're worried about lubavitch doing what....being there to waste their time helping (even) misfits like you ?
    Sick puppy.

  5. thats why anon 2:48 is anonymous!

  6. Anon
    in matter of fact Chabad coverage in the Charedi media has increased tenfold in the last ten years
    Its time for u to get a cold shower

  7. S. LipShits said:
    "And you're worried about lubavitch doing what....being there to waste their time helping (even) misfits like you ? "

    Chabadskers never helped anyone. The rest of Klal yisyoel is already helping chabad.Its no secret that the chabadsker kids are becoming frei like flies. Look how many kiruv movements there are bringing back the kids of all those lost B.T. LubeJobs that were left out to dry by the brainwashed "latka givers". All of our kiruv movements and kids at risk movements are there today picking up YOUR kids off the streets.
    So lipshits, when I have your kids and grand kids over for a shabbos seuda, and I try to ignore the hate for their own parents pour out of their mouths at my table. Thank me for it. You know you will.

  8. Anonymous 7:04

    The day you give a nickel to another Jew is the day Mohammed will come to the mountain. It must be fun fantasizing like that, no?

    Thanks for the laugh. I sure could use it.

  9. Seems like someone really touched a raw nerve, to get 'anonymous 7.04' off like that. Listen, you sick pig, may your hands be cut off for using them to smear so many thousands of good yidden who sacrifice their comfort to help pigs like you.

  10. Steve you can also start thanking klal yisroel ahead of time.

    Why wait till later?

  11. actually, here in Australia (Down Under!!) in the local edition of Hamodia, there was a special supplement in honour of the Rebbe and Gimmel Tammuz. Ok, you can say that it was sponsored etc. but still I dont think any material of this sort appeared in any other edition of the Hamodia or other publications. Actually our local edition is quite pro-Lubavitch, with very nice write ups about Rabbi Groner obm. Maybe on this side of the world, things are a little less tense...

  12. Steve 12:01:00 AM said:
    "Listen, you sick pig, may your hands be cut off...."

    I love when the TRUE lubavitch "love your fellow jew" ahavas yisroel shines.


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