Monday, December 1, 2008

The Very First "Ohel" Wedding

A short break from the mourning and tears.....


  1. Why isn't a fund set up for Moshe'le? Why only a fancy webpage to rebuild the Chabad House???

  2. shtusim vihavalim. he was annointed the successor, but he was married already at the time. He as about 16 yrs. old. Since his mother insisted on it, he got the rabistava vs. his uncle Reb Yoel, who subsequently moved to krula and then satmar.

  3. Moshe Holtzberg Fund
    1419 president street
    brooklyn, ny 11213

  4. I thought the story was that Reb Yoelish announced at his brother, the Atzei Chaim's levaya that he is being meshadech his daughter with Reb Zalmen Leib (1st cousins to each other). RZL became Ruv in Sighet and his whole family was killed (except his brother Reb Moshe who later assumed title Sigheter Ruv)

  5. Okay. If my memory serves me correct R. Zalman Layb was 14 years old and was made the new rav of Sighet , under the tutelage of his cousin Rav Gross from Berebesht (?) who became a dayan in Sighet and taught him horoeh.. But he got married a while later to the daughter of his uncle Reb Yoelish of Satumare and the bride died soon after the wedding leaving a "zubrochene " husband and father with no seed.
    Reb Yoelish had 2 more daughters : 1 died as a besulah and the other married anotehr nephew R. Lipa Mayer (changed his name to Teitelbaum) who became Ravaad of Satmar and the heir apparent until his wife died in the early 1950's and he remarried. He had a Beth Medrash on the upper west Side that still existed when I resided in the area. But R. Yoel had no grandchildren.
    I trust someone out there will look this up in a book like Fuchs bio of the Satmarer Rebbe, and let us know.

  6. Where did u find this newspaper? Can other editions be found and if yes, where?

  7. Very clever heading, if you take into consideration that the dynasty originates in Ohel (Ujhely).

  8. In the past weeks Mispacha magazine, an eyewitness recounted that the late Satmar Rebbe announced the ENGAGMENT of his daughter to her cousian ZL. Makes more sence, as an Ovel is not allowed to marry

  9. What is the most strange about this siget event is, that they crowned a Yenuke, as the Russian Rebbes. I thought that Sanz Siget was against that phenomenon.

  10. It was a way of making sure that the uncle did not seize effective of control of not only the chassidus but the town as well.

  11. the other news on that page is awesome too

  12. Schneur

    Yes yes the Uncle didnt return to that town for long stays.When the Yartziet of his parents were on fridays he left immediatly an hour before shabbos.

  13. Being that my Grandfather was from Sziget I heard from family members and that Rabbi Nuchem Hersh Kahane was the one who leaned with him the Hiroeh. Reb Nuchem Hersh was a Gabbei by his father and later on became the one to take charge of the family when the father dies.


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