Thursday, January 22, 2009

מעמד אינאגראציע

The winds of change are coming to even those who think that a suit or hat or sidelocks is all it takes to stand strong. Yoely is the epitome of that change. Worse than Lipa or any other guy with a mike. He gets to the bottom of the culture and exposes parts of it for what they are. Special attention must be paid to the body language, the rolling of the eyes, the handshake. There's lots to be learned from that. I laughed out loud. IMHO, Badchonim are the real "threat" to yiddishkeit that the powers that be see in the entertainers. What's the worse an entertainer can do, make you dance and sing? But a badchen, at least one like Yoeli, he gets you to think, and thinking is taboo in many circles....


  1. Yechi Pester Rebbe. Yoeli rulez.

  2. only those who have a deep understanding of the general culture and the deep familiarity with whom and what he is mocking can appreciate the stunning talent displayed by Reb Yoilish.

    in such a short time he can take in all, and mock in a few seconds such a wide range of aspects of our culture
    its a masterpiece every second is a revelation

    פוי פוי פוי

    Yosef 718


  4. Tzig Baachi,
    I could not stop laughing!This guy is seriously talented!
    I don't why you seem negative .

  5. we have the new mendel mocher seforim in the interlander dialect

  6. Last year on Purim Kotton these guys came to the White Shul with the Kruller Rebbe.
    They were hilarious.All ages were in hysterics.They were to totally clean .
    I recommend them highly for any simcha.
    Book them before the rabbis ban them.

  7. "before the rabbis ban them" LMAO
    Yes it is true, i've seen him preform, hilarious, never offends any private person, mocks stupidity of society and opens the eyes of narrow minded ppl! but 100% Kosher!!

  8. so, only when you mock an individual is it bad? mocking the entire frum Jewish lifestyle is OK?

  9. "mocking the entire frum Jewish lifestyle is OK?"
    not the jewish life style, but the stupid, i.e. machlokat, lashon hara, bad-mouthing other ppl, and THINKING they mean LESHEM SHOMAYIM this is what he mocks...

  10. The guy is great.
    In Europe too the badchanim were the vanguard and harbingers of change. They led the way for the Yiddish theater to develop. Elyokim Zunzer in Lithuania and White Russia in the late 19th century was such a person. In Transylvania marmorash there was a badchan and writer with bord and peyos Wolf Hersh Gottlieb who the Sigeter rav put into cherum in the 20th century.n the US we first had chazonim, then Yankev Miller, than Schmeltzer (solo) now a group of 'actors" I predict with in 5 years we will have a semi permanent Yiddish chassidic theatre group. After that anything goes perhaps cafes, salons, literary magazines maybe eventually a Hungarian Grade or Singer.

  11. The Hungarian Sholom Aleichim

  12. יחד עם כל בית ישראל אנו מכתירים את הוד כבוד קדושת אדונינו מורינו ורבינו האדמו"ר הגדול והנורא מפעסט שליט"א לרגל שנשתבע לשרת בקודש בנזר אדמורות פעסט הבירה
    ימים על ימי מלך תוסיף שנותיו כמו דור ודור, והוא יאריך ימים על ממלכתו על דרך אבותיו הקדושים לבית ניקלשבורג ועל דרך ימיו הגדול הנודע בציוריו העמיקים לידלדי תשב"ר
    כי אורך ימים ושנות חיים יוסיפו לך
    ואותן זורקי הסנדולים יוקעו נגד השמש כח פגעו בכבוד האי גאון וקדוש ועתידים הם ליתן את הדין

    הכותב בכבוד האחרון
    תלמידיו המתאבק בעפר רגליו

  13. The Hungarian Sholem Aleichem was the Yiddish writer Herszel Opshan who wrote Bays Israel about the petira of the Vishnitzer rebbe and the succession in Grosswardein.


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