Friday, January 2, 2009

It's Not About Whom They Defeated!!!!

A quick search for Hey Teves on this blog turns up some very important articles that are "must-read," if I may say so myself. Please click on the link here or at the end of the post to follow the link to the search results. It seems like many of you don't get the point of the celebration of Hey Teves and need to be educated. Or maybe you simply are not interested in hearing the truth...... It is true that many people in Lubavitch don't really get it, but that's to be expected of every group. A story like that is difficult to explain, especially in Lubavitch. Many mashpiyim feel that it's not לפי כבודו of the Rebbe to even discuss the nuances of the case, and that there was בכלל any התנגדות to the נשיאות of the Rebbe at any time by family members. So all they say is that the seforim were stolen and that the Rebbetzin said that the Seforim and the Rebbe belong to the Chassidim, and שלום על ישרא-ל! In my opinion they make a mistake, because a generation, and generations really, of people not knowing the whole story and being "stumped" by baachis who think that they have a "case" by condemning Lubavitch for "celebrating a victory against a fellow "Tzubrochene Neshomoh" Jew.

Search Results


  1. ילמדנו רבינו

    what is with this neuvo ישרא–ל and not the traditional ישראל?

  2. I didn't think that was "nuevo" at all. I thought that's how you write peoples' names when there's a א-ל in it. Am I wrong?

  3. bmakom shbaalei tshuvo omdim ain .... yecholim laamod. vaal s'shtinked!
    why do you think you know better than the mashpiyim?! how full of yourself can you be?!

  4. a gevoreneh iz erger vi a geboreneh....
    old news

  5. "The case that lead to Hey Teves was, as the Rebbe said, a Milchomoh kegen dem Alten Rebben, plain and simple."

    It seems to be true, but not in the way you look at it. It is just so צוגעפאסט for both the first and the last leaders of Chabad religion to be documentably מוסרים והולכי ערכאות

  6. the rebbe seems to have thought that he was the actual mamshich of the alter rebbe, no?

  7. Seems that nobody really cares about what the "yom teff' is about and who they did defeat.
    No comments at all.Maybe the Lubab have not yet recovered from the Farby's?

  8. seems you have a problem with English comprehension...

  9. I have seen lots of kisvei yad from various Rabonim through the ages, and I don't recall many having a reticence to write ישראל!!!

  10. It's a thing started as far as I can tell in yeshiva ketanos about 25 years ago (estimated based on what follows. I do not claim to know exactly). Along with kissing the doorpost instead of the scroll on it, habits learned at a young age stay with people. I have seen several younger talmidei chachomim write like that.

  11. so you mean to say that I've been saying Ginger Kale all these years for nothing?!

  12. I have been seeing it more and more, and it's one of these things that seems to be, how do I put it delicately ... misguided frumkayt?

    Gedolim VeTovim Mehem didn't seem to do it, even those who lived in Eretz Yisrokel whose names were Shmukel, Chanankel, Mishokel, Uzikel, Azrikel, Kelyokim, Kelkano, Chanamkel,Yekusikel, ... I think I will stop :-)

    Happy to stand corrected ...

  13. shem koidesh is chaye mushke. its the name which is brought down in sheymos gitin including kav noki. it was used for tzemach tzedek's wife in her ksube and matzeive. the rebetzin was named after her and on her ksube it stated chaye mushke. musye was a kinuy - like berl a konuy of the rebbe rashab - sholom dovber. by the way reb zalman leib teitelbaum of satmer is called to the toyre and in his ksube etc yekusiel yehuda and his kinuy zalman leib. the netziv's kinuy was hirsh leib and his shem koydesh naftoli tzvi ( hirsh ) yehuda ( leib ). anybody who denies that the shem koydesh of the rebbe's and tzemach tzedeks rebetzin was chaya mushka is just not too bahavnt in inyoney sheimos

  14. I raised this question recently when I asked what was on her Matzeiva. I was told "Moussia" which surprised me.

    PS. I think you should have written Yekusikel :-)

  15. sorry next time:)
    its interesting that even though her shem koidesh ( including on her matzeive in queens ) is chaye mushke - her name on her doccuments and her civil signature is Mussia H Schneerson. because she was called by her kinuy musye she signed ut first and her first shem koydesh Haya came second on hr signature

  16. Recently I received an invitation to a wedding taking place in מאנטריא-ל...

  17. I recently read an article that mentioned someone by the name of the A-migty (yes they left the H out too). Who is this guy and why are Jews davening to him? That is a kinuy of a kinuy of a translation of a kinuy. Come on. :-) A chossid of the modernishe rebbe (RJB) once joked that people do things like that because with all the lashon hara a jewish mouth can have a din beis hakisei and they want to avoid using shaimos hakedoshim.

    In serious (?) matters, nahare, is the satmar halbe rebbe (not a chutzpah he's rebbe of half the chassidus) really called up by his kinuy too? I never heard that done except for people given yiddish names at the bris.

  18. I wonder if the Maharash celebrated the day he won against the Kopuster and became rebbe in Lubavitch ?
    I wonde if the Mittler rebbe celebrated his victory over the Strasheler. Did the Rashab celebrate his victory ?

  19. Schneur
    From all the above the Miteler Rebbe celebrated Yud Kislev when he won a fight against his nephew more shomer torah then your maplewood rebbe

  20. mode bemiktzas
    r zalman leib is called up only as yekusiel yehuda - i just wrote in brackets to show the connection between the kinuy and shem koidesh.
    initially kinuyim we never part of shem koidesh. eg people were named at their bris or called up to the toire or in a ksube yehuda, arye, tzvi shloime, shneur etc and in common conversation they were called leyb/l, hirsh/l, zalman. in a get they would write yehuda hamechune leib, shloime hamechune zalman etc. already in the last 400 yrs in many cases the kinuy became paart of shem koidesh. eg they would be called by bris/toire/ksube tzvi hirsh, arye leib, shloime zalman. if they would be called by everyone by the yidish part than in the get they would write shloime zalman demiskeri zalmanm menachem mendl demiskeri mendel ( here you wouldnt write hamechune bec hamechune is only when shem laaz is a kinuy on shem koidesh not when the shem laz is a kinuy for a comination of shem koidesh and laaz ).
    in the case of r zalman leib in a get u would write yekusiel yehuda hamechune zalman leib

  21. whaaaat?!

    Zalman Leib is getting a Get?!

    !אוי געוואלד

  22. Easy to confirm his real name, just check the tzavo'oh of the last Satmerer.

    Or was that lost too, like other such documents?


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