Saturday, February 7, 2009

צוקער זיס

זיסע תינוקות של בית רבן שלא טעמו טעם חטא זענען משמח אן אלטע אידענע

Somebody is gonna be in hot water over this video, and I'm sure it won't last very long, so enjoy it while you can. This is apparently the Bilgorajer Rebbetzin, mother of the Belzer Rebbe. (Now I'm told it's his wife, not mother.) A group of Belzer Yingelach came to sing for her at what seems to be some special occasion, at least it looks like that from the way the table is set. To compare it to Chabad, the Rebbe's mother, Rebbetzin Chana Yanovski-Schneerson would have Reb Yoel Kahan often sing Chassidishe nigunnim for her, though without the accompanying accordion....


  1. Legend has it that Avrham Fried would sing for Rebbetzin Chana as a young boy as well [they were neighbors in 1414 -1418]

  2. This is the current Belzer Rebitzen, not the Rebbe's mother.

  3. beautiful!
    thanks for posting

  4. I think this is NOT the rebbes mother. Im almost postive its his wife.
    It would be nice if you would find out the facts before you 'report', instead of making up your own stupidity. you loose credibilty.

  5. Report?

    I embedded a you tube clip and said "apparently." That means it can be corrected. I was thinking that the current Rebbetzin was a bit younger than the woman pictured here.

  6. Mr. or Ms Anonymous,

    I don't think Tzig is going to "loose credibility". I think your screws are loose.

    By the way in the video it's Reb Moishele's daughter.

  7. How can one compare these zisseh kinderlach with beautiful peyos to the fagrebteh Chabadsker kids.
    The Belzer Rebbe is about 60 so his mom would be about 80/85, so I don't think it's the mother

  8. Duvy
    the gehinom isn"t big enough for you

  9. I know for a fact that a year or 2 ago she put mezizohs on a chosids house,certain chasidim believe that she is the real Yirath shomaim from the 2 of them

  10. -Duvy: how can a fargrebte person like you comment about zisseh Lubavitcher kinderlach?

  11. I didn't know once upon a time Yoel did something with his life. What good use of an alleged talmid chacham.

  12. Duvy, “one” can compare the two if he is truly a Jew with a Yiddiseh Neshumeh. He sees that even though the children from Chabad may not have long peyos, speak soley Yiddish or wear the same exact type of clothing we are really one unit.

    However, for a mazer ben niddah whose Yiddishe lineage is dubious I can understand the question. Don’t insult my children you uncircumcised p***K.

  13. "However, for a mazer ben niddah whose Yiddishe lineage is dubious I can understand the question. Don’t insult my children you uncircumcised p***K."
    'scuse me??
    This is what I meant by "fagrebt"

  14. Why would so much hatred be caused by a simple and kind post?

    Why don't you haters go elsewhere? There are blogs that are written just for you.

  15. agreed
    all the people with anger issues or self hatered complexes please go to dov bear, uoj, or emes vemunah blogs
    you will be at home there surrounded by your kind

  16. It would be the coolest thing for R' Yoel to sing chassidishe nigunnim while playing an accordian!

  17. Truth said that in the last 3 reparations of Belzer Chassidus the Rebbetzins didnt exist on a public leve, but the first rebetzin Malka was functioning well and beyond a regular aishes chover, The were sitting together in front of chassidim,I remember seeing by Reb Yankeles stories (13 Oiros)that there was a certain Chosid that disproved the Rebbetzin being front and center, so the Rebbe Rav sholem gave him some Kepaido etc..

  18. doesn't she light נרות שבת in front of the whole עולם every Friday?

  19. Yes, and she takes kevitlech then too for years she was dissed by her great husband as a fool, but he couldn't ignore her anymore since she is admired by a majority of chassidim as a Poyel Yeshous,
    Aren"t chasidim worse then sefardim?

  20. "agreed
    all the people with anger issues or self hatered complexes please go to dov bear, uoj, or emes vemunah blogs
    you will be at home there surrounded by your kind"

    Talk about nasty and hateful posts.
    I guess this is ok by Yehupitz standards, though.

  21. ek?
    I didn't write that comment.
    But I think you knew that.

    For what it's worth, I don't consider emes v'emunah hateful at all. Harry is a good guy, who means well and has no hatred, even with his (mostly reasonable) hisnagdus to some chareidi and Chabad stuff. Harry doesn't belong in that list.

  22. "People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?...It’s just not right. It’s not right. It’s not, it’s not going to change anything. We’ll, we’ll get our justice....Please, we can get along here. We all can get along. I mean, we’re all stuck here for a while. Let’s try to work it out. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to work it out"
    Words of Rodney King on The L.A Riots

  23. Yehupitz,
    A reasonable approach from you for once.Anybody with an honest mind knows that Maryles is a decent fellow whether you agree or disagree with him.DovBear is a very well written and intellectual blog,but he has an agenda which he doesen't hide and he has posted some choice words that you said about him, so I don't think you are exactly "unbiased" when it comes to him.UOJ:Well, well...very nasty, but our "dear" Arthur, is a big fan and poster there.

    Legufoi shel inyon:I knew that you did not post that comment, but I also know that you would never,ever have a word to say about the snidest,nastiest,wicked long as they belong to one side.The side you like.You are after all objective.

  24. I noticed something pretty wild. In the last few seconds of the clip you can see two paintings on the wall. One of them is the Belzer Bais Hamedresh.

    Thats real hiskashrus, like having a picture of 770 in the Lubavitcher Rebbe's house.

    Or maybe it is a painting of the Bais Hamikdosh, or maybe just maybe....haynu hach. :)

  25. Very nice What are they singing ? My Litvishe "everen " don't understand what they are singing ?

  26. To compare it to Chabad, the Rebbe's mother, Rebbetzin Chana Yanovski-Schneerson would have Reb Yoel Kahan often sing Chassidishe nigunnim for her, though without the accompanying accordion....

    To compare it to my childhood in Lakewood, as cheder children we would go to the nursing home to sing for stam yiddin, no rebbe's mother and no rebbe's wife, just plain poshite stam yiddin.

  27. at least the design of the belz beis medrash is from elyiahu hanavi, so there is a point in having a picture, but who designed 770 to make the building holy? who invented the number 770 to make the number holy?

  28. so design is that all matters now, not what happens later on? interesting.

    did Eliyahu build the current shul, too?

  29. Schneur

    They say that when the CC spoke at the Knesiah Gedolah the Peylisher Yidden could not understand him. I had a hard time believing it; after all, how hard is another dialect to understand? but after hearing your words I can believe it!

    אמר רבי עקיבא אשריכם ישראל ואומר מקוה ישראל השם
    מה מקוה מטהר את הטמאים אף הקב"ה מטהר את ישראל

  30. did Eliyahu build the current shul, too?

    no, but its modeled on the old one because of eliyahu hanavi, unlike 770 in kfar chabd

  31. So why the "hot water"? What's the problem here? The fact that the Rebbetzin was caught on tape and is exposed to the public?

  32. yes. I would imagine she wouldn't be too happy about it.

  33. "UOJ:Well, well...very nasty, but our "dear" Arthur, is a big fan and poster there."
    Thanks for the plug but as to being a "big fan", I really don't think so.He does make some valid points but we've had our differences.I am not a "big poster" there.No more so then here or the Jerusalem Post or Cross Currents (where I post under my real name)or any other site that catches my fancy.

  34. -LkwdGuy said: Good on you (as they say Down Under) - for the record I know chabad chedarim that do the same thing - halavay it it would happen more often.

    -Anon 8:21: The answer to your question is that The Aibershter -atzmus u'muhus - (un nit vi es iz areyn geshtelt in a guf - so hold you stupidity) designed through His Hasgcha Elyona hapratais the shape and adress of 770.

  35. No, Maryles is not a decent fellow. He is a hateful person. When the Jews were being expelled from their homes in the Gaza Strip, normal decent people were horrified. Some supported action against the soldiers, some encouraged soldiers to refuse orders, others said that would make things worse and the only resistance should be tefilloh and mitzvos. Maryles said he would celebrate and make a seudas hodo'oh on the day they would be expelled. That is not a decent person, that is not a loyal yid.

  36. So when 770 was build in 1920, and served as an abortion clinic, is was done by atzmuso umahuso so that it can be the future beis rabbenu.

  37. Sure, why not? He is a yodea asidos, after all.

  38. "Some supported action against the soldiers,"

    Millhouse:You are your usual self.
    What normal person supported attacking soldiers?Nobody,I know.But you consider such action reasonable.

    Harry Maryles believed like many others at the time that the disengagement would make the situation more manageable and maybe make some kind of accomodation with the Palestinians doable.In hindsight they were wrong.I'm sure that today he agrees that it was shortsighted.
    If only Lubavitch were as honest as Harry Maryles.Instead you are still pushing the notion that Lubavitch is very anti-Zionist.Just like Satmar!
    (apparently you have managed to delude yourself to!)

  39. No amount of shortsightedness justifies celebrating the expulsion of Jews from their homes. He's a monster.

    And yes, Lubavitch is the group that not only rejects "reshit tzmichat geulatenu" but calls the medinah "choshech koful umchupol". That sounds pretty anti-zionist to me. But that doesn't mean zionists can't be good Jews. They're just mistaken, just like Satmarers who think Hashem can't make a miracle through resho'im (except Kastner).

  40. Millhouse,
    From your anonymous perch you call a person who is brave enough to use his real name a "monster"?
    For shame.

    Btw, I'm pleased that you've managed to convince yourself that Lubavitch is "extremely anti-Zionist" despite very concrete evidence of the exact opposite to anyone with half a brain.You've also managed to convince yourself that there is no halocha of "dina demalcHusa".Back then is when I stopped taking you seriously.For all I know you are some imposter trying to make Lubavitch look bad.

  41. Of course "dina demalchusa dina". Now explain how that obligates anyone to obey the law.

    If I tell you that you must jump three times in the air every morning, and when asked for proof I quote you "bereishis boro elokim", I haven't proved anything.

    Here are some hints: what does "dina" mean? How would one work out what any phrase used in the gemara means?

  42. this is a comment from a previous post - it will probabaly be conveniently ignored so i am posting it to the latest post which had the farbissene taynes of hiskashres etc.
    i am looking at all the comments of the usual bitter sad people who have little happiness in life and have to restore to all the usual ibergekaikete taines of avoida zorah etc. it reminds me on the taines which the karoim have in their books prooving that the rabonim ( all of us who believe in teire shebeal pe )are kofrim because it says in tshba"p that kol hameharher achar raboi keilu meharher achar shchine or moire rabcho kemoire shomaim etc etc. so we are in good company and they ( these numerous anonymouses, aylimisher and all the other snags ) are also in a appopriate company of karoim. its also very interesting that just like with karoim one cannot argue because we are talking from a different premise - we believe in toshbea"p and they dont - similarly there is no common premise of toyre with these snags on this blog. i have tried a number of times answering their amaratsishe taynes( which never had any mekoyres or learning )about moshiach min hameisim, role of nessiim etc with some sources ( you can look back into archives ) but suddenly there was silence followed a few days later when they hoped my mekoires will be forgotten by the same amaratsishe empty allegations. keep up the good work! you are the best promoters of lubavitch and the best underminers of the farbissene misnagd

  43. Anon,
    Was abortion legal in 1920? I believe Roe v. Wade was legislated in the 60's

  44. Avi,
    Dina demalchusa is not Yerag Veaal Yharog, they tore apart families with damage forever,for what ?that Sharons son should avoid the judicial system,

  45. I want to thank you for posting this short but very uplifting video of the HEILIGE KINDERLACH SINGING FOR the Belzer Rebbetzin that I have watched now about 20 times in between all the other posts I have been involved in. The voices of the kinderlach are uplifting as they sing about "Avinu Shebashamayim" and as teh Rebbetzin waves them on with her clenched double fists. Even the man conducting the kids has a good Chasidishe presence about him, and there is indeed an aura of upliftment and nitzchius in the sight and sound of this short inspiring video. Thanks again for posting it!


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