Thursday, March 5, 2009

ברוך שעשה לנו נס

The Frierdige Rebbe, Rashag, Bere, Reb Shlayme Aron Kazarnovsky, Reb Moshe'le Schneersohn-Twersky, Rachal, Pier 94, NYC, 9 Adar II 5700


  1. Is the Rashag carrying the "atomic codes" in the briefcase ?

  2. So why no more shtrymlech for lubav?

  3. whats the Nes ? is it that berke slipped away?

  4. you're welcome for the pic...:)

  5. Payshe

    דו ביסט דאס

    ואנכי לא ידעתי

  6. The Rebbitzin (shviger) didn't wan't RMMS to be Rebbe, she held the sitra achra should be Rebbe and refused to give the striemel to RMMS, so he made a statement and said I'll be a Rebbe with a regular hat, I don't need a spudik to be Rebbe.

  7. A million bucks, Hershel!

    Checkout the "arrived quarantine" sign on the top.

    Kazarnovsky looks like he stepped out of an Italian opera with that perfectly coiffed mustache.

    Are those spats on liebermen or Halbe Sheech??

    And someone forgot to tell the Rashag about the Hakpodo of right over left. Even Barry has got it right.

    But the hats are the best. Everyone is doin' his own thing. Something about an untouched, authentic Jewish beard, topped with a grey fedora. Dira Batachtoinim, no?

  8. looks like spats. Not that I knew what they are...

    Rashag marched to a different drumbeat...

  9. Why did the Rebbe need the Rayatz'a spudik? Didn't they sell any in NYC?

  10. What"s the obsession with the chitzoniyus in the picture by everyone . Look into the face of the Rebbe and you see both the Tzaros harabim and a determination to start again.He is obviously ill, but not in a state of surrender.
    The bittul and kavod of the Rashag , Bere, and the Rachal towards the Rebbe are also apparent in the picture.
    Bere told me many times when I asked him about clothing that in Lubavitch people were not makpid. This may be a bit mild, but lets face it Chabad did not have the stress on the shmone begodim other had.
    Except for the Kolpek , the Rebbe is dressed like a Lithuanian rav.
    I am waiting for another rebbe to drop all the Theatrical costumes and get out there dressed like an ordinary Jew (as if the Chafetz Chaim or Reb Nachumetze Horodner or the last Lubavitcher rebbe were ordinary jews)I bet many of the Chassidic masses know the dress is meaningless and are waiting for someone to give them some real leadership and spirituality beyond assuring bechiros and Terkishe tallesim.

  11. Schneur
    Thats why the Rebbes hate LIPA he has nicer bekiches then them and puta up a much better show,

  12. An Almesher
    The story of the Rebbe wanting the FIL shtriemel has no legs,
    Wearing a shtriemel in lubavitch was on its way out, the Reashab was only wearing it in the town of lubavitch, The Marash made a little fuss by the Reshabs wedding when the Avrucher family wanted to get him a Shtriemel. There was too much Poilish influence by the Avrucher family for the Marash taste.

  13. בס"ד

    ערב יום הקדוש (יום כי-פורים) התשס"ט

    לכבוד ידידי די באתרא הדין ודי בכל אתר ואתר ובפרט המרה (לא שחורה) דאתרא מוה"ר הירשל שליט"א

    חייב אנ"ש לבסומי בפוריא עד דלא ידע בין חסיד למתנגד. בין אנ"ש (אנשי מורנו הגה"ק הרב שך זצוקללה"ה) לאנ"ש (אנשי האדמו"ר הרמ"מ שניאורסוהן).

    די וואס רעדען וועגען סנעגס מיט א געפערליכער ביטול און האס און מיינען אז זיי זיינען פון דעם 'אנדערע זייט' מאכען א געפערליכער טעות. סנעג איז מלשון סניגור (א העלפער, א פארטיידיגער, אזוי ווי חסידים רופען אהן ר' לוי יצחק מברדיטשוב, 'סניגורן של ישראל').

    א פרייליכין פורים

  14. Notice that the Rashag bottons left over right!

    - Z.I.Y.

  15. "snag" is also miloshoyn "tzu khapn" - like a khusid khaping shirayim...
    "hagam LICHBOYSH es hamakloh..."
    or like Yakoyv khaping birchas Yitzchok.

    - Z.I.Y.

  16. If Lubavitch is not interested in חיצוניות why do they all wear imitations of the Rebbe's hat.


    The litvishe also wore kolpiks as is apparent from the pictures of the Netziv and the Aruch Hashulchan.

  17. Lichboysh es hamakloh? who grabs a stick? I leined megilla twice Purim day plus heard it in shul and nobody grabs a stick anywhere.

  18. I am not aware of any Litvishe rav who wore a spodik after World war 1, certainly not in 1939. Before that of course we have pictures of Rav Kuk, (I think the spodik he wore was an ode to his chassidic background and the fact that he was a Rebbe too.) and others like rabbi Landisnky of Radun.

  19. Almisher,
    Wearing the same hat as the Rebbe is a sign of hiskashrus, Nobody in chabad would say it a part of the Yud Gimel Iqrim as by the Chagas chasidim.

  20. "The Rebbitzin (shviger) didn't wan't RMMS to be Rebbe, she held the sitra achra should be Rebbe and refused to give the striemel to RMMS, so he made a statement and said I'll be a Rebbe with a regular hat, I don't need a spudik to be Rebbe."
    The Rashag z"l was not the sitra achra, but an example of a devoted Chossid of both the Frierdiker and Heintiger Rebbeim.


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